
A New Home...

Posted on Sun Jan 17th, 2021 @ 8:34pm by Executive Officer Kyle Reece (Mirror)

Personal Log, stardate 98642.44. Commander Kyle Reece, loyal Imperial officer reporting. In accordance with Imperial Command's orders, I am in transit from Starbase 80, to my new assignment. I am to assume the position of executive officer, aboard the ISS Fenrir, commanded by Captain Gregnol.

On a personal note, K'Tox warned me to keep on my guard during my time on the Fenrir. Apparently, Gregnol is a favorite of several members of the Admiralty. He is apparently one of the few Imperial Commanders to take prisoners from the alternate universe. I personally have never seen any of these duplicates of us, however, I have seen files of how, back in the 2200’s, a ship from that duplicate universe entered Imperial space, even made Earth orbit. That ship, apparently commanded by my duplicate, destroyed a dozen of the Emperor’s best Constitution class vessels, apparently with relative ease. Perhaps this duplicate of mine, where ever he is, might be someone I could appreciate. The level of ruthlessness that he showed that day was a blinding departure of how the others of his universe seem to behave. (A sigh) I guess I will just have to wait and see if our paths will cross.

It is a strange feeling, going off on an assignment without either my uncle, K’Tox, or my beloved, Elizabeth, either going with me, or already being there. K’Tox is still busy, back on Starbase 80, putting down that insurrection of slaves miners down on the nearby planet. (An evil chuckle). Those slaves have no idea the amount of pain and suffering that that Reman demon can inflict. But, they certainly will, quite soon.

Captain Gregnol and I have never met. I can only go off of the files that I was provided by Imperial Command, and my network of spies. I do know that, a year ago, there was an attempted coup of his power, when one of his subordinates, a Captain Micheal Robertson, who was apparently Gregnol’s personal attack dog, decided to rebel and aided in the escape of the alternate universe vessel, SS Mary Rose and her crew, back to their home universe. For Gregnol’s sake, he did eliminate the traitor Robertson, along with several other crew that had betrayed the Empire. I am assuming that this immediate reaction, along with whatever favors he has in the Admiralty, ultimately saved both his life and his command. We shall see just how many lives this Russian truly has.

Commander Kyle Reece, loyal Imperial officer, end report.


