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Lack Of Adulting (MISSION END)

Posted on Thu Nov 2nd, 2017 @ 3:26am by Captain Rueben Gregnol

Mission: Mission 4 - Combustion
Location: Deck 4 - Senior Officer Quarters
Timeline: MD08 02:30
325 words - 0.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Computer Start personal log of Reuben Alexander Gregnol

So, this trip to Ardana has to be the most interesting experience since coming onboard Rosie and has highlighted a hell of a lot of things to me.

papers rustling

One is that a lot of things that Barton brought in need to change urgently, we need to become a business something a lot more solid than what he had ever wanted for this ship and crew, he needed me to rein in most of his more desperate attempts at a business like slavery. We are going to have morals. Barton wanted to live on the fringe, always scratching for a living, taking in criminals and lowlifes.

I am fed up of that, Mott is right if I was still living my life I would be Captain on a brand new off the dockyard vessel, not this vessel where the crew are escaping things.

A deep sigh This crew… I have no issue with who wants to be part of my crew but they abide by my rules, they are adults so no more childish behaviour or I will leave them at the next Starbase. I will not hold anyone’s hand anymore when they are old enough and ugly enough to find their way off their home planet let along out into the big old universe.

It isn’t going to happen anymore, they are going to be adults or not on the ship. Rosie deserves so much more than that. More than a childish crew who aren’t willing to team players or even understand that they aren’t in Starfleet if they had been anymore. She old and grumpy, she needs some tender, love and care and I am hoping that the news will bring that about in one way or another.

I just hope she doesn’t kill me in my sleep.

Computer end log


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