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Who's Sleeping in My Bed

Posted on Mon Sep 21st, 2020 @ 6:22am by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Liha t'Ehhelih

Mission: Mission 12 - Railway
Location: Eden's Quarters
Timeline: MD02 07:30
1546 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Liha's snapped open, awakened by a sudden sense of 'not right' - a sense proven trustworthy yet again in the instant she felt a hand on her, a body nearly on her. Twisting, she both shoved it off and changed positions, straddling the intruder and pressing an arm bar across their throat as she reached for the knife beneath her pillow.

...Where was it? Had the intruder taken it? She swiftly shifted a knee to pin one of the woman's arms - she realized it was woman now - and clasped the other with her free hand. "Who are you? Tal Shiar? Answer or I'll end you," she hissed.

Gregnol had been comfortably enjoying a rare night where he had gotten to have the bed to himself and enjoy Jeassaho coming to bed much later than him. It was a pleasant sensation until he suddenly found himself being shoved and then sat on by a larger body. He looked up blinking at Jake in the darkness pinning him to his bed. What kind of nightmare was he in? “What are you doing Jake?” He muttered thickly wondering why he did not have the strength to push the man off of him.

An eyebrow ascended. "Jake? What..." It was Eden's voice, but for some reason she could barely make up a face ...which was wrong. Why wasn't her usual night vision working? In fact, why did her body feel so weak and strange? She bent over 'Eden' or whoever it really it was. "Did you poison me?" she hissed.

"Jake get off me now," Gregnol muttered trying to roll away but his bulk just was not there. "I did not poison anyone Jake. I want to know why you are in my quarters though." He muttered finally realising his voice sounded odd along with feeling odd.

"Your quarters? You're in my bed! And why are you calling me..." Liha paused, finally noticing how strange her voice sounded. She looked at the arm across Eden's neck. It was thicker and more muscular looking than hers (really strange given how weak she felt)... she tipped her chin inward, looking at what was definitely not her chest. "...Jake..."

A horrible idea formed in Liha's mind, but even if it was somehow true, why would Eden be asking why Jake was in her quarters? She leaned down, pinning whoever was pretending to be Eden more thoroughly. "You're not Eden, are you?" she accused. "What the hnaev is going on?"

"Of course I am not Eden. I am Gregnol." Gregnol commented on wincing at the sound of his voice and why he felt so weak as he tried to move the person pinning him. "If you are not Jake who are you?" The man demanded wishing he could get his voice to behave, it was just too soft to portray just how mad he was becoming.

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. Claiming to be the Captain was the most obvious ruse for an impersonator. "Liha," she said, easing her hold slightly but not by a lot. "If you're Gregnol, prove it."

This person being Liha made so much sense with how she was acting. It would "I met you because someone cheated you out of booze." He muttered finally finding a grip on her and heaved the mass off of him and rolled up to sitting up in bed.

Hmph. Liha frowned - in her own body, she'd have never been thrown like that - but the answer seemed legitimate. "All right. You're probably Gregnol," she conceded. "But why are we in the wrong bodies?"

“I am Gregnol. Very much Gregnol.” He muttered and frowned at Jake before he realised something. “If you are Jake Liha and you called me Eden.” He looked down at himself and muttered something under his breath that sounded very much like swear words. How could he be Eden? “I am Eden.” He scrubbed at his face confused. “What is going on?” He was security deep down, he was not science. They needed science-y people to figure this out.

"I don't know." Liha shook her ...Jake's... head. There awareness of the human body she was in raised an even more disturbing question. "More importantly, if we're in Eden and Jake's bodies, who is our bodies?"

"I imagine it is a straight switch. Will you be waking up with anyone? Jea will be freaking out about now waking up with Eden." Gregnol wished he could be a fly on the wall for that conversation.

"My body won't be waking up with anyone, and that better not change with Jake or whoever is in it," she said darkly, getting up from the bed to go find out. She took a step and paused are the weird balance and ...other things. Ugh - how did men walk with these squishy bits between their legs? "I never thought I'd feel sorry for Eden, but right now I do."

"Why?" Gregnol slowly stood up not liking how different his centre of gravity was so much higher. It was going to take a little while to get used to.

"Getting Jea to believe her for one. Your body is probably getting to dragged to medbay by now," Liha replied with a smirk. "Also, waking up in a male body. No offense, but I never realized how weak and," she looked down, grimacing, "weird it would feel."

Gregnol paused and grinned ruefully. It would be just like his woman to sucker punch him and drag him to sickbay. "I guess I never really thought about how odd it must be for a woman. Your centre of gravity is all off." He mused relieved that they were both dressed. "We need to get dressed and get sickbay to look at us and find where the owners are."

"Your center of gravity is off too - up around your chest. No wonder men are easier to throw," she muttered, looking around for clothes. She didn't much care for the only idea of putting Jake's discarded clothes, which were the only ones she saw. After opening two drawers and closet but finding only Eden's clothes, she frowned. "Any idea where Jake would put spare clothes in here?"

Gregnol looked around and shrugged, he had not been in Eden's quarters since it was Jeassaho's quarters years ago. "Seems odd that he wouldn't have clean clothes here." He looked down at Eden's clothed body and sighed. It was no good, he would need to get dressed in something else to go out and get help. "Maybe by Stan's cage." He muttered staring at the spider looking at them both.

Looking at the spider's cage, Liha grimaced. "You know, this could be an opportunity. That thing could get 'get loose' and 'wander into an airlock'. Just saying..."

Gregnol looked at Liha who looked frankly evil looking at Stan’s cage wearing Jake body that it made him grin wickedly. The thought had crossed his mind but he was just sure that Eden would realise what they had done and hold a grudge forever towards him. “Da. Tempting but better not.” He muttered and shook the thought away It just wasn’t worth it.

"Fine," Liha sighed. "Missed opportunity, if you ask me." She looked at the remaining unchecked drawers and finally found some men's clothing. "Ha! Finally. I was about to give up and just throw on one of Eden's frilly robes."

Gregnol frowned at the mention of Eden's frilly robes. He was going to have to dress in something more than the vest top and pyjamas he currently wore or more precisely Eden wore. He looked around and found an old hoodie chucking it on, it hid all the issues that he currently had with no bra on. "I know but do we want her mad at us?" Reuben knew he did not want to upset his Exuctive Officer.

Liha shrugged. Eden being mad struck her as about as threatening as an angry butterfly, but Gregnol was the Captain. "I guess Jake might be upset too, and he is your XO. If not for that I wouldn't be too concerned." She flexed a little as she slipped on sweats from the drawer, and examined bulging but surprisingly weak muscles. "I'm absolutely sure now that I could take him."

Of all the people he could have woken up with it being Liha was an absolute treat. Watching what was coming out of her mouth with Jake’s voice was brilliant, it just sounded and looked wrong. “I was sure before now but let’s not need that. Where are we going to head?” He would go to sick bay but he was honestly asking her opinion.

As much as she hated to say it - because she hated going medbay - she had to agree with the original suggestion. "If you think Jea will drag your body to medbay, that's probably the best option. Who knows? Maybe bringing swapped people into contact will make this thing reverse."

He knew without a doubt that Jeassaho would be dragging him to sickbay and requesting psychological assistance. “She is going to think I have finally snapped.”

"Probably best we get over there and explain things then," Liha laughed.


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