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Acquiring Medical Equipment part 1

Posted on Sun Jun 26th, 2016 @ 12:17am by
Edited on on Sun Jun 26th, 2016 @ 12:18am

Mission: Mission 1 - Bridges
Location: Starbase 7
Timeline: MD 24 08:00
625 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Talon was still getting used to the decks of the ship. He was a man on a mission, today. Joss needed one man in particular. He thought that Erim was just the one to help him acquire medical equipment.

Finally, he found the correct quarters. Remembering the man's comment about his earring, Talon lifted his hand to it, making a mental note to keep track of it. He finally reached out and rang the chime.

Erim was in a deep sleep. In far off lands of beautiful women and majestic beasts to slay. The last thing he expected at this hour was the harsh buzz of his chamber door. He sprang up from his bed in only his underwear. On the ready for some intruder or starbase security.

"Who's there!?"

Talon expected that type of greeting. This was the type of ship you asked before opening the doors. He hoped that as the crew banded together as a team, they'd begin trusting the others.

"Doctor Talon," Joss explained.

"Ok..." Erim thought he recognized the name, hopefully he wasn't bearing bad news. Doctors always had bad news. "Enter!"

Talon entered and looked around another sparse quarters. The Bolian in his underwater didn't phase him. He was used to seeing people in less at times.

"I have a task that I believe you can help me complete," Talon started. "It will require a skill of stealth."

"I see..." Erim was still groggy, but it wasn't like he had somewhere to be so he decided to sit down and hear the man out, "What did you have in mind?"

Talon grinned, believing Erim was the man for the job. He had heard how the Bolian had become part of the crew. He was caught, but if Talon could be a distraction to the doctor, pulling his attention away from the Bolian, he should be successful. Most people wouldn't suspect a Bolian to begin with, for they usually were looking for ways to serve people.

"Our sick bay could use some equipment," Talon explained. "We could use a medical tricorder, a few hyposprays, a laser scalpel, an autosuture," then thinking of Reuben, "a cellular regenerator and tissue regenerator."

Of course, they could use much more, but this was the basics. They could make due with the basics.

"And you want me to acquire them for you. From the starbase." Erim was for one, excited. He finally was able to do some good with his compulsion. There were many stories of noble thieves from cultures across the Federation and beyond that told tales of stealing from the wealthy and giving to the needy. To him this seemed no different. In fact, the entire thing was quite romantic. And Erim had always been a sucker for romanticism. Still, it wasn't an easy target.

"So how do you suggest we get past the security measures and twenty four hour personnel manning the station?"

"Perhaps I could distract the good doctor, while you rob him blind?" Talon suggested. He wasn't a professional, but had often heard that misdirection often worked when working a con. Of course, Erim might have a better thought, as this was his line of work. In any case, Talon was open to suggestions.

Erim yawned, his jaws clicking audibly as he closed his mouth. It was too early in the morning and he had no better ideas. "Sure." he agreed after another moment of thought, "That sounds good. Lets give it a shot! When do we begin?"

"After a quick breakfast?" Talon suggested.

"An excellent suggestion. I always work better on a full stomach." Erim agreed. "To the mess?"


Talon Joss
Field Medic
SS Mary Rose

Erim Gleb
SS Mary Rose


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