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Posted on Sat Jun 16th, 2018 @ 10:04pm by Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson (*)

Mission: Mission 7 - Sabotage
Location: Deck 4 - Crew Quarters
Timeline: MD -12 10:00
1453 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Knowing that enough time had passed for it to be safe to pay the woman a visit, Lhaes grabbed his medkit and headed out of sickbay, leaving one of the other doctors in charge. Resting his hand on the shoulder strap of his kit, he walked down the corridors, traveled a few decks with the turbolift and then finally arrived at his destination.

Still toying with the strap, he reached to press the chime, then waited.

Cassie stirred on the couch from her snooze and looked at the door wondering who could be paying her a visit. No one ever visited her. "Um... Enter?" She called sitting up looking at her t-shirt and leggings checking she was decent. The door slid open and she blushed at who she saw there. "Um... Hi?" She whispered.

The doctor wasn't one to care about state of dress; he'd seen worse even in his prior career. He smiled as he studied her for a moment once the door closed behind him. "Hi," he greeted in return, approaching her, "I thought I'd check in on you and see how you're doing."

"Um..." The woman looked at him unsure but indicated the seat next to him as she thought back to the last time they had been alone. "Um... you didn't need to." She assured softly.

"Of course I do. The welfare of everyone aboard this ship is of my concern, and since you are here, that includes you too. I'm the chief medical uhm...person," he said, faltering on where normally he would've said officer. " are you feeling?"

“Um fine.” She said softly still a little amazed that people gathered around each other and supported them. “I’m not sure how I am meant to feel to be honest.” It was a different experience than her first Pon Farr. Her first one she has been the inexperienced one just thrown into the situation.

"Only you can be the judge of how you want to feel," Lhaes suggested as he pulled out a tricorder and scanning wand. "Do you feel better than the last time? Different in any form or fashion? Have you spoken to your uhm...ex... since this happened?" He arched an eyebrow at her, the sparkle in his eyes betraying amusement. "And how does your mate feel? Did you leave him in one piece?"

The woman blushed at how complicated her life was. “Not really. We said goodbye. It was different this time my partner was human.” It was bittersweet to say the least. Tevir hadn’t deserved any of the crap she had given him. “He said he is in one piece.” She said looking ashamed at her feet.

The Romulan reached out, lifting her chin with two fingers so she was forced to look at him. "Why look away?" he queried, "did something happen that wasn't supposed to happen? Are you alright?"

“I still hurt him.” She pointed out softly reminding him of why she had tried it on with him. “He says he doesn’t mind but I could have killed him even half human.”

"But you didn't and now you know you won't next time either because both of you know what to expect," Lhaes explained. He gave her a soft smile. "Perhaps he should work out more," he offered to her. "It's very commendable that he stayed by your side, and it's clear to me he knew what he was getting into."

"Work out more?" She looked at him properly in surprise at that. The guilty expression left her face as she took in his words. "He might have to a point but he was bruised and cut, if I had been fully Vulcan he would be dead."

"Then how did all Human females involved with Vulcan mates survive?" Lhaes queried curiously, "most famously the Lady Amanda or Lady Perrin?" He shrugged. "He could work out and muscle up for the next time you go through this."

“Because Sarek was so much older.” She pointed out pulling her face away from his grip. “I don’t think having muscle would help.” She wanted to laugh at his suggestion.

"Having control might," Lhaes answered, "and muscle would help. If you're equally matched in strength and control that might actually help. Though I do believe that you resisting the urge might have something to do with it too, as you held off very long. Of course, that's just my guess as I have no way of knowing for certain. It's not exactly a subject Vulcans like to openly discuss."

"He will never be as strong as me or yourself." She whispered softly ignoring his comments on her resisting the urge. She didn't need that throwing in her face now or ever that she had resisted.

"I don't consider myself to be very strong," Lhaes chuckled, "I may be Romulan in genetics and partially in upbringing, but I was neither born nor raised on Romulus. I've only ever been there for a period of four years and I hadn't been back before it was destroyed."

"How odd... our biological cousins Romulans possess greater physical strength than humans." As a geneticist, it surprised her that he didn't have the strength it wasn't something that couldn't be ignored.

"You misunderstood... I am stronger but that doesn't mean I consider myself to be strong. I don't rely on physical strength, I am used to rely on cunning and potions I suppose..." He smiled. "I'm a doctor first and foremost but I'm also an expert in mixing things to create poison. When you are a target, you learn to get resourceful."

"Hmmm." Was all the woman said as she took him in properly without Pon Farr having her in its drips. The man was handsome but she prefered her Johnathen over this man which made her more guilty over the whole trying to force herself on him.

Lhaes flashed her a grin. "Don't feel bad," he offered, "I was the one who said no remember. Though I don't know how long I would've been able to, but please don't feel bad or guilty. You are who you are, and your uhm...ex himself did say you should go for your present mate."

The woman nodded but it didn't vhange any of the guilt she was feeling over things but it could have done very differently if Nath hadn't been so eager and wanted to be in her life so much. "He did indeed," She agreed softly.

"There you go. Don't eat yourself up about it dear." He smiled encouragingly. "So...according to my scans you're in perfect health, do you feel ready to get back to work now?"

The woman nodded, it didn't mean she was going to listen but the sentiment was nice she supposed. "I guess so. My job isn't strenuous or hard going." Only so much a Geneticist could do on a ship like this but she helped where she could.

Lhaes nodded. "I know," he smiled. After all he was the senior medic, certainly he would know if someone used his medical facilities. "You are welcome to expand on your studies using the medical bay," he offered, "I mean if you don't want to spend all day in a lab." He closed his tricorder and put it away. "I'd like to run some final scans in sickbay when you have time, but aside from those I don't see any reason why you can't go back to your duties."

"Final scans? What for?" She wondered with a small sigh. She didn't like playing in a medical lab she wasn't a medical doctor in the slightest. She barely had any bedside manner that would allow her to do that.

"Just to make sure I haven't missed anything and get a proper baseline scan of you being healthy. The scans I do have were made in less than ideal conditions. I assure you, nothing is wrong and you will be allowed to return to your duties."

The woman nodded and stood up. "If I am healthy enough I should return to work admittedly." She admitted thinking of all the wasted time she had spent in her quarters whilst everyone else got to return to their duties. It wasn't nice being embarrassed and stuck in the room.

"After that last scan," Lhaes insisted, "then I'll formally clear you for duty. Meet me in sickbay at your convenience." He packed up his instruments and stood. "Good day, Missus Anderson." Naturally, now that they were bonded, he assumed she would take her mate's name.


Lhaes Sommers
Senior Medic
SS Mary Rose

Cassie McAvoy
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)


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