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Getting Physical

Posted on Thu May 10th, 2018 @ 2:07am by

Mission: Mission 7 - Sabotage
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 01
891 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

News of new arrivals did travel fast. As a physician, Lhaes felt it necessary to call in the new folks to get a baseline physical for them, even if they recently already underwent medical exams. That, and he did prefer to form his own opinions and conclusions. Not that he didn't trust other doctors, but in his opinion - to an extend - seeing was believing.

And Cardassians, to him, were a curiosity. In his recollection had never really interacted with one, let alone met one in person. Were they really as ruthless as the stories told? Sitting at his desk, he pressed the comm unit. "Mister Tenrar, this is Doctor Sommers. Please report to sickbay."

Tenrar was on his morning run through the decks of the Mary Rose when he heard the doctor's summons, he stopped and pressed one of the many comm units spread throughout the ship, "I'll be there shortly doctor,"afterwards he continued his run, this time towards sickbay.

Entering sickbay a little bit sweaty from his morning workout he was surprised to see a Romulan onboard, so far he'd seen mostly humans on board. "Hello doctor I got your call, sorry about the sweat I was just on my morning run." he said giving the doctor a friendly smile.

"Good morning," Lhaes returned with a smile, "don't worry about it, I've seem patients in far worse conditions than a little sweaty." He gestured towards the diagnostic table. "So, how are you settling in?"

Tenrar sat on the bed, "good thanks, I get the occasional funny look but you get used to that being a Cardassian, my people don't have the best of reputations but I suppose you must have had similar experiences."

"I have indeed," the Romulan acknowledged, "is there anything I should know about you, that might not be in your files?"

"Not really doctor, I like to keep myself in good shape, although human food doesn't agree with me, especially their cheese."

Lhaes nodded in understanding. "I'm allergic to milk products myself. Possibly because I grew up on goat's cheese and milk since my parents are goat farmers." He shrugged. "How are you adapting to life aboard this vessel? I assume you were part of the Cardassian militia before joining this motley crew?"

"I was never in the militia, I left Cardassia as soon as I could, there was nothing left there for me anymore," he said somberly, "as far as the ship goes I like it, a bit cold for my tastes but I'll adjust soon enough, have you been a member of the crew long yourself doctor?"

"A few weeks now. I used to be Starfleet but found that service no longer appeal to me." It was a quick, and practiced lie since only the captain knew that in fact he was very much still part of Starfleet Intelligence. "This is much safer for me and my family, I've found. And I have more time for them too. Do you have a family with you?" He smiled gently. "And please, call me Lhaes...there's no need to be formal here with me."

"No, no family Doc..." he corrected himself "Lhaes, my family died on Cardassia during the bombardment, I'm lucky to be alive, I probably wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Starfleet engineers digging me out of the rubble" he returned the doctors smile, "I'm happy you found a safe place for your family, I hope to have my own one day, maybe we'll pick up a young Cardassian woman one day eh," Tenrar laughed.

"Does it need to be a Cardassian woman?" the Romulan smiled as he picked up his tricorder to start his scans. "Who knows, you might find yourself a nice Human woman, or maybe another species. My first mate was Vulcan, my second was Romulan. Both, sadly, have disappeared on me, leaving me with our children."

"Nope suppose it doesn't," Tenrar chuckled,"I'm sorry to hear that about your mates, at least your children are safe, you said they were on board, I haven't seen any children yet, let's hope when I do meet them it isn't a security matter" laughing again Tenrar continued "so are we all done here Lhaes or do you need to take some samples & run some tests."

"They are too young to be a security issue," Lhaes chuckled, shaking his head. "I'll take some blood samples for baseline values but you don't need to wait for results. If anything is off I'll let you know."

Tenrar waits while Lhaes takes his samples, "Thanks Lhaes, it was a pleasure meeting you," he gives Lhaes a freindly smile, "I better finish my workout and get showered, don't want to make a negative first impression on Chief Robertson after all."

"Of course not. Thank you for stopping by, and if anything does come up I'll contact you or I'll swing by your quarters. Good luck meeting your boss." Lhaes smiled as he closed his tricorder and attached it back to his belt.

Tenrar left sickbay to continue his morning run, he was happy to have met someone friendly on board, maybe he'll make some friends here and stick around for a while this time.


Lhaes Sommers
Senior Medic
SS Mary Rose

Sollis Tenrar
Security Personnel
SS Mary Rose


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