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Securing the Bounty...

Posted on Fri Apr 6th, 2018 @ 3:38am by

Mission: Mission 6 - Azzia
Location: The Lair
Timeline: MD 06 / 1305 hours (local)
1501 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

The unmarked panel truck drove up to the loading dock behind the dilapidated building. The alleyway was empty except for some old smelly scrubs that were sleeping off whatever form of high that allowed them to endure their pitiful existence. Anyone who looked down the dirty shadow-filled back street would have been surprised to see a young girl, puffing on a cigar, get out of the tdriver's side of the truck, and walk around to tbe rear of the truck, where the hatch had already opened and a grav sled, with two large bundles on it, had been automatically unloaded. Pushing the loaded grav onto the concrete platform, she approached the closed dock door. Suddenly, the security holoprojector flicker to life.

“See here!” the flickering projection said in a warbling voice, “This is private property! If you do not leave at once I am authorized to remove you with deadly force!” The image's hands started to glow and crackle to back up its threat.

The little girl sighed, and morphed into a large brown grotesque form, that made the seams of the once loose dress stretch and bind.

“Ah, Mr. Green,” the projection said as its hands returned to normal, “I must have my ocular processors adjusted. I didn’t recognize you for moment.”

“I hate rush jobs,” Không ai cursed, then to the projection said, ‘Mr. White will be arriving within the next half hour, please be sure to refrain from killing him.”

“Absolutely Mr. Green,” the projection assured him, “It wouldn't do to kill the other half of the new managerial staff.”

The syndicate had set them up in an old defunct holo-brothel in a deserted section of the city’s seediest pleasure district. The local fixer promised that they’d have no problems with local law enforcement, who kept a wide berth of this Null ghetto. The chameloid took perverse pleasure in knowing that even in a system as ‘civilized’ as Azzia, there were still those that society handed the dirty end of the stick to. It justified her own cruelty, because bottom line, everyone needed to be tortured for something.

As Không ai entered the building, she was assaulted by the smell of rot and mildew, mixed with an older stench of stale cigarettes, spilled beer and pathetic desperation, a classy joint to be sure. She pushed the grav toward the two holosuites that they were able to get online. Stopping at the first one, she picked up the smsller of the two bundles and entered. It was the girl, still sleeping off the sedative. Không ai carefully removed her clothes, leaving only her underwear, knowing how much vulnerability this would provide when the time came, she then injected girl with a drug cocktail of the chameloid's own special recipe, before leaving the suite and activating the program.

The program was also special, as it was a variant of a Cardassian one, intended to cut a subject off from all external stimuli. The girl would be suspended in the middle of a zero-g void, unable to touch any surface. There she would hang, in the dark chamber, warmed within a half degree of her own body temperature so she couldn't even feel warm or cold. Sound dampeners even prevented subjects from hearing their own screams. They are left alone with their own confusion, dread and panic. That, along with the injection of adrenals and stimulants, would soften the girl up for questioning, though her heart would need to be monitored closely to make sure she didn’t stroke out on them.

“I really hate these rush jobs.” Không ai cursed again as she sealed the door, then said "Computer, increase pressure in holosuite 2 by 10 millibars per minute until it has reached a pressure of 3500 millibars."

Returning to the grav, she hoisted the remaining bundle onto her shoulders and entered the other holosuite. In this room a simulation of a Klingon warship was running, and, as they had entered the ‘cargo hold’, two ugly sentries saluted Không ai. She laughed slightly, even if the human escaped, he’d be running around the endless hallways of the simulation, being pursued by the now somewhat lethal Klingon warriors.

She dropped the bundle onto the deck and removed the male, who was just beginning to stir. Không ai sighed and injected him with some more sedative, wouldn’t do to have him wake up yet. He stripped the human down to his boxers, and sat him in the only real object in the room, a heavy wooden chair equipped with equally heavy straps. After restraining him, Không ai activated the feed to the other suite. The girl appeared floating in front of both of them.

Azzia holo technology was indeed impressive. Không ai could swear he could smell her suntan lotion. The sound dampers were off for this projecton so he could hear every sound the girl was making as she began to stir. T'omas was given her boyfriend a front row seat on everything they were going to do to the girl. The Betalgeusian was an even bigger sadist than she was, Không ai didn’t know whether to be impressed or jealous as she left the holosuite and locked the door.

As the chameloid closed the door to the holosuite, T'omas approached. "And how are our guests doing?" Without waiting for a reply, the tall Betelgeusian stepped over to the observation terminal. On it, the exterior of both rooms could be seen. The programming for each could be controlled from this terminal as well. T'omas gazed first at the semi-nude form of the woman, feeling a wave of revulsion roll through him. The mammalian humanoids were quite ugly in his opinion. He couldn't understand how so many of his kind could stand to serve next to them.

Pressing a control, the image changed to show the other room. A satisfied sneer crossed T'omas' speaking mouth, as his beak clicked loudly. All of his planning was quickly coming to fruition. Soon, they would have the information that their clients wanted, and then, while his partner had her fun with the Trill, T'omas would methodically, and excruciatingly painfully, end Micheal Robertson's life. He had the necessary tools and drugs to ensure the experience lasted as long as his wished it to. "How soon until they both are awake?"

"The girl's already awake," Không ai replied, "But we have to wait at least four hours for the chamber to get to the correct pressure for the gasses to saturate her tissues," she added, trying to sound dispassionate, despite her excitement. "I'd like to wait a full eight hours for the drugs and program to wear her down." Then looking at the other monitor, "As for the pretty one, it's hard to say. He was coming around even before I strapped him to the chair, so I tranked him a second time. Maybe another two hours." Looking at the blood lust in T'omas' eyes, she added, "Remember, we may have to use him to double check anything I get from the girl, so don't damage him too bad."

Glancing at the chameloid, T'omas' features darkened slightly. "And you remember who's in charge here." The look in his eyes and the tone of his voice made evident the fact that he expected zero challenge to his alpha position in the team. While he had brought the chameloid on board for her skills, he demanded that she recognize that he was in charge.

"Ah T'omas, T'omas, T'omas, You are the leader and as always I am the follower," Không ai replied trying to placate her mercurial employer, "You are fierce and decisive, they are your most admirable traits but you can also be rash and impulsive. Just as you must remind me, to be careful of my,,,excesses, as your,,,,friend a must caution you of yours." An alarm sounded on Dix's heart rate and blood pressure were spiking, fear and panic were taking hold, "With your permission I need to monitor this, the girl's lungs are compromised and we don't want to kill her before we can talk with her." she said this a demurely as possible to show T'omas that she 'understood' her position.

Considering the words of the silver-tongued chameloid, T'omas finally nodded curly. "Keep her alive." He stepped away from the console and moved over to the communications console. After activating the device, he typed the agreed-upon message, encrypted it, then sent it out to the coordinates requested by his clients. He included photos and D.N.A. of his prisoners, proof that he had, indeed, captured them. If all went to plan, the next part of his payment will be forwarded to his accounts in the next day or two. Once he had confirmation of payment, the next stage would begin.

The interrogation.

:::To Be Continued...:::

T'omas el-Altaa
Bounty Hunter
NPC Robertson

Không ai
Bounty Hunter
NPC Kane


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