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Hysperia Awards and Achievements

Posted on Fri Oct 6th, 2023 @ 12:12pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol
Edited on Fri Oct 6th, 2023 @ 12:13pm

Hi All

I finally got around to doing the awards and achievements for Hysperia.

Congratulations all

Please do not forget you can vote at any point.


Crew's Choice Award for Hysperia

Evelyn Reynolds
“The Oliver/Evelyn dynamic has shifted dramatically this mission, and I have to give kudos to Serahni for enabling and driving much of that. I'm excited to see where it leads! She deserves a lot of recognition for helping juggle a lot of little arcs this run around, and I'm personally grateful for the added creativity.”

Leiddem Kea
“The award is for Becca, of course, and her legion of delectable characters but Leiddem is my boy and I have thoroughly enjoyed every post written with him this mission. (I have, of course, enjoyed all the posts written with Becca. There have been many.) To the lady that keeps us going, somehow, and puts up with our shenanigans. You deserve more than an award. Possibly a stiff drink.”

Oliver Lucas
I'm nominating Paul specifically for his portrayal of Oliver during this mission. It's been highly enjoyable to see the character emerge from Sickbay and start to show facets of his experience and trauma. Paul always paces his exposition well so I feel like this is just the tip of the iceberg and I look forward to learning more about this character in future missions.


Non-Player Character Award

Rueben Gregnol
“I may be bias because I have claimed all of them. (Nearly.) Always much love and admiration for Becca's imaginative breadth and willingness to occupy multiple headspaces at once. Never a dull moment, always something to write, always new adventures to plot.”

Delaney O'Callaghan

“Okay, the character is Tomas, but the writer's PC is Delaney. Tomas was fantastic - perfect for the world and sprung near fully formed right from the start.”


Library Excellence Ribbon

Liha t'Ehhelih
“Beya was Queen, Burnie rode a dragon AND got accidentally married, and Liha didn't kill Curtis. I always enjoy reading Cam's characterisations and was particularly fond of her characters' interactions with a certain kissing-booth proprietor this mission. (Plus, we got arrested together. I think they've probably forgotten about that.) Strong, well-rounded characters with distinctive voices, Cam's writing always leaps off the screen. Good stuff.”


Two years served

Delaney O'Callaghan


Four years served

Jake Ford



‘But I want a dragon’

- Participate in a JP around Dragons
Rueben Gregnol, Jake Ford, Michael Burnstein, Delaney O'Callaghan, Kalahaeia t'Leiya

Everyone got involved and no one as of yet seems to have brought a dragon home with them


‘I went, I had fun’

Rueben Gregnol, Jake Ford, Michael Burnstein, Delaney O'Callaghan, Kalahaeia t'Leiya
Whether it was the joust, the crowing of the harvest queen or Masquerade Ball


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