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Wed Feb 23rd, 2022 @ 9:02pm

Jęará Nasha

Name Jęará Nasha

Position Master-at-Arms

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill (Joined)
Age 33
Place of Birth Jaihad, Leran Manev, Trill
NPC Author x

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 178 lbs
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Jen is tall and curvy, with dyed hair, tattoos and piercings reminiscent of a rambunctious youth that hasn't quite rid itself of her yet. Her dermaglyphs are a deep inky black, often obscured by tufts of curls that fall into her eyes. She easily smiles and laughs. She's a hand-talker, and likes to use the space around her to round out her communication.

Ship Identification

Duty Shift Alpha


Spouse Bedami Hallan (wife, Guardian)
Children Kixaɕya Naɕéhhal (male, 3 years of age)
Father Ixaʐa Méigarishsh
Mother Laira Méigarishsh
Other Family Jen has a huge family who I am too lazy to name right now, with lots of brothers and sisters running around, many of whom are adopted. Jen's mother and father run a cargo shipping business through Seelah colony, a Trill offshoot near Rigel V.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jęará's name is pronounced Jenara, and she spells it transliterated in Federation documents both ways as the Trill alphabet is much different. For a security officer she's more logistical, focused on conflict resolution and mediation before the use of force enters the picture.

In her role aboard the Rosie she is mostly administrative, but she can fight if she has to. Jen is a very impartial and fair person, and is slow to come to conclusions and judgments about a situation prior to examining it from all sides. Teamwork and cooperation is extremely important to Jen.
Strengths & Weaknesses Jen prefers to focus on the positives of a situation first-and conversely, sometimes struggles with the negatives, prone to suppressing and denying those aspects of an experience first. Fortunately these tendencies were identified early on in her xia'pan-the Trill structural psychometric educational system, and while she still prefers to be positive, she has grown away from being dismissive. Jen is dutiful and bright, but sometimes this tips into overbearing and militant. Jen is a dependable officer and a solid managerial leader.
Ambitions As a Joined Trill, Jen's ambitions have become somewhat more expansive. She desires to get out there and dig her fingers into the gas and guts of the very stars themselves. On a more grounded level, Jen would like to act within her role as competently as possible, and works hard at ensuring that her crewmates feel safe with her operating behind the scenes to ensure the security department runs as smoothly as possible.
Hobbies & Interests Spelunking, cave diving, rock climbing, geology, meteorology, seismology, economics. Jenara has a history of competitive cheerleading and gymnastics, and she loves Terran sunflower seeds.
Sexual Orientation Pansexual. Jen is married to a Trill Guardian, but Trills are naturally prone to polyamory and this is not a point of contention for them.
Language(s) Spoken Genzari, Federation Standard.


Personal History In Leran Manev she was a mediator for many years prior to her Joining to the Nasha symbiont, having entered the Jaihad Institute of Law Enforcement straight out of secondary school.

While she is not specially academically successful, she nevertheless applied to the Symbiosis Commission with the assistance of her wife, and impressed the woman who would become her field docent in her primary interview. She was determined worthy to Join, a case made that her personality and experiences would serve to enrich a symbiont's life, and she went down to the caves to begin the precursor to Joining.

Jen is Nasha's first host, and feels an obligation to branch out beyond the confines of her hometown-as such, she's taken on a billet aboard the Rosie in the security department, transferring her skills as logistical officer and mediator to the wider galaxy.
Service Record Culture

Information about Trills! Hee.

Past employment

Jaihad Institute of Law Enforcement, cadet

Leran Manev Peacekeepers, intern
Leran Manev Peacekeepers, junior
Leran Manev Peacekeepers, patrol officer
Leran Manev Peacekeepers, investigator
Leran Manev Peacekeepers, mediator

SS Mary Rose, master-at-arms


DISCOVERER, History is like therapy for the present, it makes it talk about its parents.