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Mon Dec 20th, 2021 @ 8:16pm

Chief Helmsman Eden Bowers

Name Eden Lucille Bowers

Position Chief Helmsman

Second Position 2346 Crew

Rank Chief Helmsman

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 30
Date of Birth May 19, 2216
Place of Birth Rigel IV

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 135lbs
Hair Color blonde
Eye Color hazel
Physical Description Tall and slim Eden stays in shape because she is always moving. Unless she is ill or asleep she can be spotted walking the ship as it helps keep her mind clear and focused. She keeps her blond hair long and pulled up because she cannot stand it being in her face. She prefers comfortable but functional clothing and will never wear anything that isn’t practical.

Ship Identification

Duty Shift Alpha


Father Steven Bowers (deceased)
Mother Mara Taylor Bowers (deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Eden was born an introvert but has learned over the years to put on an extroverted personality when in public. She will pretend to be very outgoing depending on the situation but in reality is more serious. She rarely lets anyone past her mask. Eden has a childlike sense of curiosity and is always watching and observing her surroundings. She thinks far more than she says and often what she does say is full of meaning.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Ability to work quickly and efficiently in most situations
Never stops learning and picks things up quickly

Doesn’t understand all social situations
Shies away from working with people she doesn’t know
Quiet demeanor can be mistaken for aloofness
Hobbies & Interests Reading, learning to knit, rock climbing
Sexual Orientation heterosexual


Personal History Born on Rigel IV, Eden enjoyed a pretty peaceful childhood except for the occasional teasing by her classmates because of her quiet demeanor. She is the only child of astrobiologists Mara and Steven Taylor who were fond of dragging her around to study the nearby systems. Eden cannot stand the subject but is fascinated by any other aspect of science and shares her parents love of learning. She spent her entire childhood on various planets except for occasional family vacations which turned out to be more work for her parents but provided an opportunity for Eden to explore a little of her surroundings in space. On one such vacation when she was a young child her parents left her alone for only a moment while they unloaded some supplies out of their shuttle. Eden took the controls, disengaged the docking clamps, making her drift away from the space station. While her mother was angry her father was more amused at her ingenuity. Her curiosity knew no bounds despite her parents trying to control it.

Eden left as soon as she was old enough and entered Starfleet Academy like her mother before her. Although Mara didn’t last long in Starfleet Eden loved the strict atmosphere and excelled in it. She choose to study xenology which turned out to be too similar to her parents field of study for her own tastes. She struggled to choose a major and finally had to make a decision at the last minute. Ultimately she chose engineering physics which seemed dry at first but allowed her the hands on experience she’d been craving. She minored in flight control because it allowed her to control her adventurous streak so that she could focus on her more scientific achievements. Throughout her academy days she could often be found taking up a new subject even if all she could find to learn from was an ancient text. Her instructors were awed by her ability to soak up information.

In her second year at the Academy Eden met fellow cadet Kim Randall who persuaded her to join the debate team after witnessing a speech she gave. He had never seen anyone discuss something so full of emotion without betraying their feelings on the subject. Eden, who had been terrified of conflict since she was a child, suddenly found that she could keep all of her fears hidden behind an expressionless face and debate in an emotionless manner as long as the subject wasn’t personal to her.

Psych Profile:

Eden wants more than anything to feel accepted but she resists any attempts to break past her thick outer shell. Her timid inner personality is in constant conflict with that want but she is gradually learning to overcome that and letting a little more of herself show every year. Eden is very intelligent but has difficulty understanding her emotions even though she easily recognizes those emotions in others and is very sympathetic. She has a lot of patience and is slow to anger. She thinks quickly under pressure but needs time to herself after the event to work the situation through in her mind to determine if she acted in the best way.

Service Record Service Record:
Starfleet Academy 2234-2238
USS Constitution 2238-2240 Helmsman
USS Lovell 2240-2244 Science Officer/Helmsman
USS Ishimura 2244- present- Chief Helmsman