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Happy New Year

Posted on Mon Jan 2nd, 2017 @ 1:22am by Captain Rueben Gregnol

Happy New Year guys

Who would have thought this time last year ‘hung over me’ and our first captain set about discussing Rosie and look where we are 145 posts later still going strong which I am extremely proud of. The only difference this year is I am not hung over thanks to being extremely large and desperate for this baby to make an appearance.

Going forward by the end of this week I will be closing contagion and moving anything left over to our current mission which is now moving forward. I have approached everyone over jp’s but please talk to each other and create jp’s on Bajor or on the station itself, go to the rebuilt Jalanda Forum for a music concert, participate in the Gratitude Festival to be thankful for surviving Contagion or maybe get lost in Empok Nor and discover something drastic. The choice is up to you as I have said before that we are more focused on character development and story telling not just numbers and the mission.

Any questions please message me.



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