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Budding Friendship

Posted on Mon Mar 1st, 2021 @ 5:49am by Meghan Massachusetts (*) & Vincent Anjes MD
Edited on on Mon Mar 1st, 2021 @ 11:03am

Mission: Mission 12 - Railway
Location: S.S. Mary Rose, Sickbay
Timeline: MD 03 13:00
1574 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Vinny sat at his desk, waiting for the next appointment to come in. He looked across his desk at the scattering of chewed coffee stirrers and crumbs of assorted foods and shook his head. "This quitting smoking is going to be the death of me." he said in an exasperated voice. With one hand he pushed the mess into a small trash bin that sat next to his desk.

Meghan had not told Jaxom but she was feeling really weird and almost drained to her core as she walked slowly into sickbay. She had never been in this compartment before but it would do just to get herself checked over. She passed for El-Aurian to most people and she was sure on a ship like this they would be even less competent as her species was nothing more than a rumour to exist. "Hi." She said pausing as she saw the man sat there looking glum.

Vincent looked up to see where the voice was coming from. Once he saw the woman he brushed the crumbs from his lab coat and stood. "Hello, there. I'm Doctor Anjes." he stated. His smile was cheeky. "Welcome to Rosie Medical Center. How can I help you, ma'am?"

Meghan had not expected the professional nature of the man and smiled a little. “I am here to get a bit of a check-up.” She admitted. “Gregnol said it will just be charged to my account.” She added quickly. Credits talked and easily bribed anyone into helping or ignoring stuff.

Vincent shrugged his shoulders while standing up and putting on his lab coat. "I don't do this for the money, sadly," he said with a smile. He extended his arm out and gestured to one of the biobeds. "Please, have a seat and we can have a look." Vinny led the way and grabbed his tricorder and placed his stethoscope around his neck before grabbing a datapad. "If I could have your name, please. That way I can pull your records from the manifest."

This man had to have been new as she did not recognise him and he did not recognise her either. That was refreshing after three months onboard. "Meghan Massachusetts," Meghan said quickly sitting down on the biobed. It looked like the newest thing in the sickbay and as she sat down it was certainly a lot more comfortable than she was expecting.

"Massachusetts," Vinny repeated with a large smile, "ever been to Boston, Massachusetts? You look..." the doctor paused as he pulled up the manifest and then looked over the information, "El-Aurian." He placed the ear pieces of his stethoscope into his ears then the bell against back of Megan. "Deep breath in, now out. Deep breath in, out again." He repeated this multiple times until he was satisfied that he covered both lungs and each one's lobes.

"Afraid not in a very long time. I have been to Salem though." Meghan replied quietly as she took a guess at her species. "Yes." She took in deep breaths of air. "I had a funny turn a couple of days back. I thought I should come and get checked over as I have not been feeling better."

Vinny placed the stethoscope back around his neck and then pickup and activated the tricorder, waving it in front of his patient. "Witches and warlocks are from there, they used to say." he smiled and gave a light chuckle. He studied the readings from r a brief moment then looked back to Megan. So, Miss...misses? Massachusetts, what type of turn are you referring to? I do notice that there is a very slight deviation of your rybo-viroxic-nucleic sequences, but being exposed to low levels of cosmic radiation for several decades could cause it, or this equipment is just old as hell and it needs recalibrated.".

“Several decades.” Meghan found herself snorting as everything he said had amused her from witches and warlocks to his comment on her age. If only he knew how old she really was.

"So far you seem extremely healthy. " remarked Vinny. "Can you tell me anything about your episode or relating symptoms? Unlike Terran DNA, El-Aurian biology is quite complex, even compared to many hybrid unions, like my Risan-Romulan mixture. Any information will be helpful."

“Terran?” She laughed a little at his phrasing. “I have not heard humans called that in a long time.” She mused before shrugged a little. “I do not know really. I think I’ve been over taxing myself recently. I just feel drained like everything is hard work.” She admitted not wanting to say the phrase ‘I did a magically spell and used all my energies up’. Humans never understood and magic was never believed with al the technology they now had.

"Stress can have an adverse reaction to our bodies." stated Vinny. "I'm not sure if you believe in meditation and self focusing yourself, but that would be my first suggestion. Relax, find a comfortable place away from any stumuli. Even good can cause stress." Vinny shrugged his shoulders some. "Maybe you just need to recenter yourself and allow yourself a chance to mentally rest."

"I had never considered stress. I just thought my battery empty." Meghan has never looked at it that way before. "For a human you speak wisdom. I do not think I have met that in all my years." She mused softly looking at him. She had never thought that she might have been jarred that much to uncenter herself.

The doctor blushed slightly. "Well, thanks. Although, I do like think that my mixed Risan and Romulan blood gives me a bit of a unique outlook on things. Take some time to yourself, do yourself a favor, before you burn yourself out." There was something about this patient that intrigued him. "And while I'm no counsellor if you need someone to talk to, come find me."

Meghan nodded. She had not thought him a mixed Risan and Romulan but mortals were all starting to look the same after thousands of years among them. “Possibly.” She mused softly trying to not stare too much to work him out. “I do believe I have ever been told by a doctor nor a counsellor has told me that.” She was sure that she could do all of that eventually. Mediation was a key part of herself and what she had done, you were not able creating something without focusing on that. Obviously, she needed to do that on herself instead of what she wanted or felt people needed.

Vincent grinned and shrugged his shoulders some. "I don't like to give medication if it can be avoided. Side effects can form, then we treat those with more meds. I recommend some un-caffeinated herbal tea, a dimly lit space, and Terran classical music. My personal favorite is by Chopin, his Nocturne, Number Two, Opus Nine. I have the music file saved on the ship's internal public listing. If you like it, I'll share some of my own compositions. I listen, write, and perform music for my own sanity. It's not for everyone, but you may find it useful."

Meghan nodded, all things she preferred herself. She was not one for caffeine but she had found herself drinking a big of the ships moonshine recently so that would have to stop for now. “There is a fine cherry and mint tea in your replicator banks that I have a fondness for.” It was her go to drink in the mess and when Jax brought her something. “I prefer Betazoid chime music but I will find that and give it a listen to. I am always wanting to listen to something new.” She admitted standing unsteadily as she started to hum to an almost lullaby song that would have sounded beautiful played by chimes.

Vinny moved quickly to her side and placed a hand just under her forearm and one behind her shoulder of the same arm. "Are you okay? You are much more unsteady than you were when you came in.". he remarked with concern on his face. "You can stay and hop up on a biobed and while I monitor you for a while, or if you insist on returning to your room, I can walk you there." He gave a return hum of the lullaby. "I used to sing that song to my children. They were born on Betazed and their mother was Betazoid. The chime music is beautiful."

“I lived on Betazed for many years before I decided to travel more. It was so empowering and relaxing at the same time. My… partner at the time was a performer of it.” Meghan took a big centring breath in through her nose and out through her mouth as she tried to focus. It took a couple of long moments whilst she listened to the humming and let the memories pass over her for her to focus and come back. “I am okay. Do you mind walking me? I would prefer my bed but I can make it myself if…” She shrugged, well she was pretty sure she could make it there without any issues.

"C'mon, Miss Massachusetts," replied Vincent and he extended out his elbow towards his patient, waiting for her to take it. "let's take a walk to your quarters and we can sing our favorite tunes. Doctor's orders, you know."

Who was she to deny that offer?


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