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Feeling out security

Posted on Tue Oct 11th, 2016 @ 1:07pm by
Edited on on Tue Oct 11th, 2016 @ 1:08pm

Mission: Mission 2 - Contagion
Location: Deck 9 - Corridor
Timeline: Back post
639 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Talon Joss had been attempting to get to know everyone with whom he'd be serving aboard the Rosie. One person he hadn't met with yet was Rokar Quas, the head of security. It must be a difficult task to secure a ship of thieves. Talon snickered to himself of the ironic position Quas served.

It just so happened that the Security Chief was walking the corridor before him, approaching from the opposite direction. The man was about the same height as Talon, but was more toned. He certainly got more physical work than Joss. The man had an intimidating appearance.

"Hello Rokar," Joss greeted the man, offering a friendly handshake."

The El Aurian looked up from his PaDD at the call of his name. He didn't recognize the voice, but he knew the face from the ship's manifest. Quirking his one intact brow, he deactivated the PaDD in his hand as he stopped. "Hello," he said, ignoring the out-stretched limb for the moment. "Dr. Joss, I assume?"

"Actually, Talon is my surname, so it's Doctor Talon," Joss confirmed, "but you may call me Joss, my given name, since you are a shipmate."

Rokar nodded as the corridor's lights flickered, no doubt from the engineering teams tinkering with the power systems again. He could feel the fluxuations in the local EM fields messing with some of his cranial implants. "Damn it," he muttered as he brought the palm of his hand to the remnants of his optical implant.

Joss got a look of concern upon his face. It was hard for Talon not to notice that Rokar was having some difficulty. The huge hand held to the eye was often an indicator of pain, blurred vision, sensitive eyes, or any combination of the three. They couldn't have the head of ship security not able to keep an eye on things. It just wouldn't do. Plus, it would be good to have a man as intimidating as Rokar have your back sometime.

"Would you mind if I ask what is wrong?" Talon probed.

The security officer shook his head as the effects began to subside. "Just a bit of'll pass," he replied.

Talon showed a look of disbelief. Dizziness wasn't a symptom that one should overlook. He remembered his grandfather disregarding dizziness, while doctoring in the mining camps. He just continued working through the symptoms until a major stroke took his life.

"Dizziness shouldn't be overlooked," Talon said with concern.

The flickering became more pronounced before finally blowing-out as power surged through the the local relays. Rokar gasped as the disorientation subsided; his implants returning to normal as the EM fields began dissipating. He leaned against the bulkhead as his head cleared. "That's better," he finally said as the emergency lights kicked-in.

"You should stop by sick bay, my friend," Joss encouraged. "Allow me to do a full examination."

The El Aurian shook his head as he righted himself. "That won't be necessary," he replied. "I just need to reprogram some of my nanites to compensate for...the-" He blinked as the corridor started to spin again.; then it stopped. He opened his eyes to find that part of the world around him had gone dark.

"Do you have what is needed to reprogram?" Joss asked. Medicine was his field. He was a doctor, not an engineer. "Perhaps one of the engineers? I am close to Tabitha. Maybe she can help."

"Son of a-!" He waved a hand in front him, trying to see if he could kick the reset on his implants. When he couldn't get the system to trip, he growled in annoyance. "Great, my optical implant just shit the bed on me!"


Talon Joss
Doctor/Field Medic
SS Mary Rose

Rokar Quas,
Head of Ship Security
SS Mary Rose


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