Awards - Stowaway
Posted on Sat Sep 11th, 2021 @ 10:53am by Captain Rueben Gregnol
Crew's Choice Award for Stowaway
Michael Burnstein
He blows stuff up good!! (Or, at least, I think he would. We didn't get to see the Earth-shattering ka-boom!!)

Rose Award
Michael Burnstein
His devotion to Nollel is truly palpable and beautiful. I look forward to where their arc goes!

Purple Heart Award
Nollel Livaam
Nollel stepped up and alerted the ship to boarders and wound up getting pounded for it.

Non-Player Character Award
Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson
Cassie is fun to write with. So often players will write their characters in a manner that is designed not to upset fellow writers. The Few JP's i have written with Cassie has shown that is not the case. I love the barely contained frustration Cassie has for Issac. It is fun to write with and is great character development between to two characters.
Category: Sim Announcement