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Budding Romance.

Posted on Sun Mar 28th, 2021 @ 4:01pm by Jasper Offermans

Mission: Mission 12 - Railway
Location: Hydroponics Lab
Timeline: After Swap Back
893 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Jasper walked into the hydroponics lab wearing a smile. He knew there was a woman here, one he had found an interest in before he decided to get lost and find himself. The door hissed behind him and he furrowed his brow as he heard it. The noise was not quite what he thought it should be, but then again the ship was getting old, and at this point, if it wasn't broke fixing it probably was not a good idea. A moment later and the wrinkled forehead was smoothed out.

To be honest, he really had no reason to stop by and talk to Avalon and he hadn't thought to make one up. If Jasper was honest with himself he would have to admit he had missed her, but would she even be interested in him anymore, after all, he flaked out and went on a misadventure.

Spotting the light brown-haired woman Offerman walked over towards her, "I thought I might find you here Avalon, those crocuses are nearly as pretty as you are."

"Oh really?" She replied, only turning to look at him with one eyebrow above the other. She had not missed that he'd disappeared just when they were getting to know each other. True, it was Eden that had tried to set them up, but still. She had been enjoying it and truth be told she'd been a tad hurt by him leaving without saying goodbye.

"It's true," Jasper replied noticing the somewhat cold shoulder he was receiving, "as is the fact that I was really stupid taking off as I did." the man took in a breath and added, "so I wanted to say I was sorry and to prove it would like to take you out, chef has a new grilled lemon pepper salmon dish." He grinned bing, wine, some candlelight?"

She bit her lip thinking about it. "Alright, I guess that would be okay. When?" She wasn't promising anything other than showing up though.

"Today," Jasper replied with a broad grin, "at 19:00, I've got a reservation, they gave a private table."

"Okay," Avalon said, shifting her weight to another foot. "So . . . . why did you leave?" She half asked if she had done something wrong, but now she didn't think so or he wouldn't be standing here asking her out.

Jasper had expected the question and his answer wasn't going to make her happy even if it was the truth, "I left to see what was out there, to see if I could make it without Rosie." He took it a deep breath it's hard to explain, I guess, but I needed to find out who I was now, remember I was stuck in a molecular transport for quite a while and wasn't even sure what life really was like off this ship. What I found, is this is where I belong had I missed you."

She couldn't help but scratch her head. "Have a seat. Maybe you better explain further. How did you end up in a transporter?"

The smile drained from Jasper's face for a moment as the memories flooded back but he nodded as he took the offered seat. "I should probably start back a little further." He looked at the young woman and smiled once again, "I graduated from the Academy in 2242 and, in about a year I was assigned to this very ship, back then it was called the USS Ishimura. I was an ensign and it was an exciting adventure. in June of 2245, they made me a Lieutenant Junior grade but that didn't last for long. The following year we had been attacked by the Klingons, our ship was damaged, and then, it got on our ship."

Avalon took this in slowly. It suddenly registered the years he'd given. " but that would mean you were a hundred and . . ."

"Yes," Jasper replied with a smile, "if you are going strictly chronologically but remember, there was no passage of time while I was in the transporter." He drew in a breath, added, "it is a bit much to take in, isn't it? For you, how could I be so old and form me, it's like I went to sleep and the whole universe aged but not me."

"Yeah," Avalon nodded thinking things through. "You must have lost your whole family in what felt like, to you, a few minutes. I'm sorry." She was still leery though and it would probably take her a while to come back around. But she had agreed to a date and intended to go.

Jasper nodded, "it's been hard to understand at times for me as well seeing we were left in the buffer so long, abandoned there it seems." He chuckled, "well, I am glad they finally found us and got us out, even if it was such a long wait."

"So . . . shall I meet you later then for dinner?" She looked down at herself with patches of dirt here and there and she was sure her hair was probably a mess. "Probably a good idea to go shower first."

Jasper grinned broadly, "probably a good idea, do you want me to pick you up, or would you like to meet me there?"

"We can meet there. I'll see you then," Avalon nodded, took off her apron and headed for her quarters to shower and change.


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