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Lights... Camera...Lack Of Action SNAPSHOTS

Posted on Thu May 10th, 2018 @ 2:31am by Dodian Carli & Jasper Offermans
Edited on on Thu May 10th, 2018 @ 2:32am

Mission: Mission 7 - Sabotage
Location: SS Mary Rose
Timeline: MD 01 0600
551 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

::::Mess Hall:::
Jasper had just filled his tray with so pancakes and fresh squeezed orange juice when the ship dropped out of warp. Being in a pair of grey sweatpants and a blue T-shirt bearing the Insignia of Starfleet on the front. He had been up to exercise but hadn't made it there yet and still had some time before he needed to be at work. in surprise he found himself hurled forward, his tray leaving his hands and sliding across the floor while the plate landed on the floor where he landed. The Orange juice fell also leaving a colorful liquid on the floor.

"Oh crap!" Jasper blurted as he tried to stand only to slip and fall back into the mess that was to be his breakfast. Getting to his knees he looked down at the sticky cake mess that slopped from him onto the messy floor. The juice had soaked into the crotch of his sweats making it look as if he had wet himself.

:::Upper Navigational Sensor Array, Deck 1, then Bridge:::

Dodian had been tinkering with the sensors for just under an hour when the ship came to sudden jolting stop. She didn't sleep well, hadn't ever as far as her memory served her... too many nightmares.

The force of the stop caused her to thump her head rather hard off the bulkhead nearby, "Stupid Loska Mother-sopacin!". She was not happy, someone had made her bleed... that and clearly this ships translators needed updating to include El-Aurian, not that it would be used much apart from to un-censor her expletives. Climbing down out of the tube she was in she headed to the bridge, her bad mood following her like a shadow along the way.

::::Private Quarters::::

Just as the ship came to an abrupt stop, Lhaes was thrown from his bed and made hard contact with the deck. Dazed, pressing a hand to his temple he listened for a moment. Thankfully, his children still slept in cots and it seemed as though they had been spared an abrupt awakening. Reaching for his clothes, he crawled to his feet and over to the comm unit near his door. "Sommers to bridge, what's going on?"

After a buzz, the voice of the First Mate came in loud and clear. "Apologies, Doctor Sommers, we had a bit of trouble on the bridge. Not quite certain what is happening, but a doctor would be appreciated, as there are a few of the crew seem to have suffered bumps and bruises on the fall."

"As did I," Lhaes muttered, while pulling a shirt over his head, "I'm on my way, I'll be there as soon as I can." Fortunately, for this kind of situation, he kept a medkit in his quarters. Knowing the twins would be able to reach the comm unit, and knowing they knew how to use it, he felt comfortable to leave them alone for a while, especially since they were still asleep. He let go of the button, then continued to pull on his boots, shove his trusty dagger into his boot and make sure his other hidden weapons were in place.

Grabbing his kit, while still fighting some of the remaining dizziness, he headed towards the bridge.


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