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Entertaining Coma Patients

Posted on Fri May 4th, 2018 @ 4:58pm by Ships Doctor Luka Mahone (Mirror)
Edited on on Fri May 4th, 2018 @ 5:08pm

Mission: Mission 6 - Azzia
Location: Sickbay ICU
Timeline: MD9 0130
1053 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Muffled notes could be heard coming from the ICU along with the soft sound of someone singing in Rigellian

For the days that I have left
And the nights that haven’t yet come
I pray to God, for You
For the children of my children
And the children of your children
I pray to God, for You

So open your eyes....

“That means you’re supposed to open your eyes now, Chief” Deacon sat in the ICU and strummed his guitar for a few more minutes before leaning it against the wall. Looking down at Selina’s unconscious form, he sighed and said, “Next time you have the drop on three borders, shoot them.” Deacon forced a smile looking down at Selina’s impassive face.

“Come on Selina, Singing? Comedy? Let me tell you as an audience you really suck. I know you’re just waiting for me to start fan dancing. Well, listen here sister, I just do not have the legs for that.” Still nothing, “Well Kea’s fit to be tied, truth be told I was ready to spit nails when I heard about it.”

The door slid open, revealing the perturbed look of Luka Mahone, who had missed Deacon's entrance into sickbay. "Visiting hours are when the rest of the ship operates at capacity," he explained calmly, despite the venom in his gaze. "Which means not in the wee hours of the morning."

"Sorry, Doctor," Deacon replied not knowing who Luka was, "Hadn't gotten back to the ship till late.' slinging his guitar over he shoulder, "How's she doing? Is the baby safe?"

Lhaes approached, rubbing his hands to dry the alcohol he had applied to them off a bit faster, and rub it in properly. "Visiting hours are when I say they are Doctor Mahone. And if Chief Kane arrived back late, then late is when his visiting hours are." He smiled at the familiar face. "She is resting," he informed the man, "it is too soon to tell if her baby will survive."

The Romulan cast the man a sympathetic look. "But I promise you we're doing all we can to save them both."

Deacon smiled and nodded at Lhaes, then his gaze turned back to Selina. Gently taking up her hand in his own, "You here that, you Fong luh cow turd you have two Docs looking after you doing the best they can, but you have to help out to." he then placed his other hand on the bump in her midsection, "And you, you little gremlin, I know you're scared for you mum too, and it's unfair to ask but i need you to fight, for yourself and for her."

As a tear went down his cheek, he felt an unexpected warm shiver bubble in his chest. Of course as he remove his hands nothing had changed. He knew his people were supposed to be touch telepaths, like the Vulcans, but he never took much stock in it, any more than the prayer he'd just sung to his new and dear friend. That didn't stop him from give this mother and her unborn child the only commodity her had, hope.

"I'll be sure to check in next time come up," Deacon said to the two physicians, then to Lhaes, "Doc, if you need anyone to look after the kids while you up here let me know." then to the other medic added, "And if there's anything I can do for you Doctor Mahone please let me know."

"... You can start by telling me what a Fong luh cow is," Luka deadpanned, then he raised his brow. "Once we're done here, I actually have a concern about the room I'm in. It's minor, so it can wait, but I would much rather someone with actual engineering experience look at it for me, if there's time for it."

"I guess the best translation would be 'Loopy in the Head,' as for 'cow turd' well one traditionally find them coming out of the southern end of a northern bound bovine." Deacon replied shrugging his shoulders, "As far as fixing something in your room, I'll build you an infinity pool if it would somehow help.

"Yes, please look after the children," Lhaes told Deacon, "and there will be no pools in my sickbay." He shuddered at the very idea while he worked on the woman. Skilled hands moved a dermal regenerator across her back. "You should be fine in a couple of minutes though I want you to stay the night to make sure you'll rest up."

"I'm pretty sure he offered to put one in my room," Luka pointed out, taking a step back from Selina with a brow raised. "I also don't think our comatose patient is going to move anywhere."

The golden-haired doctor then turned to Deacon, his expression softening. "It won't be that big. At least, I don't think it will be. I'll let you see for yourself when we're over there."

"Ok," Deacon said with a grin, looking at Lhaes "Doc, let me know when you need me to watch the kids." Then glancing at Luka added, "You can show me what you need we you get off shift."

Catelyn's face had been torn. She was exhausted and completely defeated. Selina had been one of her patients since the early stages of pregnancy, and now this. Her blue eyes were glassy as she blinked. Her cheeks were red, the skin worn from the salt of her tears. Running a hand through her hair, she looked to the others. "If ya'll need a break, I'm fine staying here. I don't want to leave her." she whispered as she bit her lip.

She thanked the stars that she was part of such a dedicated and phenomenal medical team, but sometimes, she wondered if they were enough. Putting her face into her palms, she breathed heavily.

"Thanks Dr. O'Malley, I know Selina would appreciate you being here." Deacon added giving he a slight hug before he left to get some rack time.


Deacon Kane
Chief Engineer
SS Mary Rose

Luka Mahone
SS Mary Rose

Lhaes Sommers
Senior Medic
SS Mary Rose

Catelyn O’Malley
SS Mary Rose


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