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Scanning and plotting

Posted on Sat Feb 6th, 2021 @ 6:01pm by Indigo (*) & Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson (*) & Chief Engineer Michael Burnstein & Krynn

Mission: Mission 12 - Railway
Timeline: MD03 14:00
497 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Indigo looked around as everyone who was important left leaving the Fenris Ranger ranger alone with the Engineer, the woman they said was type of scientist and the woman on the end of the communication. The woman on the line interested her, she wanted to meet one of the people who piloted this thing, wanted to meet someone who could handle this old rust bucket and more importantly wanted to see her face. She did not like someone hiding who they were

“So what’s the deal with her? Why can’t she come down again?” She wondered looking at Krynn and Taev smirkingly she asked the ones left. She had plenty of time before this stupid meal that Kaylin wanted her to go with her too.

Krynn just made a low grunt and gave a little shrug of his big Reman shoulders. "Maybe they don't like you." He glanced over at Tesha by way of redirecting the conversation. "That one might be more familiar to them."

"Everyone likes me. The doctor here loves me." Indigo narrowed her eyes at Krynn and poked out her tongue as she looked at the doctor who as of yet had not said much as of yet. Maybe she was just observing.

Tesha was sitting quietly, listening to the banter. She had been with the Rangers for only a short time, and she had been evasive about her past, so she was still adjusting to her surroundings. Though being with the Rangers seemed like a good thing, she still wasn't happy they knew someone, that knew someone, that knew someone, that knew she had been kicked out of Starfleet. Her only comfort in that was they didn't know the reason why, and she was keeping that to herself.

“Does not change why she was not here.” Indigo carried on as no one else spoke up.

"There were just too many people in this room." Cassie piped up from looking over the calculations before things got complicated and they accused of plotting. Indigo looked the big engineer over.

"It's not the 20th century," Burnie said, rolling Cassie's eyes slightly - it wasn't quite in character, but he couldn't help it. "People can work together from different parts of the ship."

Indigo snorted at the woman who suddenly told her off. “Just seems odd to not work together in person but you are correct it is not those times anymore.” She conceded looking Cassie over before smirking.

"Not really. Being in easy reach of the equipment she needs most is more important than seeing anyone's face," Burnie retorted. "People on a large ship like this are used to working remotely from each other, but in concert. We'd never keep her going otherwise."

"Even with the automation." Cassie found herself commenting with a grin at her body and a wink.

"Okay children," Dixoho commented via the communication. They had a job to do and she needed them to focus.



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