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Investigation: Start of a challenge

Posted on Sat Sep 9th, 2017 @ 10:09pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol
Edited on on Wed Sep 13th, 2017 @ 2:10pm

Mission: Mission 4 - Combustion
Location: Deck 2 - Briefing Room
Timeline: MD 04 17:00
943 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Rueben looked at the new Chief Armory Officer and nodded. "Micheal this is Quang Van Tran he is our quartermaster. Quan this is Micheal Robertson, Our new Chief Armory Officer, he thinks he can break the curse." Rueben introduced the two men as he sat down at his desk. This was the first interview that the department head was doing.

Van Tran sat down and waited for the questions. It wasn't the first time he had been questioned in his life, and he was certain it would be the last. Questions sessions like this were common to someone raised on the streets of Ho Chi Minh City to answer batteries of questions. He pulled out a nic stick and a lighter. He looked toward the other two human males. "Mind if I light up?"

"Yes." Rueben murmured simply hating those sticks. Did he know that they were dangerous?

"Okay," answered Van Tran evenly. He shrugged as he set the nic stick down. He waited for the questions to begin.

Micheal considered the Asian man for a moment, then began asking his questions. “Where were you located between twenty-Three hundred hours the night of the fire and oh-three-hundred hours that morning?”

"Asleep," answered Van Tran. "I had done an inventory of the cargo bays and returned to my quarters. Went to the mess hall around 2100 hours. Had a vodka martini and went to bed. Got up around 0400 hours and headed down to the cargo bay."

“Who can verify your whereabouts?” Ruben asked leaning back into the chair relaxing.

"Well," mused the Vietnamese, "Well there were some of our guests lounging in the mess hall when I got my sandwich and pie. And I had accessed the ship's computer for some information on 20th-century French art while I relaxed before going to bed. "

“When was the last time you were in the Cargo bay where the fire occurred?”

Quang shrugged casually as he answered. He knew he hadn't done it so he felt reasonably assured. "The evening before. I was checking over the area for inventory and possible improvements like closed circuit security. The morning after I was there again checking out the damage and documenting it. Ran into the unlikely bride to be while there."

The mention of closed circuit security piqued Micheal's interest. "Are you a member of the security team here on the Mary Rose?"

Quang smiled as he replied. "No, not at all. I am the quartermaster though. I was in the Starfleet Marines for 20 years. I just like the cargo to remain intact. It's good for the ship, the crew, and the passengers. I want to make the cargo bay secure enough that something like the fire wouldn't happen or shouldn't happen. I think improved sensors would help in that regard."

Micheal nodded slightly as he listened. "And what did you discover? Would the security system that you were considering be a viable addition to the ship?"

The Vietnamese shrugged a little as he replied. "The closed circuit by itself? A little. It would ensure that we have a better idea of what's where. I would suggest adding on sensors units in it to prevent changes in environment like losing atmosphere or possible fires, etc. I'd also attach barcodes that are sensor detectable so we can keep an accurate inventory with less effort. Of course, it will all take time. And I know that we don't have much in the way of resources."

Micheal turned to look at Rueben. "What he says makes sense. I could use the replicator on my shuttle to fabricate what he would need. What do you think, Boss?"

"You do know the ship is 150 years old right?" He just wanted to check that the men realised how old Rosie was.

Van Tran nodded in agreement. "Yes, sure do. I bounced for years on outposts in back areas. I'm not saying that we put in the latest and greatest. And I know that I'd have to talk to the engineer to see what we can do. But just wanted to see what could be done while keeping in mind that she is 150 years old. "

He paused and then continued. "I want her to be in the best shape possible. And that means protecting her. Just saying."

"Talk to Andros see if it is possible." Rueben finally relented. If the men wanted to spend time fiddling around and trying to get things to work who was he to argue and say no. The man looked at his PaDD, trying to work out when it had become a discussion instead of an investigation.

Micheal nodded. While the interrogation had gone in an odd direction, he had learned what he needed. Quang was innocent, he was sure of it. Before he let the man go, he did have a few more questions though. "When you were doing your inspection, did you see anyone else in the area? Anyone that shouldn't have been in the area?

"No," said Quang. "Can't say that I did. Pretty much just me. Later on, after the fire, I ran into the bride, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't involved."

There were a few more questions asked of tbe Rosie's quartermaster, all which basically cleared him as any suspect of the recent tragedy. Once the session ended, Micheal and Quang headed down to the main cargo bay and began mapping out exactly where the cameras and connecting cables would go.


Rueben Gregnol
SS Mary Rose

Micheal Robertson
Security Chief/Bounty Hunter
SS Mary Rose/Shuttle Alexandria

Quang Tran
SS Mary Rose


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