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Site Maintenance 2018

Posted on Fri Nov 23rd, 2018 @ 7:20pm by Executive Officer Valiyi Uhin

Hello all! Your friendly IT XO here, ready to come at you with another update of fun and excitement!

As you may well know, this site is well overdue for a giant overall. I'm not just talking front end, but back end as well. From the sim skin, to the rank pips, even down to some of the really gross background code and guts. When we redid the site way back when, I had veeeery little knowledge on how to properly work Nova. Now, I know a little bit more on what to touch and what not to touch, but at the end of the day, I have a hard time revisiting the parts that I've already hideously wrecked, and I'd like to rectify that.

So, as such, this will serve as a sort of pre-maintenance warning as I rip out all the Nova code and do a fresh reinstall of the whole thing, but this does mean site downtime. This will occur over the weekend, but do expect me to make loud noises about it beforehand on the Discord. I don't expect this to take more than twenty four hours, but if something does occur, I will be keeping everyone posted.

This maintenance will occur tonight or tomorrow, and I will let everyone know every step of the way. Thank you much!



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