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Timeless Thoughts MISSION END

Posted on Sat May 5th, 2018 @ 12:15am by Captain Rueben Gregnol

Mission: Mission 6 - Azzia
Location: Deck 2 - Captains Study
Timeline: MD 14 22:00
343 words - 0.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Captain's log, Stardate 71323.3

The Shoreleave to Azzia hasn’t been as relaxing for some of us as I would have liked. There have been two major incidents for my crew neither that could have been controlled or stopped. Dixoho Saa’s bounty had been picked up by someone who used her weakness against her and involved my Chief Armoury Officer leaving them both in Intensive Care with injuries. I worry about them both currently as neither has awoken, but Medical have assured me it is normal.

I don’t know about the Azzian’s Security Forces but I believe that they are corrupt as the woman who is now part of my crew has hinted as much. It takes all sorts to make a society I suppose but I think involving me and crew in whatever dodgy stuff she had going on was the last straw especially with Selina now in Coma, with both her and the baby at risk. The guilt I feel over even forcing Selina here is eating away at me and what is worse I can get a secure channel to anyone to find the father of the child, it seems even Selina hasn't been able to get in touch with the man.

I reported the incident to the people who paid us and gave us the imperial charter to do so, they were interested, to say the least as it wasn’t the first incident but it might certainly be the last.

Azzia has as well caused one of my newest crewmembers to prematurely enter Pon Farr. It was touch and go whether she would accept Johnathen as her mate as her husband was now too old and already bonded but she did. I have tried to talk to her but she has avoided me. Shame that she thinks me so put off when enquiring about her health.

Women on this ship believe me that foolish or maybe too uptight and inhuman that I don’t notice… Jeassaho…

Computer Beep

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