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Explanations And Trust

Posted on Thu Apr 1st, 2021 @ 7:44am by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Chief Helmsman Eden Bowers

Mission: Mission 12 - Railway
Location: Deck 1 - Captain’s ready
Timeline: MD05 10:00
992 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

After a night of restful sleep in her own body, Eden walked to Gregnol's office hoping to find him there. She thought that they should talk and discuss anything that happened while they had switched bodies. She pressed the chime and waited for him to answer, bobbing on her toes a bit. As far as she was concerned, things must have gone well because her body felt entirely normal to her.

Gregnol looked up from the computer screen and then the chronometer that he had to help him keep track of stuff. It was barely 10 hundred hours and he had seen everyone he was meant to.

“Come in?’ he called and the door opened to reveal Eden. “Hello Ms Bowers. What can I do for you today?” he greeted as she came into the room allowing the door to close behind her. He should not have been surprised really they had not caught up yet but he was superseded it was her coming to him instead of him searching her out.

"Oh I just wanted to say thanks, for taking care of me while we were body swapped and that I trust you enough to know that nothing bad happened while you were in my body and I didn't do anything while in yours. It seems like some people are having a harder time of this than others but I think you and I are okay right?"

“We are absolutely fine. I would never break your trust like that Eden. Though I would like to ask why I ache in places I had forgotten existed.” Gregnol smiled just a little and indicated the chair that was across from his dest for her to sit down in. “It does seem like a lot of people are having a hard time adjusting. Can I ask for your advice on something?” He wondered cautiously thinking she might be the perfect person to discuss what had happened with Avalon or what at least the woman suspected. “What would you have done if you thought I had done something in your body?” He questioned quietly.

"Ache?" Eden questioned. "Just a bit of exercise." She sat down where he indicated and crossed her legs though one foot remained tapping softly to an unknown beat. "Oooh, that's a good question. I am not sure honestly. That would feel . . . . weird." She finally decided on the word. "Why? Did something happen? With someone else I mean?"

Reuben held out the PADD to the woman deciding it would be easier to just show her than try to explain. This was not the first time he had dealt with something like that but it was certainly the most unique situation with body swaps. He needed to have another woman’s view. “As you can see there seems to have been a … um … well you can see.” He surmised shaking his head. He had no idea what to do. Normally he would run it past Jeassaho but he was pretty sure in this case his wife would March down and sort it out with violence with several people supporting.

Eden frowned. "Well ..." she said after a few moments. "That is a tough one. If it were me I would feel very mad and perhaps violated, even if nothing sexual occurred. Then again how do we know it didn't. I'm very careful with my body, I'm guilty of connecting with people on an emotional level pretty easily so I tend to be careful so I don't get hurt. But she didn't even have that choice as she wasn't in her body at the time. Maybe we should sit them down in the same room and discuss this? It's your ship and you make the rules."

Gregnol nodded. He had considered it himself but then unconsidered it as he was not sure he could deal with all the emotions there and then after his own experience. "It is a good approach and something I considered but I do not know how to approach it. These are two women and I am not. Would you be willing to sit in on it? Might be better to have a woman there supporting." He wondered thinking when he eventually sat down and got another senior officer it needed to be a woman. He was a big guy as was Jake and without a uniform, he could be seen as intimidating.

"Uh, sure," Eden said though the thought made her uncomfortable from a past experience that she really hadn't shared with anyone. "I would do that."

Gregnol sat back in his chair. He was not that drunk from breakfast drinking with Liha, Jake and Vinny to not notice a look flutter across his face. It was one he recognised from a young ensign that had crossed his desk for failing her cadet cruise. “You do not have to do this you know that right?” He offered gently. He could find someone else onboard willing. Maybe Dixoho? She could be trusted to not cause chaos in a situation like this with her own tentative issues going on.

"I know. But I can't think of anyone better honestly." Eden replied. Her hands twisted nervously in her lap. "And let's face it," she gave Gregnol a small smile. "I'm a great people person."

"You are." The Captain assured with a grin. Whatever else she might have been she was definitely a people person and he sorely needed that then and there to fix the issues that had come up when people had been swapped. "So say lunchtime?" It seemed a better time to gather everyone together and talk it all over.

"Sounds good," Eden got to her feet thinking their chat was over and to be honest she was a bit relieved that things between them were normal after what happened. She'd heard stories of other's on the ship not being so lucky, like Jake and Liha. "I will see you later Captain."


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