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One Final Song, One Final Adventure

Posted on Wed Apr 12th, 2017 @ 8:41pm by Jeassaho Kea (*)

Mission: Mission 3 - Negligence
Location: Central Core - Lower Region
Timeline: MD 02:: 13:30
1119 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Sebastian had been tracing power lines, looking for the points where the system had broken down, and found, to his surprise that on several points what appeared to deliberate damage had been done to the system. Sighing with annoyance, he backtracked to the first spot and slid into the crawl space. Toolkit resting on the nearest support strut, he patiently set about restoring order, humming as he worked. The sound echoed off the walls as though trying to fill the otherwise empty space; it was an old blues song he had learned from a gruff old Klingon. They'd gotten along very well and Sebastian had learned an important lesson - not every Klingon was a blood wine swilling warrior. They had engineers there too.

Bradon heard the humming echoing down the corridor as he traced the routes of the command circuits from the station's bridge back to their computer hubs and grinned. He'd gotten to know Sebastian a bit, and had discovered that when Sebastian was concentrating, he hummed the oddest songs.

He had been able to start the traces from the bridge to locate the specific equipment they had been sent to gather. He had also made note of where some equipment was that they hadn't been asked to retrieve. Which, in his mind, made it open game. And the Mary Rose could use all the help she could get, no matter where she got it from.

According to the schematics he had been able to download to his engineering tricorder, he was nearing the intersection where the cable lines started to dive into the center of the station. He followed the sensor readings that showed him where they led, and found they disappeared into the port wall right next to a Jeffries tube. Or at least what the Cardassian Engineers had used for the same purpose.

He keyed in the opening sequence and groaned to himself as the door opened halfway, then stuck. It took some muscle power to open the door completely so he could lock it against the corridor wall. The last thing he wanted was it closing behind him!

After taking a moment to locate all the protrusions he could see in the crawl space, he started his way down. Fun times.

Jeassaho bit back a small cry of alarm as she span around in the darkness for the second time in as many minutes trying to see where the sound was coming from that kept interrupting her as she tried to find the isolinear rod that might turn some basic power. "Stop that!" She said crossly turning back to open hatch before seeing it was Brandon. "Sorry I didn't realize it was you."

Bradon grinned back at the engineer. They were always doing that to one another. It seemed, in regards to their jobs, anyway, they thought quite similarly.

"It seems the main control lines run through here," he stated, gesturing toward the mass of pipes running along the walls and ceiling. "Was just tracking them down."

Sebastian found the pattern of damage very interesting. Not main power exactly. It was more like power to a certain area ... he started to wonder what someone had gone so far out of their way to protect. The damage had been, in some places, relatively subtle. He kept tracking the damage until he was sure the pattern held then slid out of the hatch and went looking for Gordon.

Jeassaho turned back to her isolinear rods and pulled out the last damaged one. "We should have basic lighting now once Sebastian returns." She confirmed thinking it was only the first job in there long list of things.

Sebastian followed the sound of voices and turned a corner to find Jeassaho and Gordon. "I found something interesting while I was poking around. Looks to me like someone was setting up sensor voids ... might be worth tracking down."

Jeassaho shrugged a little. It was a former Cardassian space port and then a base for a Bajoran cult for some wormhole aliens. "Nothing surprises me on this base. Rueben made us all read the security briefings that he had for this place." Jeassaho pointed out turning around folding her arms across her chest. She was covered in dirt and grim but looked completely in her element.

"Sensor voids?" Bradon asked. "Aren't those just loved by smugglers to keep prying eyes from certain parts of a ship?"

"That's what I thought," Sebastian said. "Want me to get back to tracking it all down? Or did you need me for something else?"

"Maybe we should concentrate on getting power so people aren't stumbling around in the dark before we do anything else?" Jeassaho suggested with a small smile. She herself was fed up of stumbling around in the dark and tripping over things, it was futile to do more things until the emergency lighting at the very least was online.

"Now I think that's a great idea. Jeassaho, Sebastian, did either of you find anything while you were checking things out? From what I've seen it appears that the main lighting circuits were just turned off, probably from the Engineering spaces." Unless one of them had issues with the idea, they were going to head down there to get some light on the subject. Bradon almost snickered at the thought.

"It seems like they did a good job of turning the station off. It was well led, they didn't cut corners or not follow correct procedures. I would think they were Starfleet instead of Cardassian." Jeassaho could see that is had been done in a professional way instead of just being switched off going cold. Obviously who ever had switched the Station off had intended to return one day.

"If that's true, then it shouldn't be a big deal to get things turned on again. I'll run through the checklist. See what I can do." He mock saluted the group and headed down the corridor, away from the group.

"Cute kid!" Jeassaho called after him grinning. She had taken to teasing him as he looked so much younger than her and was so eager to get on and do stuff.

He stopped and then turned, executing a sweeping bow to her; as he rose, she could see the cheeky grin and the sparkle in his eyes. He blew her a small kiss and then headed off into the shadowy depths of the station in search of his own kind of adventure.


Lieutenant Commander (LOA) Jeassaho Kea
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Sebastian Rudd
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Sanyue)

Bradon Gordon
Chief Engineer
SS Mary Rose


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