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How Did Murphy Know?

Posted on Tue Apr 19th, 2022 @ 10:39pm by Renee Weaver MD

Mission: Mission 15: Adrift
Location: Renee's Quarters, Corridor, Sickbay
Timeline: MD 01 - 2101 Hours
603 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Renee had been on board the Mary Rose for a short time, but she already knew she would do well there. Once her current contract expired, she could easily see re-upping. Of course, things could change, especially since she was now part of a crew working with the Fenris Rangers. There was plenty of time going forward to think about that now.

Renee was surprised the captain of the Mary Rose hired two doctors. Renee didn't mind not having to be the one doing most of the medical work. It was simply unexpected. She and Aarix had worked out a tentative rotation schedule, which was operating smoothly so far. In fact, he would be off duty soon, so she had to get out of bed after a quick nap and head to sickbay.

Staring at the ceiling, Renee was about to get up, when she felt the ship lurch and vibrate, followed by the odd, queasy sensation of hurtling through the air. Her crash landing knocked the wind out of her, but it was softened partially by the pile of clothes she took off and left rumpled on the floor.

"What the heck?" said Renee after catching her breath. "Computer, report."




Learning a long time ago to be prepared because something always went wrong; a few centuries ago some guy named Murphy created a bunch of laws describing that, Renee had a flashlight clipped to her nightstand. Fumbling in the dark, she turned it on and surveyed her bedroom.

For the most part, things were okay, but anything not nailed down or secured in place, was somewhere different from where it should be. Sighing, she would need to clean up later. Getting up from the floor, she dressed in the same shirt and slacks she had on earlier. Sniffing her armpits, she shrugged. Picking up her medical kit and slinging it over her shoulder, Renee moved to the door, which didn't open.

"Of course." Accessing a small wall panel, Renee popped the manual release. There was a click and the portal slid open a few centimeters. Pushing it enough to squeeze through, she entered the corridor.

Standing just outside her room, there was an eerie silence that felt almost like something alive and tangible; a dark shroud wrapping itself around someone. Dim emergency lighting cast twisted shadows that reminded Renee of creatures and monsters from spooky ghost stories the older children would tell the younger kids at the group home where she grew up. Shaking off the jitters tumbling in her stomach, she was about to move when she heard moaning coming from behind her. Spinning around, her flashlight showed a person sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. Moving to the injured man, she knelt beside him. There was a cut on his forehead, with blood slowly dripping down his nose and chin.

"I'm Doctor Weaver, but you can call me Renee." She began scanning him.

"I'm Joe. I guess I took a bad step."

"You don't have a concussion., just a cut." Renee opened a sterile gauze pack and placed it on his forehead, grabbing his hand and placing it on the pad. "Hold it there until the bleeding stops, then head to sickbay."

Joe looked at Renee, his face asking a wordless question.

"I need to go in case there are serious injuries. You'll be fine. I promise."

"Okay," said Joe.

Reaching sickbay, some of the power had been restored. Stepping inside, she joined Aarix, who was talking to several of the staff.

"I'm here now. Fill me in," said Renee. "How bad is it?'


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