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Sun Feb 11th, 2024 @ 10:50am

Chief Medical Officer Maeliana Lehn

Name Chief Medical Officer Maeliana Lehn

Position Chief Medical


Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 32
Place of Birth Hedaya Province, Betazed
NPC Author Serahni

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 118lb
Hair Color Blonde (cosmetically altered)
Eye Color Blue (cosmetically altered)
Physical Description As was the entire point in the beginning, Mae's appearance doesn't immediately pinpoint her heritage, lacking the pigmentation in both her hair and her iris' that usually makes her species so easy to spot. Intentional tampering by her handlers carried the intent of allowing their breeding stock to pass cursory inspection and, though there was no permanent genetic component to their efforts, Mae has a difficult time allowing her appearance to revert to normal. It is, after all, a subjective term and not an identity that she wears easily.

Ship Identification

Duty Shift Alpha


Spouse Jeassaho Kea (Dating)
Children Mae gave birth to a daughter during her time in captivity. She has not seen her since she was two weeks old.
Father Deceased
Mother Deceased
Brother(s) Deceased
Sister(s) Deceased
Other Family Deceased

Personality & Traits

General Overview For all she tends towards the pensive, reserved type, Mae is a fighter. When circumstance saw her survive the destruction of Betazed by a mere day's travel, the universe had already determined that there was far more left of her story. What it didn't warn her was that some of the next chapter would involve being hunted, pursued and ultimately 'rescued' by a community that eventually proved to be nothing more than an illegal breeding program intent on selling off Betazoid offspring to the highest bidder. Maeliana does not speak much of her time there, at least not outside the privacy of her more intimate relationships, but she carries the haunted air of one asked to sacrifice too much.

Having already completed most of her medical degree prior to her capture, Mae spent most of her two years in the program tending to the needs of others, particularly the pregnant women who were forced to rely on each other to provide the psionic tapestry required for developing telepathically-viable children. When the property was finally raided, not by the Empire as the overseers had always feared, but a group of rebels, Mae was one of the last to allow herself to be liberated. It was with the same stubborn tenacity for placing her own needs last that she eventually asked to accompany the group, rather than remain behind at a relocated safe haven.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Resilient
+ Loyal
+ Quick learner
+ Adaptable
+ Empathetic and compassionate
- Distrustful
- Struggles with insomnia and depression
- Telepathically vulnerable
Ambitions Mae wants to find her daughter. The records retrieved from her captors reveals only a partial transaction history but this search, above all overs, is her driving force and often the only thing that gets her out of bed.
Hobbies & Interests With her girlfriend's help, Mae has started to reconnect with things she used to enjoy, not to mention new experiences. Reading and writing feature highly, as does drawing and sketching. Jeassaho has tried to get her to be more active and Mae will work out under sufferance, but she is generally far happier cheering from the sidelines.
Sexual Orientation Bisexual
Language(s) Spoken Federation Standard, Betazoid
