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Arrival Part 2

Posted on Thu Jul 27th, 2017 @ 2:01pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol

Mission: Mission 4 - Combustion
Location: Deck 17 - Hangar Bay
Timeline: MD 01 :: 10:30
1573 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

:::Shuttle ALEXANDRIA:::

Micheal was about to reply when the comm channel was closed on the other end. "Well, doesn't look like they trust us very much, eh, Alex?"

The AI's face appeared on one of the screens as she replied. "It certainly seems that way, Micheal. I told this would be a mistake." She paused and then continued. "I have recieved landing instructions."

"Take us in," Micheal responded. "And keep your guard up. I'm sure they're going to try and look us over. Make sure our secrets stay secret."

"Honestly, Micheal," Alexandria replied with what would be seen as exasperation, if she were human. Do you really think I won't? Besides, the computer on that ship is no match for my systems. They will only see what I want them to see. You, however, will need to be careful while you walk into their ship."

"Hey, it's me you're talking to!" He replied with a grin on his face. During the time since the Alexandria AI was created, during his time in tbe Andromeda Galaxy, he had come to see her almost as an over protective sister, much like his own real sister was.

Alexandria's image rolled her eyes slightly in response befofe vanishing from the screen. The shuttle then continued tbe approach towards tbe Mary Rose, angling towards the opening shuttlebay located at the aft of the engineering hull. Less than five minutes later, landing procedures were completed and the massive clam shell-style shuttlebay doors slid shut.

Rueben walked into the shuttle bay with a small smile as he took in how different the shuttle looked compared to old models that had come with the ship when Barton had purchased Rosie and were lined up along the opposite wall. Rueben stood out like a sore thumb compared to the Shuttlebay Chief and the pilot he had brought with him.

"Maybe i should have changed out of this." He said looking at the smokey boiler suit he had grabbed when helping with the Damage Control.

Amelia instantly began oberserving the area as her eyes scanned the depths of the shuttle. She noticed differences, as this seemed to be a much newer ship than her Rosie . "You look fine, sir. Look at me, I'm just in my uniform. Never mind the dust in my face. Let's see what this man is up to and why he needs our help, shall we?" She asked with a playful smirk as she continued to survey the area.

Once they were standing by the starboard hatch, it slid open, venting a little interior atmosphere as it did so. Micheal dipped his head and stepped out onto the shuttlebay deck. Stretching slightly, he straightened back up, his long, dark brown colored duster waving slightly as he moved. Reaching up to tip the brim of his black Stetson with his right hand, he began the greeting. "Howdy, Captain. Thank you for allowing me to land."

A cowboy... a goddamn cowboy... Rueben raised an eyebrow. The man had as thick a Texan accent as his own Russain one. He didn't even want to think about the outfit he wore, the last time he had seen anything like that had been in school studying history. He held out his hand. "Rueben Gregnol." He greeted softly.

Micheal reached out and accepted the handshake, his grip strong as a steel vise, but polite and unthreatening at the same time. "Micheal Robertson. How do you do, Sir?"

"Could be better if i didn't have a hole in my ship." Rueben wasn't threatened by the handshake, you could feel the measure of a man by his handshake. He nodded and glanced by at Amelia knowing she would already going through things in her head.

After Rueben replied, Micheal turned his gaze towards the young, raven-haired beauty standing next to Rueben. Reaching up to his stetson, instead of simply tipping the brim, he lifted it off his head and tipped his head forward slightly. "Howdy, young lady. And you are...?" He returned his hat to his head as he spoke.

"Oh bloody hell..." she grunted under her breath as the man finally came toward them. "H-Howdy..."she replied as she held out her hand "Harkness. Amelia Harkness, pilot of the ship you're wanting to take a bit of refuge in." She half smiled, trying not to giggle at the man's ensemble.

Directing her attention around the ship, she took notes of the changes and anything that looked out of place. There was a vibe here; something wasn't right. Looking to Rueben, she felt like she wanted to dig a little deeper than the surface; to find the bones in the closet. "Fine accent you have there, mate. United States...uh...southern, right?"

Grinning a friendly, lop-sided grin, Micheal replied, noticing Amilia's eyes moving over his shuttle. "Yes, Ma'am. Born and raised in Lubbock, Texas. And you sound like you come from Australia. Melbourne?" As he spoke, he discreetly signaled Alexandria to seal the open hatch. It slid shut and then the shuttle sat silently.

"Sydney." she replied simply "Thank you for noticing. People confuse my accent often." she said as she rolled her eyes, still taking note of the changes. She analyzed every nook of the ship as if they had something to hide...which she was fairly certain they were...

"So now that you are on board what can we do for you? As you can see alot of my crew have been up a very long time." Rueben asked now the pleasantries were out of the way.

Micheal nodded slightly as he replied. "I understand, Captain. And I don't wish to be a bother. So," he raised his left wrist up in front of his stomach and pressed a control on a device he was wearing on said wrist. Less than a second later, two footlockers, each four feet wide by two foot high and deep, materialized next to him. "As I said, what little medical supplies I have, you are welcome to."

"Well brilliant... What other skills do you have?" Rueben wondered softly thinking it was likely to be more up to date than what he had currently procured from trading.

Micheal casually placed his hands behind his back as he replied. "Well, Captaini served nienteen years as an enlisted member of Starfleet. Of that, eight years was specifically spent on damage control. First as a junior enlisted, during the Dominion War, when my ship spent the entire war deep behind enemy lines. Later, i was a team leader. I then spent a few years as an instructor at Great Lakes Training Facility. Finally, I ended my service as the Chief of the Boat of a Defiant class starship. The past few years, I've spent my time hunting down those that deserve punishment." His tone was very straight-forward. He clearly was not hiding anything about his service history.

"Many a life changed by the Dominion War." Rueben conceded with a small sigh. "Well, then you must be pretty good with Gamma welders and the like?" He wondered glancing the ship over again before deciding the man couldn't cause too much trouble with his crew or ship when they were already in a bad state.

"Yes, Sir. Very good. I can run a bead so smooth, you'd think a machine welded it."

Amelia smirked; the man actually seemed legit. She could easily detect bullshit, and this man was passing the test. She was still wary, however. The cowboy gettup made it hard for her not to burst out laughing. Michael's history is what changed her mind about him. He had lived. He had served. He probably had the stories to tell all by now. She was impressed with this guy. "I'd like to hear about it then, if you're coming aboard." she winked and she placed her hands onto her hips.

She wanted to explore this ship like no other. She wanted to see the controls and how the ship flew. The nerd in her grew so excited as she stood still. Once a pilot, always a pilot...

"You might want to change out of that first before you attempt Engineering though." Muke's appearence, head to toe: black felt Stetson cowboy hat, front brims curled up on either side, long, calf-length, dark brown, leather duster jacket, black, long sleeve button up shirt with small white buttons, large silver and gold belt buckle, with the image of a man riding a bucking bull in the center, dark blue jeans, and black leather cowboy boots, with silver tips on the toes and silver spurs on the heels. Rueben just couldn't see him Engineering in that at all and he suspected JJ and Bradon would go mental.

Micheal grinned slightly. He removed his duster, revealing the pair of pistols in thigh holsters, a pair of cuffs and a collapsible baton on his belt. He folded the duster and placed it on the crate nearest him. Next, he removed his Stetson, placing it atop the folded duster. Finally, he unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled each one three times, pushing the rest up to the inside of his elbows. Spreading his arms slightly to his sides, he responded. "All set, Captain."


Rueben Gregnol
SS Mary Rose

Micheal Robertson
Bounty Hunter

Amelia Harkness
Shuttle Pilot
SS Mary Rose


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