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New Journeys...

Posted on Wed Jun 28th, 2017 @ 7:12pm by

Mission: Mission 3 - Negligence
Location: Shuttle ALEXANDRIA
Timeline: Prior to explosion on Mary Rose
531 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

"...and tell Ma that I'll try and get back home in a couple months." Micheal finished the message that he had been composing for his father. After signing off, he spoke aloud, "Alex, please transmit the message to my father on Earth."

The face of an attractive brunette appeared on one of the screens in front of him. "Transmission sent, Micheal," Alex, the shittle's AI replied. "Shall I plot a course as well?"

Shaking his head, Micheal responded. "No, not right now. I don't feel like heading back to Earth at the moment."

"But in your message, you stated..."

"I know what I said, Alex," Micheal snapped. "Just leave it alone. I don't want to discuss the matter."

The AI was silent at first, then simply bowed her head slightly. "Very well, no offense was intended." Her tone of voice spunded almost hurt.

Micheal sighed. "Sorry, Alex. I didn't mean to snap at you." He shook his head slowly as he frowned slightly. He inhaled a slightly jagged breath before continuing. "I'm.. I'm not ready to go back there yet. Honestly, I don't know if I ever will be." He glanced out the port side view port of the cockpit, his eyes becoming moist as he seemed to remember something painful.

"You're thinking of you wife and children." It was more an observation tham a statement. Suddenly, Alex's image vanished from the screen and she materialized in the seat next to Micheal. She was dressed in the high-collared, fancy dress, that a woman from the old Victorian Era England would have worn, complete with hat and gloves. "Though I do not know what that pain feels like, I am programmed to feel pain itself. Is there anything I can do for you?" There was genuine care and concern in her voice as she spoke.

Reaching up to wipe away the tears that threatened to fall, Micheal shook his head and replied, giving Alex a small, sad smile as he did. "Thanks, Alex. I appretiate the sentiment. Unfortunately, this is one of the drawbacks of being a flesh and blood lifeform. Loved ones die, usually before we want them to."

Alex mimicked a sigh of her own. "Well, if it matters any, I would hate to lose you too soon."

That made him smile slightly. "Thanks, Alex. I've grown fond of you as well." He was about to say something else, when the proximity alarm signalled that there was a ship nearby. Looking back to his console, as Alex vanished again, he asked, "What have we got?"

"It appears to be an old Constitution class refit. Transponder identifies her as... the SS MARY ROSE," Alex replied. "She appears to have been converted to a cargo ship. We will need to get closer for me to be sure."

Micheal straightened in his seat, as he took the flight controls in his hands. "Taking us in at one quarter impulse. Keep scanning them as we approach."

The shuttle altered course and started to cautiously approach the MARY ROSE.


Micheal J. Robertson
Bounty Hunter


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