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COMP: Hearing Echoes...

Posted on Wed Jan 31st, 2018 @ 7:41am by Leiddem Kea (*)

Mission: Mission 5 - Liberation
Location: Deck 7 - Armory
Timeline: MD 02 0246 hours
1178 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Micheal couldn't sleep. Between the revelation of the treasure trove on the ship, to the issue with Dixoho, he was finding it a little difficult to turn his brain off. Combined with those issues, he couldn't shake the feeling that someone, or something, was watching him.

He had decided to head to the armory to perform yet another full inspection of the ship's small arms compliment. Unlike the full collection of weaponry found on a Starfleet vessel, the Mary Rose boasted a pitifully small assortment of personal energy weapons. Instead of a full compartment, they had a large locker. Its contents consisted of ten phaser rifles that were nearly twenty years old. In addition, there were seventeen Type II phasers and nine Type I's. There were enough energy packs to reload each weapon at least twice, before they would have to be recharged.

As he was putting away the last rifle, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. The air around him felt very cold, and he thought he heard a voice.

Save yourself....

Spinning around, he drew his disruptor pistol and aimed at where he thought the sound came from. Only to stare at a blank bulkhead.

"Whoa!" Leiddem held up his hand as the pistol was aimed at his chest. He looked up at the sandwiches that were dripping sauce onto his black tee. "I know I am late and eating but it is zero three hundred and I've come from the crew bar..." The man didn't want to be there at all but he hadn't drunk or partied too hard before coming as requested.

Micheal instantly lowered his weapon. He apologized as he slid the firearm back into his thigh holster. "Sorry about that, Leiddem. I thought I heard...something." He glanced around the compartment, still feeling as if they were being watched. "Did you hear the voice?"

"You've been very jumpy this last month or so." It hadn't slipped the Betazoid's attention just how jumpy the man was suddenly. It wasn't like they were friends or anything, but Leiddem had a certain amount of respect for the man, even if a lot of the crew didn't see it that way. The Marine was a good judge of character most of the time and he got fewer vibes off this man than he did a lot of the crew, he didn't think the man would sell them down the river to make a quick buck.

Micheal shook his head, as if trying to shake a bad feeling. "I know. I've been feeling... hell... I've been feeling as if someone keeps walking over my grave. I keep getting this itch that I'm being watched. Then there are those damn voices."

"Voices?" Leiddem wondered finally lowering his hand and grabbing a quick bite of his sandwich. He stepped into the small space and let the door close, automatically locking behind him. It was so old-fashioned in his opinion that it was quaint. Some of the spaces on the ship his mother would have adored for that reason, she was a doctor but more than that she was a historian first. Growing up, there has always been old-fashioned instruments around the house, ones that should have never been played with by a child.

Turning back to the locker, Micheal closed and locked it. Then, as he moved to his office, he motioned for his assistant chief to follow him. "I know it sounds crazy," he began, as the pair entered his small office. "But, I know I'm not imagining it. I've already used the medical kit in my shuttle to scan my brain for any anomalies. Didn't find any." He dropped himself heavily into his chair. "And yet, I'm still hearing things. Hell, maybe someone or something is communicating telepathically."

Jutting his chin toward Leiddem, he asked, "You're Betazoid. You picking up any kind of presence?"

The man followed easily back out into the office area. It was interesting that the ship had an armoury like this but nothing in any of the small lockers around the ship. Leiddem raised an eyebrow but nodded, he took in a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Nothing at all I am afraid. Maybe you need sleep?" He hinted seeing it was Zero Three hundred in the morning.

Sighing in defeat, Micheal nodded. "Maybe. I haven't..."


Micheal literally jumped from his chair, hand on his disruptor, ready to draw it. "Come on! Tell me you heard that?!"

Leiddem jumped out of his skin and turned around automatically to the door expecting someone to run in. He gulped and paled when no one came into the room and no footsteps echoed outside. "Oh, that I did." He assured, moving to the door, but no one was in the corridor outside the security office.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Micheal was getting agitated now, though, he was thankful that he wasn't the only one hearing the voices. Moving back to his desk, he tapped a few controls, and has the Rosie run an internal scan, checking on the total number of lifeforms aboard. He then compared that number to the current roster.

The Betazoid shook his head, he didn't have a clue. He wasn't sure he was even sure what he had heard let along an action to match it. "No idea... maybe it is someone just playing a trick?" The man said hopefully, he believed in things he could sense not some random voice.

Micheal growled angrily. "Well, if this is a joke, the joker ain't gonna find it too damn funny when I get my hands on 'em." The computer beeped softly. Looking down at the screen, he saw that the numbers matched. Frowning slightly, he said, "Well, everyone one who's supposed to be here, is here. No extra lifesigns."

Lieddem just shrugged. "Let us just carry on with this lot Micheal. S5ooner we get it done... sooner we get to bed instead of being up at zero three hundred." He soothed softly. "It is probably just a joke." The Betazoid didn't feel or see anything wrong apart from the man being angry. He liked the Armory Chief happy and jolly.

Still quietly fuming, Micheal finally started to calm, thinking that Lieddem was probably right. "Yeah. I could use a few hours sleep alright."

"So want to hear the rumours I've heard about you?" Leiddem offered to try to chill him out again.

"Rumors?" Micheal glanced back at his assistant chief, as he finished securing the weapons locker. "What rumors?"

"Well..." Leiddem started sitting back into the chair and starting on the thing he had heard from the fact the man slept on his ship to the fact the man had been in the turbolift for a while with a certain Chief Navigator holding up lots of people wanting to use it.


Leiddem Kea
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Micheal Robertson
Chief Armory Officer/Bounty Hunter
SS Mary Rose/Shuttle Alexandria


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