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Getting Off Of Bajor

Posted on Thu Apr 20th, 2017 @ 3:41pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Dixoho Saa (*)
Edited on on Thu May 18th, 2017 @ 4:50pm

Mission: Mission 3 - Negligence
Location: Bajor, Calash
Timeline: MD 02 :: 09:00
778 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Tran showed up at the fast food establishment at 0900 hours at the restaurant where he had told to meet with Rueben. It still struck him as humorous that across the UFP known space you would find MacDougalls, even after the founding of the federation.

He purchased a hot coffee and muffin and made his way to a booth. He sat and waited for the arrival of the captain of Mary Rose. He had information to give, and he wanted to transfer it as discreetly as possible.

Rueben made it with just enough time to grab his own coffee. "Looks like we both made it on time," The Captain said grumpily about the headache he had. The man slid into the booth opposite the older man.

"Yes," answered Quang. "I'm not exactly thrilled about the meeting location, but it does match up with not being expected." He smiled and then continued, "Anyway I found the information. It's on this information chip. All there, including the medical records. So tell me, does it match up to expectations?" He slid the chip over to the captain.

The big Russian laughed a little as he took the chip. "You could have just come to my ship. My crew or should I say your new crew wouldn't have battered an eyelid. I do have a thing for the retro feel of the place though.." Rueben admitted finally as he skipped the chip into his jacket. "Did you look at the files?" He wondered returning to his coffee as if nothing had been passed between them.

"The files?" Quang shrugged. "I gave the Empok Nor information a passing glance. Cardassians can be tricky. It looked okay." He paused and then continued, "The medical records. No, I thought that it would be inappropriate. But I know the medtechs I asked for help. And I trust them. So you should be good."

He leant back and took a sip of his coffee. "It does make me wonder what you know of my records. Doesn't bother me though. One thing I know is this. Everyone has a past. You just have to make peace with your own."

"I am former Starfleet myself," Rueben admitted gulping down his coffee quickly before it went cold. Most knew that he was former Starfleet not that he was still Starfleet being blackmailed by Starfleet Intelligence. "Good I don't think Jeassaho would appreciate you knowing her medical file." He didn't need to mention the not mentioning it to Jeassaho he hoped the man knew not to mention it.

"Jeassaho Who," replied Quang quietly and with a smile. "Never heard of her, don't want to. I need to get my stuff for the trip off world."

He reached down to the floor and pulled the duffle bag upright. "Oh, here it is. So when do we leave?" He regarded the captain with a smile. He was ready to roll.

"So i am guessing you want to see the ship and leave with us now?" Rueben said rising to his feet. He didn't have long and they were leaving in the next two hours so it was now or never.

"Absolutely," answered Tran. "I've said my goodbyes." He smiled and shrugged casually. "I was pretty sure you would be happy with the results. So I allowed myself some optimism. It's a luxury that I occasionally allow myself."

Rueben just shook his head and led the older man through Calash to the Space Dock where Rosie was docked. She was an old fashioned design but looked structurally sound. He strode along the connected gangway and stopped surprised to see Dixoho stood on the gangway.

"Saa... What are are you doing?" He demanded to make her jump as she had thought him on the ship already.

Quang wondered who she was. He was more concerned with getting on board before the captain changed his mind. "Excuse me," he commented with a smile as he moved by her. "New Quartermaster coming on board. Hope to talk to you later."

He walked into the old Constitution class ship. It was like walking into a museum. But he thought, so many possibilities.

Rueben sighed and moved after Tran ignoring Dixoho as she stumbled through an explanation. "It's not much." It wasn't much to most but to Rueben it was his house and he was growing to love Rosie. She had become his refuge in the chaos of being blackmailed, everything was on the ship that he needed.


Captain Rueben Gregnol
Commanding Officer
SS Mary Rose

Quang Tran
Bajor, Calash

Dixiaho Saa
Chief Navigator
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)


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