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Family Resemblance Part 1

Posted on Sun Jun 26th, 2016 @ 12:13am by Leiddem Kea (*)
Edited on on Mon Jun 27th, 2016 @ 10:55pm

Mission: Mission 1 - Bridges
Location: SB 7 Bolian Grill
Timeline: MD 29 :: 22:00
3192 words - 6.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Keera was beginning to feel secure aboard the Mary Rose. Although, the only crew she had dealings with thus far were Reuben and Dixoho. She decided to go onto the station to stretch her legs and get a meal. Donning black leather from head to toe, she exited the ship and entered the station.

She was in the mood for something tangy. So, when the Bolian Grill caught her eye, she entered. Bolian meat was often acidic because of the way the prepped their meat.

She entered and sat at the bar, ordering her usual Argelian ale. She asked for a menu. Once the tender gave her one, she began to look it over.

Leiddem wandered in with a group of men and looked around intrigued. Normally he didn't go into places like this because of the meat but he had woken up with a hankering for something a little more unusual. He slouched into a chair his lanky frame looking like he was folded up.

Keera ordered the zabo steak, done the traditional Boloian way, allowing the meat to partially decay. That's what gave it that tangy taste. After she ordered, Keera looked around. It was a habit. She knew people entered, but felt the need to know where everyone was. Plus, she didn't want any StarFleet types eying her. Her eye caught a man that looked familiar. She didn't think she had met him, but still. Where do I know you from? she thought. She she shook her head, took a drink and turned back around. But her mind wouldn't let her drop it. She knew she'd remember a handsome man as he.

Leiddem laughed softly at what Allison was saying before he look around catching Keera's gaze. He smiled at her and waved, he had seen her around the ship.

His smile, she had seen that smile before. It was adorable, but she still didn't understand why he looked familiar. It was gnawed at her mind, causing her to think she was crazy. Who was this guy and why did he seem so familiar to him. She took another drink. Glancing over her shoulder, she got a look at him again. Yes, she had seen him at a distance aboard the Mary Rose, but there seemed to be more to it than that.

Leiddem smiled as he made his excuses and wandered over and sat in front of her. "Keera right?" He wondered. As Weapons Master he knew everyone and there weapons access they had.

Keera's cheeks turned rosey. Okay, so he remembers me. But from where? If her life depended on it, she couldn't place him. She'd die for certain. Why couldn't she remember such an incredible looking man?

"I'm sorry," she replied looking at him, desperately trying to remember him. Was he one of her many lovers? She didn't think so. "From where do I know you?"

"You don't." He laughed softly catching her stray thoughts about him being incredible. His onyx eyes displayed the mirth he was feeling. "I'm on Rosie as well." He revealed pointing to the group he was with. "My department so to speak."

Maybe the man's name would help her. She's almost certain she had seen him some time before. In another place. She recognized he was Betazoid; the dark eyes were proof of that. So, he could feel the confusion and the other feelings associated with her thoughts. At least they didn't cause him to run. He was still there. Maybe he just reminded her of Jeass.

"At least you know my name and have a good idea of my thoughts," she jokingly stated. "You are?"

"Leiddem." He said gently still smiling at her.

Definitely a Betazoid name. The smile was nice, seeming to draw her to him. She wondered if it was just her or if the smile had that effect on others. She knew many on these types of ships could take advantage of others with smiles like that. But, Keera didn't sense that Leiddem was that type of person.

She looked at her steak as the plate was placed before her. "I'm happy to meet you Leiddem. Has anyone told you that you have an infectious smile?" she asked, smiling herself.

"I better leave you to you meal... When you done come join us." He said still smiling. He turned and strode of before stopping remembering that he hadn't answered his question. "Yeah I know my little sister Jeassaho used to say I used to use it against her and our older sisters." He said quickly before rushing back to his table.

The knife and fork that a moment ago was secured in Kera's hand, now fell, the knife glancing off of the counter and falling to the floor. Keera quickly spun in her seat, her elbow knocking over her ale, spilling it behind the counter. The glass shattered as it rolled to the floor. There was only one person she knew with that name. She knew now where she had seen the smile. It was Jeass' same smile. There was no other explanation; Leiddem was Jeass' brother.

"Kea!" she exclaimed as he walked away from her. The man turned frowning.

"Aye?" He asked wondering how she suddenly knew his last name.

Gods, I see it now," she said. "I've been trying to figure where I've seen those eyes and smile before. And, now I know." No wonder I've found him attractive. "You and Jeass have the same smile." His whole stance relax and he strode back over quickly grabbing a cloth to wipe the spilt ale.

"You know Jeasaho? So you know Rueben?" he asked in a low voice.

She noticed his lowered voice. What was he doing here. Was he looking for revenge or was he part of Intel's plot? Her food no longer mattered to her.

"Care to take a walk." she asked in a quieter tone.

"Come on." He held out his hand. Throwing latinum down for her meal. He grinned over his shoulder at the cat calls and whistles. "Sorry." He breathed.

Keera took the offered hand. It seemed odd meeting Jeass' brother here, of all places. He seemed to be like her in many ways. Good looks and personality. Keera wondered if he was attached. By the sound of the catcalls, he wasn't. Then the thought crossed her mind: Does he make love as well as Jeass does?

She blushed realizing she couldn't retract the last thought. But he was empathic just as Jeass and Keera herself. If a woman could make her feel the way Jeass did through her empathic abilities, how much more a man.

When the two were alone, walking the decks of the station, Keera opened up, "I don't know Reuben. I know about him. But I do know Jeass," she chuckled. "I know Jeass very well."

"I wouldn't know about that." He chuckled softly as they got somewhere deserted he turned. "You know what happened?"

She had heard it from both of them now. Felt both of their misery. Knew both were telling the truth as far as they understood. Therefore, she had no reason to doubt Reuben.

"I have heard from both of them," Keera confessed. "I was fully able to piece things together until I spoke with Reuben. If I had the Admiral here, I'd swear I'd kill him. They don't deserve this."

As Keera spoke, she realized she still had her arm wrapped around Leiddem's elbow. Keera was usually the forward one with her men. Leiddem had her flustered for some reason. If she pulled her arm away, the action would stand out. So she kept her arm there. Besides, it felt nice to hold onto a handsome guy. Why was it that Leiddem was having this effect upon her? Was it because he was Jeass' brother?

"So you know about Jeassaho being found in the shuttle and about Alexis?" He hissed softly leading her further down the deserted corridor.

Alexis. She never knew Jeass had named the child. She recognized the name as the female version of Reuben's middle name. The name Keera knew him by at first.

She felt a darkness now coming from Leiddem. It caused her to remember that often in tragedy, the pain is extended to others. It was more than grief within him; the grief had turned to bitterness within him. A ravaging hatred, unwilling to be tamed. She pitied the object of that hatred.

"Leiddem? Why are you here?" she asked. "Certainly, with your ability to sense emotions, you know Reuben is telling the truth. Where are you aiming the hatred within you?"

"Because I was sent to be Rueben's back up. Someone's wicked sense of humour." He said calming down softly stepping back.

Keera chuckled, "I'd hate to be that someone when you get ahold of them."

"I am a Marine for a reason." He whispered pushing her back against the wall and then step back.

She looked up at him, feeling and understanding those feelings coming from him. She was just happy not to be the one that was causing his anger. "I'll help you get your revenge. I promised Reuben and now I'm promising you. Jeass already knows I'm going to fight for her."

Keera felt different with Leiddem. Usually, she was making advances toward them by this time. Maybe it was because he was Jeass' brother. Or it could be because she was actually attracted to him. For some reason, Keera actually cared about what Leiddem felt toward her. And she? She wished she could just absorb all the pain he felt.

"I don't need help." He assured softly looking her up and down. "I don't need anyone else involved for Jeassaho's sake. You can read emotions, i can feel you fluttering a long my mind like a butterfly." He grinned down at her, she barely reached his shoulders but at least she was taller than his sisters. "If you've been close to Jeassaho you know my pain over seeing her broken is a fraction of hers."

"Some people think butterflies are beautiful," Keera countered with a smirk. "As far as Jeass, as close as we are, I can't help but know her pain. You are right about the pain level. She lost two individuals in that catastrophe. You mention Jeass' sake? For Jeass' sake, I'm already involved."

"I didn't say they weren't." He murmured softly still smiling . "Do you really want to continue being involved?"

Keera thought of that question in two ways. Of course, she wanted to be involved to help Jeass, Reuben, and now Leiddem. Tall, beautiful Leiddem. The second way of taking the question, she thought over, watching his lips.

"Yes," she softly spoke. He shook his head leaning back the opposite wall watching her intently.

"You are a foolish woman." He whispered racing her thoughts like a book.

It wasn't the answer Keera had expected. Sure, she looked small compared to Reuben and Leiddem. But she was able to carry her own. The foolish ones were the ones that didn't think she could handle herself. Why did so many people these days refuse help?

"If you must know," Keera fired back at him, "I'm getting something out of it myself. I'm tired of people using me and my abilities for their own agendas. I'm making a point to shove that up the ass of Intel. Thereby sending a message to the Admiral." The Betazoid looked her over for a few long minutes before sighing and shrugged.

"If that is what you want to do my dear fine but I hope you are aware just how useless Jeassaho is at fighting and generally wears her heart on her sleeve." He told her gently.

Keera shook her head and grinned. "You're not listening very well, Leiddem. As I mentioned, I can't help but to know these things." She deliberately stepped over to where he leaned against the wall. The old Keera appeared in that walk. Sultry. Sexy. Keera took a finger and twirled it in a circle upon his chest, then gazed upward into his face. "Jeass and I are very close," she whispered.

"So you Jeassaho huh?" He said finally covering the silence.

The smirk returned as the light went on in Leiddem's mind. "Just so you know, I can fight enough to make up for Jeass' deficiencies."

"Hmmm... Perhaps but I think you will have to fight Rueben for that privilege." Lieddem countered looking down at her fingers twirling on his chest.

"I'm not going to fight, Reuben," she confessed looking up at Leiddem. "She needs Reuben more than she needs me. That's why I'm bringing her here. The only thing is, I can't guarantee how she'll react. She knows he's alive and she's highly angry." The older man let out a bark of laughter before he sobered up.

"She shouldn't have found out that way." He murmured softly looking at her confused as he saw how jeassaho found out.

Keera's features softened, remembering the night. The drunken Marine. The hurt and accusations being flung about. She squated before him, wishing the night had never happened. Eventually, Jeass would have needed to know. But the blow could have been softer.

"I agree," Keera responded. She remember the numbness she felt coming from Jeass. The Marine just didn't understand. He was head over heals in love with Jeass and just blurted it out. It took everything Keera could do to keep it all quiet. She was surprised someone from Intel, whoever was assigned to Jeass besides her, hadn't heard any of the commotion.
"But she did, so we'll handle it in the best way we can."

"You were assigned to her?" He growled a little at that notion. No one should have been assigned to his sister, she wasn't a pawn in this game. "She's innocent in this things."

She stood up trying to look eye-to-eye with Leiddem. She was getting upset with his probing. Her hands flew wildly up as she shouted in his face. "Which is why I'm here! Take a longer look! You'll see it was an assignment I didn't want. I was ordered from the Admiral himself. He's behind it all; looking back I can see where he's used my being his daughter to his advantage on several other occasions, which is why he has raised to Admiral!" The more she spoke, the more heated she got. She was now forcefully poking Leiddem in the chest with every syllable she pronounced. "I love Jeass! But he ordered me or else something would happen to her! I want free of him and take down Intel!"

Her eyes were wild and fiery. Her nose flared. Veins in her neck were visible. This wasn't they way she had wanted this to turn out, once she realized who he was. An overprotective brother was one thing, but when you grill the one person she had on the Merc that actually care, then that was going too far.

Leiddem frowned more and pushed her away from him. "Who is protecting her now on that ship?" He wondered trying to make her see sense again.

What the hell? Damn you! Keera didn't care for the shove. She'd give him a kick in the sternum if Leiddem wasn't Jeass' brother. She didn't understand how she could have allow this man to get her to feeling backward.

"She does have others besides me. A marine, like yourself has sworn to keep her secure. He isn't aware that she will soon leave." Leiddem smirked at that notion. His sister had a way of making people fall in love by just being herself.

"It wasn't hard. I could be rougher." He shot. "Rueben is gonna be tearing his hair out."

"So could I," she shot back. "There's another area where you resemble Jeass. You're as stubborn as an ass!"

Definitely not the way she wanted this to go. She had had enough though and turned to leave. If they didn't think they needed her help, she'd come up with another plan. Forget about Reuben; forget about Leiddem. She'd take Jeass somewhere. To hell with men. She was damn tired of them taking advantage of her. Maybe Jeass was the one she needed to rely upon. The females in her life didn't treat her like a piece of trash to discard when no longer needed. To hell with men!

"Yes I am stubborn as an ass Keera." He replied calmly as he stalked over resting his hands on either side of her head. "You won't take her anywhere. We both know that what she needs is Rueben. The man makes us both stubborn but he is Jeassaho's other half... If this chain of events hadn't happened you wouldn't have met her or had this chance at freedom."

At first, Keera said interpreted the hands on approach as aggressiveness. He had already announced he could be rougher. But the calmness of his voice changed that feeling. It was true what he said. She had said the same thing herself. When she thought him aggressive, she was about to sweep his feet from under him. But the voice relaxed her. She looked into his eyes, then closed hers, trying to feel what he was feeling. That's where the truth would lie. He had threatened roughness, but was remaining calm and gentle.

"I'm not going to hurt you foolish woman." He murmured looking down as he felt the butterflies on his skin again.

She opened her eyes, looking into his. His hands on her cheeks were not rough, but gentle. "What are you going to do, stubborn man?" If he could call her foolish, she'd continue calling him stubborn. Only this time, she said it with a smirk, not in anger.

He grinned at her. "I don't know but we just need to get Jeassaho here." He said shortly.

For some reason, Leiddem wasn't releasing her face. For some reason, she wasn't objecting. Any other man and she would have swept his feet, then give him a power punch to the chest. Leiddem was different. He was Jeass' brother and he was quite attractive.

"Again, once I've settled, she'll come," she returned the grin. "Now how do I get settled?" Leiddem shrugged. He didn't have any idea how to get her settled. He smiled as he stepped back.

What could Keera do? The man had a killer smile. Something took place within Keera. Something she could not explain. Something she had never experienced. It was like she melted inside. It troubled her, thinking something was wrong with her. She couldn't even pick up the nerve to be the forward person she normally was when she met someone attractive.

"Well," Keera suggested, almost stumbling over words, "maybe we'll think of something."

"Perhaps we will. Lets get back to the ship." He said firmly.

Keera grinned as she spoke, "Let the adventure begin."


Leiddem Kea
Weapons Master
SS Mary Rose

Date Broker
SS Mary Rose


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