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Posted on Sun Jun 26th, 2016 @ 12:37am by
Edited on on Sun Jun 26th, 2016 @ 12:38am

Mission: Mission 1 - Bridges
Location: Nann Groshlugh's Mind
Timeline: MD 18 04:00
305 words - 0.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Nann was so excited. She was walking into her newly remodeled kitchen upon the Mary Rose. It was the first part of the ship newly refurbished. A gift from the handsome captain to honor her fine cuisine. Nann would have to personally thank him later. That would be just as nice as walking into her brand new kitchen.

As she entered the kitchen, it appeared someone was already busy prepping for the day. She loved her assistants. They were always working hard at trying to learn her skills.

She walked up to the far table and gazed down upon it. An involuntary squeal passed her lips as she view pound upon pound of bacon. She turned her back to it, a hooved hand covering her snout and mouth.

Before her was another table. It was also full of meat. This one, dozens of pounds of sausage. She felt the reflux coming from the pit of her stomach. Wanting to vomit, but not able to, she braced herself with her hand upon something to her right.

It turned out to be another table. Lifting her eyes, she saw it too was full of meat: ribs! She had to get out of there. Someone had desecrated her new kitchen by butchering swine inside. But all this meat and the portion sizes... They could be Tellarites.

She turned and behind her was a fourth table, full of hams. She was surrounded by tables loaded with pork meat. Letting out a squeal, she fainted in her dream and awoke in her bed. It was only a dream. A nightmare. Calming herself, she drifted back to sleep. At midmorning, she'd report to her barely working appliances in her rickety kitchen and prepare the meals for the day.


Post by
Nann Groshlugh
SS Mary Rose


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