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Drunken Tour Part 1

Posted on Wed Jul 5th, 2017 @ 4:11pm by Jeassaho Kea (*)

Mission: Mission 3 - Negligence
Location: Deck 16 - Work Deck, Engineering Workshop
Timeline: Back post
1305 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Amelia sauntered into the workshop as her stomach grumbled. It had been a long day, but a productive one. She felt so good being on a ship again. Granted, it didn't look like much at the time, but she still glided into space. The crew was fantastic, so she hoped she didn't end up alienating them like she had her previous one. She still barely knew anyone, but hopefully, that would change.

Pulling her hair out of the ponytail she'd tied up from the afternoon, she let down her long raven hair and ran her fingers through it. She then smoothed out her black tank and dusted off her pants. Looking up, she smelled the food as she entered the shop. Looking to those that were already there, she gave a soft smile.

"Party?" she asked as she observed the plethora of food and alcohol. With a wide grin, she eyed up some scotch and grabbed a glass, along with a plate of food. Grabbing a seat on the other side of Jeassaho, she sipped the scotch and closed her eyes. It was so smooth; perfect. "Is this what happens every time we accomplish something?" she winked playfully, fully knowing the answer.

Jeassaho shook her head pulling the younger woman into the corner of the work shop. "What are you doing here?" She laughed at her knowing Brandon had arranged it for Engineers only.

Amelia closed her eyes "Bloody hell, sorry, mate." she laughed "I just smelled food and heard laughter. "I'll head." she smiled. Gosh, being this close to Jeassaho made her heart race. This girl crush might have a little more weight to it that she initially realized. Not wanting to waste good scotch, she finished it and turned around "If you're not doing anything later, I'm off my shift.." she winked.

"You thought you could have a good ole time at an Engineering party huh?" Jeassaho grinned a little at the woman as she watched her. "I am not doing anything now. You could stay and we can have a good ole time." She breathed watching her seeing the way a blush crept up her cheek.

Amelia nodded "I'd like that, actually." she said, giving a smirk "I mean if they don't mind..." she said as she ran her fingers through her hair. Placing her fingers into the belt loops of her leather pants, she stood. "So, I hear congratulations are in order. I'm glad you guys have gotten over yet another hurdle in engineering." she winked playfully. Taking another sip of scotch, she looked to Jeassaho, daring to brush her fingers through her hair. "How can you have such perfect hair even with the crap happening on this ship? In space?" she chuckled.

"Nah they won't mind if you are sulking in the corner with me. Next, we might be able to have more water in cabins." Jeassaho liked the idea of being able to use the jacuzzi in her stolen quarters. "Cause I have really good shampoo," Jeassaho commented on glancing back at the other people in the room ignoring them. "So how are you settling in?" She wondered looking at the woman's fingers close to her face. "Been thinking about that night in the bar." She admitted with a smirk, it had been before the woman had realised that she was on the ship that the woman was looking for.

"I'm good! It's nice to be on a ship where people aren't completely at each other's throats. Refreshing, actually..." she winked as she sipped her drink. "I have too, actually. Even though I caused a scene, I ended up back on track...and meeting you." She whispered sweetly. "God you smelled so good that night." She said as she started becoming oblivious to the others. Looking into her eyes, she couldn't help was run her fingers through that dark brown hair of hers. "Damn you, Engineers..." she chuckled.

"Ha, you've not been on here long enough if you think that sweetie." Jeassaho looked at her innocently. "Why damn us Engineers... we got you all water. Do you know how many times I've been swimming in those water tanks and then climbed through jeffrey tubes?" She wondered looking at the woman not caring about the Engineers that were making lots of noise around them.

"Oh sweetheart, no...I only meant that because somehow, this department keeps the attractive people hidden from sight." she winked wickedly "And water is good. Keeps you hydrated after...rigorous activities." she whispered so only Jeassaho would hear. Grabbing her drink, she took another slow sip. Damn this scotch was good. She wasn't sure if it was the booze, the excitement, or just being by this woman that made her senses go into overdrive. "So I can shower longer than 5 minutes? That will be amazing.."

"Can shower as long as you want. I can read a book in my bath now as it can be bigger than an inch." Jeassaho teased a little ignoring her comment about attractive women. "Fancy going somewhere else?" She asked indicating the room that was connected to the one they were in.

"Oooooh a little." she giggled as she placed her empty cup down on the table "I was thinking that you could give me that tour..." she winked as she continued to ignore those around them. Putting out her hand, she stepped toward the door "So? How 'bout it, love? I mean, if you;d rather stick around here getting drunk with a bunch of people you see all day..."

"Tour of what Melia?" Jeassaho asked innocently as she scooped up the bottle that was close by and tugged Amelia into the dark storeroom that was the easiest way out of the maze of Engineering complex. Jeassaho turned and looked at her as the sounds of her colleagues got fade as walked through the long room lined with shelves and random engine parts.

"Your quarters, love. And that shower..." she sighed "Woah!" she gasped flirtatiously as Jeassaho tugged her around "For a little thing, you sure have pull!" she drunkenly giggled. Looking around the darkness, she ran her fingers through her hair "You, love, are too dangerous..even for me." she winked "I lose myself around you." she whispered as her index finger wrapped around one of the cloth belt loops of the brunette's engineer uniform.

"I thought you hot shot pilots liked danger?" Jeassaho demanded as she looked down at the woman's finger in her belt loop and grinned in the semi-darkness. "You sure you want to go there and not here?"

"Danger love, danger is the best thing. I'll just have to suffer the repercussions..." she winked wickedly. "Where did you have in mind? I'll go where ever you go." she smiled and she put her nose into Jeassaho's hair, smelling it. She wasn't sure if it was the scotch or if it was the smell that made her feelings for Jeassaho heap into overdrive. "And...I'm tipsy." she giggled.

"Two scotches and you are tipsy." Jeassaho stepped back out of reach and looked at her. "I should just put you to bed." She mused in a teasing voice as she wandered along the stacks running her hand along the empty spaces.

"Well, I've been working all day, love. I forgot to eat and I happened to smell the delicious libations you guys had at the party..." she winked "No, I'm still quite awake, sweetheart. I'm not even the least bit sleepy..." she whispered with a giggle. Staying close to her, she smelled that perfume again. Gods, she was irresistible "We almost there, love? I don't know if I can keep my hands away for much longer."


Amelia Harkness
Shuttle Pilot
SS Mary Rose

Leiutentant Commander (LOA) Jeassaho Kea
SS Mary Rose


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