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Collecting The Biggest Piece Of The Puzzel MISSION END

Posted on Thu Aug 13th, 2020 @ 5:07pm by The Collector (*)

Mission: Mission 11 - Prospecting
Location: New Laurium - Equinox Industries
Timeline: MD04 11:25
608 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Chestnut, straight hair awkwardly hangs over a thin, sad face. Round black eyes, set charmingly within their sockets, watched what he had spent the last few years working on in ruin and on fire. It was like a switch had been turned turning this headquarters from perfection to ruin in seconds. He knew Gregnol had a good crew but he had never realised just how much they would have risked for him; it was as impressive as it was frustrating.

He had not expected it, he had thought it would be simple to swap the man with a clone duplicate as he had planned years ago. When would he learn that Gregnol in any universe was a force to be reckoned with? The Butcher had been just as frustratingly amazing, it had been why he had kept an eye on him wherever he escaped to.

He surveyed the damage once more as he looked at his watch, his ship would be there to pick him up before Starfleet came to investigate properly. They were too far out for it to be quickly even with the colony council requesting it on the crew of SS Mary Rose’s behalf. It was just enough for him to allow his ship to escape his clutches again. It would matter not; a scapegoat was as usual in place to take the fall and Equinox Industry would deny all knowledge of the rouge faction especially as the colony council had accepted the personnel so easily.

He stepped into what had once been his personal lab and stepped back in surprise at the sight that greeted him in the almost destroyed room - One Gregnol clone lying pristine in surrounded by the biomimetic gel that been involved in its creation. How fortunate was he that one of the clones had been unable to leave his tube due to quantum lock when its brothers had been programmed to destroy upstairs? The explosion had freed him and the goop protected him.

He moved silently to where the man lay on the floor and nudged him with his boot until the man awoke and looked up at him confused. He slowly sat up wondering why he was barely clothed and why he felt sticky all over. “Who are you?” He demanded confused as to what he was doing on the floor. Had he not just been somewhere else? It was confusing in his head, he had so many conflicting feelings and thoughts.

“That is not important right now. What is important is getting you well.” The man decided that this would be perfect and possibly the best outcome that could have come out of it. He grabbed up a tricorder and started running it over the man. The download had been corrupted by the explosion so his memory was confused from what they had extracted from the real version. The clone looked at him trustingly as his wrist beeped to inform him that his ship was ready to leave now. With a few quick instructions and a few changes, the transporter took them both to the small sophisticated sickbay. The man started potting around to prepare stuff as the holographic helmsman got them away from the planet.

“What is my name?” The clone wondered as he was brought out clothes and some of his dignity restored. “What is your name?”

“Your name is Reuben Gregnol. You are a Starfleet officer that has been abandoned by your crew. You can call me Hamish or The collector if you need a title.” The man finally said smirking. This was far to perfect. Someone was really shining down on him.


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