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Message In A Bottle MISSION START

Posted on Sun Nov 12th, 2017 @ 11:57pm by Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson (*)

Mission: Mission 5 - Liberation
Location: USS Ishimura
Timeline: April 2246
255 words - 0.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Personal Log: Scientist Mate Ensign Cassie McAvoy Stardate: 25484.44

It is here. It is following us. We are all saying our goodbye if the plan doesn’t work. It is pretty genius really but the Captain isn’t sure it will work but it is our only hope. We are too far from any type of outside assistance to survive against it for long. It is impossible Dikironium particles are everywhere let aloneIt not finding us for long enough.

There are only a few of us left now, no one of importance apart from the Captain really, they were the first people drained whilst us cowards ran and hide like the Captain had instructed. He is the one currently working on the calculations with anyone who has the mind for those kinds of figures.

I don’t… I’ve never had that kind of mind for mathematics that is involved in what they are planning for us, I can… could tell you every element of the periodic table but I could barely operate a phaser. I am sorry… I am trying to work out why I have survived to this point.

If this survives when we don’t I just want to let the families of the people that have already gone that I am….

Quick… onto the platform… Ensign… Stop recording… Cassie!

… I am sorry it was them instead of me. I do… I am just sorry. Computer end Log.


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