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Staffing the Lower Decks Part 2

Posted on Sat Jun 25th, 2016 @ 11:02pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol

Mission: Mission 1 - Bridges
Timeline: Following 'Staffing the Lower Decks part 1'
1868 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Rueben sighed as he waited, he was a patient man but even he was getting worried about how long it was taking the young Orion to mind what he could only imagine was her mistress. Orion classes always confused him as nothing was quite what it seemed. He was getting bored by the moment but at least the coffee was starting to work, he was starting to feel less groggy from his previous nights alcohol.

After a lengthy wait Mishka did return, and with another Orion woman in tow. Actually, she stood behind the other woman, and almost appeared to be prodding her forward. The two women were similar enough in size and stature, but the one in front looked to be at least a few years older, and had a much lighter skin tone. The two of them sat at the table, with Mishka looking nervous and uncomfortable.... as if she was seated next to a bomb that could go off at any moment.

"Go get me something to drink. Please" Rinza said to her former slave, waving her off and adding the last bit as a clear afterthought. Mishka hopped up and moved to the counter, she seemed almost eager to leave the two of them alone.

With a heavy sigh, Rinza leaned forward and rubbed at her brow, as if she were suffering from a headache. At first she seemed almost oblivious to Rueben, or the context of their meeting. Then she looked up and met his gaze. Her eyes were tired and glassy, but also appraising. Her attire was similar to Rueben's, or would have been. She wore a dark grey henley, unbuttoned to the point where it almost showed cleavage, along with snug, black leather-like leggings, and black combat boots that looked in dire need of a shine. She'd been wearing a leather jacket very much like Rueben's, but she'd gotten... stuff on it back at the bar.

"So, what can I do for you?" Rinza said, her words slurring slightly.

"I heard you are a scientist," Rueben said watching her carefully. He had said a word as he watched her taking in everything about her. He glanced at the younger woman and smiled reassuringly.

If Mishka had returned to the table by that point Rinza would have glared at her. It was a measure of loyalty to keep silent about the people who were close to you, and in that regard she had not passed the test. Her former slave had been shielded from much of Rinza's prior dealings with the Orion Syndicate, but she should have known enough to realize that with them people had disappeared for saying less.

Still, Rinza did need a job. Or at least something to do with her life that wouldn't take her back to Orion space. But she wasn't so desperate to sign onto the first grimy freighter she saw docked at port.... not that the Mary Rose fit into that category. And besides... she knew all to well that hiding out on a civilian ship could end just as badly. After all, her former family and associates often preyed upon such vessels.

"That is correct. I'm an astrophysicist and chemical engineer." Those two fields didn't have a lot of overlap, which sometimes confused people. Why did she branch out, instead of focusing on one and taking it all the way to a professional degree? Mostly because of the challenge. And to diversify her options. Designing starship engines was one of the few things that would require knowledge in both (among other things), but unfortunately that was not a very lucrative business to be in. The methods of FTL (faster-than-light) travel used by the Federation and its neighbours had changed little over the past three hundred years, and it was tough to bring anything new to that table.

Astrophysicist and chemical engineer? He almost smiled at the fact neither of them crossed over but he had know people before who had very different divest skill sets.

"So are you looking for a job?" He wondered looking at her. He had more questions but if she wasn't that interested he wouldn't continue.

"I am... presently seeking employment, yes." Rinza said. She answered the question, but the way she said it made her seem at least a little evasive. Shady indeed. In actually it was an effort to act sober.

At that moment Mishka returned and set down a cup of tea in front of Rinza. She knew what her former-mistress liked to drink, and also knew that she disliked coffee. Especially the smell of it brewing. The full realization and irony of her present surroundings hit Rinza just then. And she abruptly picked up her mug of tea and made a show of sniffing its aroma. Both to mask the smell and hide her expression. If her potential employer, any potential employer realized that she was too drunk to notice that she'd sat down in a coffee shop.... well, she wouldn't have been able to get a job collecting garbage.

"I'll be just over there." Mishka said, deciding it was probably best if she wasn't there at the table with them.

"So first question... do you always drink this early?" He wondered softly. His handsome face smirking a little that she hadn't been able to hide it from him at all. He knew the signs. He himself drunk extensively but never that early in the day.

Rinza sighed, and nearly smirked in distaste. Of course she would not have been able to hide it, bit with all things in life she gave it her best try. "Normally I'm always sober." She said. As if the man would believe that, given her present condition, even if it was true. In the somewhat recent past she'd crafted various alcoholic recipes, among other things, and she had no illusions about the effect her creations often had on people. A lot of bad things had happened in her life, but nothing before today had driven her to try and drive out her sorrow with alcohol or drugs. Before today she'd had little sympathy for that kind of behavior.

But when you didn't expect to see tomorrow, did it really matter?

"I didn't expect to amount to anything productive today, to be honest." She shrugged. "Was too caught up in... commemorating my last day in Federation space when you summoned me." Now that the ruse was up she let the mask slip a little, but not by much. She wasn't adept at handling her liquor, and there was no point in advertising that.

"Well..." What could Rueben say about that? She barely looked older than the other woman what could of happened for them to be kick out of federation space. "Would you like to come with us?" He offered. He always had a soft spot for the under dog.

Rinza almost shrugged, but stopped herself short. It would not have been a useful gesture for conveying interest. "Where are you headed?" She asked simply. That would probably be the deciding factor. If they were headed to Orion space, then joining up with them wouldn't help her in the slightest.

"Heg’La and the Gullundrian Star System up near the Zeta Gelis Cluster." He said quickly before he forgot where they were going. It was completely not where he was wanting to go but he was working on it. He was still hoping he could change Barton's mind and head to the Delta Quadrant.

Rinza nodded. She'd heard of Heg'La... not great things, but nothing that would have dissuaded her from going there either. It was certainly within reach of the syndicate, but not exactly within their usual area of operations. Or so Rinza thought. She was hardly well versed on their activities.

"Ok. Consider me interested, then." She said, almost surprised to hear herself say it. It wasn't like she had a better alternative though. "It would probably be best if we discussed the employment contract when I'm... um. You know." Not drunk. Those words probably didn't need to be said.

Rueben chuckled softly, the sound though croaky sounded like it belonged around him. He nodded and held out his hand.

"We are here for another two weeks... Turn up and we will discuss it." He said softly waiting for her her take his hand.

Rinza stared at his hand for a moment. Since arriving at the starbase she'd witnessed over a dozen handshakes, but this was her first. Though she was half-Human, she knew very little about their varying customs. Orions did not shake hands. Equals did not require physical contact to affirm their standing or seal a deal. When an Orion held out his or her hand, it was because they expected you to kneel and kiss it. And that was only among free citizens. If slaves were to demonstrate their loyalty, they knelt lower and kissed feet.

Mishka, her former slave, was now free, but the thought of shaking her hand in public made Rinza's already unsettled stomach that much more queasy.

In the end Rinza did take the man's hand. She seemed obviously unfamiliar with the gesture, and probably not entirely comfortable with it. She did make a good attempt at it though.

"I also would like your friend to come... we could use someone like her if you choose to come with us." He added as an after thought to her as he let go of her hand.

Rinza arched her eyebrow at that, if ever so slightly. The expression conveyed surprise among so many species that it required minimal interpretation. She could only wonder what Mishka had said to the man. Though she was clever, Mishka had no formal training in anything but the domestic duties common to household servants. She would not have lied about having any capabilities above and beyond that.

"I have no issue with that..." Rinza said waving her now-free hand almost dismissively "whatever arrangement you've made with her is none of my concern." Part of Rinza almost wished that the two of them would be parting ways, to sever all ties to her past. But then again, Mishka was the closest thing she had to a friend.

"By the way, I'm Rinza xen'Sahni." She introduced herself, now that they'd established a connection. Depending on the situation, Orions didn't always introduce themselves right away, so not yet knowing her future employers name wasn't strange in the least.

"Rueben..." He answered back standing. He wasn't sure where this was going to lead but it was going to be interesting to say the least.

"See you in two weeks, Reuben." Rinza said, guessing that the interview was over. She almost seemed eager to leave the coffee shop, but that was mostly because she didn't like the smell of coffee. Mishka, seated a few tables away and minding her own business, very nearly scampered out of her seat to follow on Rinza's heels. She blushed, realizing that she no longer had to do that, and looked at Reuben encouragingly, as if hoping that the interview had gone well.


Rueben Gregol
Executive Officer
SS Mary Rose

Rinza xen'Sahni
Science Technician
SS Mary Rose


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