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Achievements achieved for Railway

Posted on Fri Apr 30th, 2021 @ 3:54pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol

Good afternoon all

Now we have fully moved into the next mission last missions achievements have been gone through. Congratulations to all.

Wolf in the Fold: Participate in JP with Kaylin Jaal.

Becca, Kristi, Cam

Strong and Silent: Participate in JP with Krynn.

Becca, Cam

Under Your Skin: Write about your character’s experience of being in someone else’s body.

Matt, Kristi, Cam, Paul, Becca

Natural law and order: Participate in Jp with Meghan

Kristi, Cam, Bill, Matthew, Paul, Matt

Don't forget the achievements for Stowaway

Inconceivable! - JP with Fezzik the Ferengi merchant
Persis-tent - JP your character in conversation with Persis
All Hands Repel Boarders - Take part in the defence of Rosie from attackers
Compass - A solo post of 500 words or word considering the moral choice
Last Chance - JP your character with Dixoho Saa
Not Dead Yet - JP you character as part of the medical team working to keep Dixoho alive.
Freecloud Freedom - Write 3 shoreleave posts.


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