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Rangers Reflections

Posted on Fri Feb 19th, 2021 @ 8:23pm by Indigo (*) & Chief Engineer Michael Burnstein & Krynn & Captain Kaylin Jaal

Mission: Mission 12 - Railway
Location: FRS Thrai
Timeline: MD03 23:00
1127 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

The inside of a Warbird as old as the Thrai was less luxurious than the modern ships, particularly the ones Kaylin had been used to at the end of her career. Some people called it old, but she reflected that each vessel she had served on had its own personality. From the way the engines hummed to the way the gravity plating felt, without exception every starship was unique in its own way. The Thrai was hers, and it was familiar. Home.

Since she had rescued it from an old Galae salvage yard and slipped it unnoticed out of the reach of the Tal Shiar, this ship had become an important part of her life. And the people who served with her on board had become as family. The only true family she could trust any more.

As she prowled the internal compartment of her ship, circling around the small dining table that she and her little group shared, she sized up her trusted group. Krynn was standing in the corner giving nothing away, while Taev and Indigo were just waiting for her expectantly.

"So, what do we make of our new allies? Do we expect betrayal from them? Competence?" she asked aloud.

Indigo sat lazily in the dress she had wore from the dinner with the Captain and first officer of the other vessel. It was tight and annoying her but she had been ordered straight to the conference room instead of heading back to her quarters. It might have looked to anyone who did not know her that she was daydreaming or not paying attention but her mind was whirling with information much like it did when she flew the warbird. “I think they are competent. The woman I spoke to by conference was more impressive than me. She can plot charts better than anyone I have met but there is just something under the surface that I can’t quite put my finger on.”

"Could be Tal Shiar," Krynn grunted. Kaylin was startled by the implication but shook her head.

"Unlikely. The Tal Shiar are devious, but I don't think this fits their usual style. Taev - did you speak with your old friend yet?"

“You are overthinking and being dramatic.” Indigo assured as she looked at Krynn grunting about Tal Shiar. What would they be doing with a shitty civilian vessel when they had bigger issues in the universe.

"There's no such thing as overthinking where the Tal Shiar are concerned," Taev corrected sullenly. "But if they were here, Liha would not be. She's ...changed a bit living among humans, but I can't imagine her betraying us or those refugees."

“Yes there is and it’s why I am kept in this inner circle.” Indigo reminded Taev with a pointed look. She was younger than them all but that did not mean she was stupid or foolish. She grew up on the fringe of pleasant society and new what errors in judgement caused but she was not making one here. “It’s not anything to do with them at all and we have never seen them out this far. Something just felt off with the people we had dinner with.” Indigo sighed. Maybe they were just not what she had expected.

"I have nothing with which to base an opinion on that," Kaylin replied. Her knowledge of the humans and their customs was sadly far too limited. "If you think there is something wrong, then we can remain on our guard with them. The Captain didn't seem unusual in his responses, but their first mate was...curious. Could be pliable in the future." She shot a look over at Taev. "If you're confident Liha is unlikely to be involved in any betrayal then I trust your judgement of her. Much will depend on how far they are willing to go to aid us with our objectives."

Taev nodded. "It would have to be some kind of body-snatcher situation for For Liha to not do everything to recover those refugees - up to and including shooting anyone who got in the way of that objective."

“Which is impossible,” Indigo murmured rubbing her eyes trying to think of what they had missed. “I do not think they will not help our refugees but something is off. What species did they say they had onboard?”

"I don't think they ever gave a specific list," Taev remarked. "Except for Liha, it seemed like a typical Federation mix - human, Vulcan mix, Betazoid, Bajoran... science officer was some kind of half-size species I haven't seen before, but I don't recall anything else unusual."

"Science Officer." The blue-haired woman snorted. Why would they need a science department of all things on the ship but it seemed to work for them as the ship was clean, bright if not old fashioned. "Can we do a scan?" Indigo wondered looking at Kaylin for permission. It was suspicion at best but maybe it would put her worries to rest.

Kaylin nodded sharply back, granting the request. "Deep scan. Look for anything unusual." She glanced back over to Krynn and Taev. "If they are hiding something from us we need to be ready. They outnumber us, but with the element of surprise we can take their leadership."

Indigo nodded and went to the console that was in the room. She loved how the cool flooring felt on her bare feet as she stood there running the required scan barely listening to the group behind her discussing things. Suddenly she let out an explicative as she looked at the list of species. "Come and look." She declared finally in Standard.

Kaylin eyed the readings over her shoulder. "What am I looking at?" she inquired.

“It a Megas-Tu. You know that species we found about on deep space 29. The pocket universe species.” Indigo said excited and terrified by prospect. What would everyone else think of this development?

"That," Kaylin growled. "That is what they were hiding. A Megas-Tu is dangerous, and harboring one in secret...either it has co-opted them or it has ensorcelled them. Either way, we need to find that creature and stop it."

"Is there any way we can pinpoint it?" Taev asked. It struck him that taking it out would be the easiest way to free anyone ensorcelled and get on with their mission.

"Not easily." Kaylin looked at Taev and Krynn, essentially her 'muscle'. "We'll take their bridge first. Lock down as many of the crew as possible, then check everyone aboard."

"Daie," Taev agreed, hoping Liha would be on the other side of the ship in engineering.

"Grab Danica from below and make ready. We'll beam aboard as soon as we're prepared." Kaylin said firmly.


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