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First Dance

Posted on Wed May 3rd, 2023 @ 1:29pm by Nollel Livaam (*) & Chief Engineer Michael Burnstein

Mission: Mission 16: Hysperia
Location: Hysperia
Timeline: Masquerade Ball
1054 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Nollel was nervous about what she had planned to do that night. It was not every day you had to tell friends that were better than a family that you had gotten married without them. She knew they would be understanding and be as happy for her as she was feeling it was still making it all real. The Ardanan artist stood waiting outside the huge ballroom complex that was being used for the masquerade for her husband. It was so strange to think that Michael was now her husband that she smiled as she looked around for him. It had been a long day trying to organise stores that she was the one running late and she had sent him along with the others with instructions that she would be there at 9 pm.

A little way away, Burnie was walking along the adjoining wall. Walking, not pacing, because pacing would mean he was concerned that Nollel was late. And there was no reason to be - God knew it was normal for both of them, but especially him, to get tied up in work and show up late. Still, there was a rush of relief when he spotted her. "Hey, " he called with a wave as he hurried over.

“Hey….” She greeted. Her delicate dress flowed from top to bottom and had a round neckline, which delicately revealed the ornate dress worn below it which matched the delicate mask in her hand. The silky, corset of her dress covered her stomach where the continuous flow was broken up by a simple cloth band around her waist before the dress flowed to the floor covering her heels.

Burnie paused a couple of steps away, taking in the vision before him. "Wow. Totally worth the wait," he said with a big smile. "Though I'm regretting just sprucing up my D&D costume. We're going to look like Beauty and the Beast."

“You look perfect,” Nollel assured and stepped up to him taking both his hands in hers. “Sorry, I was late. I got distracted by reorganising stores. Trades is taking it all very seriously.” It was not a complaint but things had been running well and did not need to change but it was to be expected with a new person in change. A new broom cleans as the saying went.

"As long as he eventually takes it off your hands," Burnie replied with a nod. A little wait was worth the time it would buy for them later, and he appreciated that she wasn't someone to just up and leave with things left to be done. "Worth the wait, like I said. Plus, this way we get to make an entrance," he said, grinning and offering her his arm.

Nollel nodded, time would only tell if her duties were taken away from her to leave her time to do other things but for now, that was not something she needed to think about. She quickly tied her mask up and took the offered arm with a grin. The first sight of a masquerade ball was something that set the tone for the entire event. This entrance was adorned with elegant decorations like drapes, chandeliers, and ornate furniture. As guests arrived, they were greeted by hosts and hostesses who were dressed in elaborate costumes that matched the theme of the event Nollel could not work out at all but she carried on inside watching to see the main area and she was not disappointed guests themselves were also decked out in stunning attire, wearing elaborate masks that conceal their true identities. "I cannot see anyone we know." She said over the loud music that was being made by the band.

Looking around, Burnie didn't recognize anyone either - small wonder with everyone in masks. With one exception. "Hmm... I think the woman on the dais with the green skin is Beya," he said nodding toward where Beya stood in a bejeweled outfit that looked like a cross between a Rennaissance courtesan and a harem girl.

“Only Orion I know in Hysperia.” Nollel agreed laughing. “Not entirely sure it is what the Hysperians wanted in harvest queen but it fits her. Do you think we will ever get her to return to the ship?”

"I imagine once the festival's over she'll be just as happy to leave," Burnie said with a laugh. "Hysperia's usual social standards would be way too prudish for her."

Nollel stayed quiet and just savoured the atmosphere after a bad day it was exactly what she needed if she was honest. She was not going to go into the reasons for the bad day but it was enough to make her drink. "Fancy a drink?" She wondered. "Can go say hello to Beya and catch up?"

Burnie glanced back at the elevated area where Beya stood with her court. It struck him that there'd be plenty of time to catch up later. Right now, here with Nollel dressed like a goddess, small talk with crewmates was the last thing on his mind. "I could do a drink if you're thirsty, but really what I'd fancy is a dance with my beautiful wife," he said with a smile.

Nollel had been looking at the bar area but span back around as he called her beautiful and then wife. She broke into a big smile and blushed under her mask. "Just that comment makes up for a bad day." She admitted. It was not the time or place to discuss what had happened in the operations team meeting but she definitely would later on. "I have never known you to dance."

"Not exactly a lot of opportunity on the ship, is there?" he joked and held out a hand. It wasn't like it was a hobby, and he certainly wasn't going to win any awards for ballroom dancing, but he could manage and with the right partner, there was a definite appeal.

The woman took the other hand and moved his other hand to her waist and smiled. “I’m going to make lots of opportunities to be able to dance with you. A couple of those fairy lights in hydroponics and we have the universe's most romantic setting.” She commented.

Gathering her into a closer hold, he smiled. "I look forward to it."


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