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Big and Small

Posted on Mon Oct 19th, 2020 @ 12:19pm by Jinx Jorasco

Mission: Mission 12 - Railway
Location: Jinx and Avalon's quarters
Timeline: MD02 Morning
955 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

---Avalon's Quarters---

Jinx yawned and stretched as she woke up, then cursed in pain as her knuckles and toes hit the ends of the bed. "Ouch!" She blinked in surprise and rolled over, her eyes blinking open. Where was she? This didn't look like her room. She rolled over and, instead of finding plenty of Big People bed, she found herself falling out and thumping onto the floor.


She looked at the fall of hair that now was in her face. It was brown, not red. What in the ancestors… She looked up and saw a face in the mirror. “Avalon?” The face said the words with her. “Oh, ancestors, no…” she murmured, scrambling to her feet -- and falling over again, hitting her head on the dresser. She wasn’t three feet tall any longer. She groaned, laying there dazed, her head throbbing.


---Jinx’s Quarters---

A weight settled on Avalon’s stomach, and a low growl came from near her face as she felt warm breath on her face. Something sharp pressed against her vulnerable belly, tap-tap-tapping, and yellow, slitted eyes stared into hers as she opened them to see a dinosaur standing on her, seeming to glare angrily.

She would later admit that she screamed like a little girl at first as it took her mind a few moments to figure out what the creature was. More curious was how it had gotten in here. She glanced around her, realizing even more quickly that here was not where she thought it was. "Uh," she said to Zambi. "Nice little raptor." She had more things to worry about than the barely covering her butt shirt that she had on, or the breeze that was now telling her she was uncovered and on her knees as she'd rolled from the bed in a panic.

Zambi leapt from Jinx’s body as it rolled from the bed, landing on a chair, still eying Avalon. The raptor sniffed at her. It gave a chirrup sound that seemed confused.

As Avalon looked around the bedroom, it seemed bigger than hers. Jinx had had the entire suite remodeled, getting everything replaced and resized for a woman only three feet tall, which made the quarters much more spacious.

"We're going to stay calm right, we'll figure this out," Avalon kept saying out loud, unsure if she was talking to Zambi or herself more.

Zambi leapt off the chair and darted across the room to what looked like a bean bag chair. There was a dish of water by it, and another dish with a worn thigh bone of a targ. Zambi growled, gnawed the bone a bit, then put it back, looking at Avalon expectantly.

"Oh, right, you probably need to be fed. Um..." She knew Zambi was a carnivore, but where had they gotten the meat to feed her? Did they store it here in these quarters? It would need some way of staying cool and fresh. She started walking around the room, lifting up things, opening any large doors. "Can you point me in the right direction?" she asked, having no idea how intelligent the creature actually was.

Zambi whined and trotted over to a drawer under the replicator. The handle had a complicated “child proofing” way it had to be opened so that Zambi couldn’t just open it herself and gorge, but it wasn’t difficult for Avalon to figure out, and a small stasis cooling unit opened up filled with various cuts of raw meat.

"Alright, well, I have no idea how much you're supposed to eat. So don't go crazy if I give you too much. Hopefully we'll have this sorted soon enough." She looked around for a bowl and placed some meat in the bowl, putting it on the floor. Then she glanced around for something to wear so she could get out of here and go to sickbay. Maybe someone there would know what the heck was going on.

---Avalon’s Quarters---

Carefully Jinx moved to get up, adjusting to the new center of gravity in Avalon’s body. She still got a bit of vertigo, and held onto a chair as she looked down at herself again. Carefully she touched herself, making sure it was real. She was definitely...bigger! She wore an old t-shirt and plaid pajama bottoms and had a bit of bed head.

“Okay. What could have gone on here?” she asked herself. “First things first, I should get a medical scan.” She looked around the room. “I should make myself presentable first.” Jinx headed over to the vanity and picked up a brush, starting to run it through Avalon’s brown hair.

Jinx looked at the makeup on Avalon’s vanity. It wasn’t something her people usually did, other than mark their faces. That wasn’t cosmetic, but more like marking your accomplishments. She didn’t know what to do with half the things there, so she just went and opened the closet to check out Avalon’s selection of clothes.

Jinx pawed through Avalon’s lingerie drawer. She held up a few stringy, filmy items. “I don’t even know how this works. What would you wear it for?” the practical-minded alien mused. She finally found a matching bra and panty set to pull on, a bit more lacy than the practical ones she was used to. It really enhanced Avalon’s bust nicely.

Jinx perused the closet again. “Oh, this is pretty!” She pulled out a nice dress, rather impractical for everyday ship wear, but nice nonetheless. She pulled it on and straightened her -- Avalon’s -- hair. “Now let’s go find out just what the hells is going on.”


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