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Who Is Really Hiding Out?

Posted on Fri Jul 16th, 2021 @ 4:54pm by Commodore Ledeya ‘Ed’ Ehestri (*) & Commander Maxun Spello

Mission: Cosmos
Location: Starbase 47, Main Promenade
Timeline: 2396
1729 words - 3.5 OF Standard Post Measure

From the outside, the club looked well maintained, intimate and inviting. Timber and sandstone pillars make up most of the building's outer structure giving it the façade like the rest of the deck that you were really on a street. It was impossible to see through the closed windows, but the sounds of dancing and singing from within could be felt outside and it was where Commodore Ledeya Ehestri was spending her evening milling with people without a care in the world. It was one of her favourite things to do when Lake was on night shift and they were at a base where no one would be able to put a name to her face quickly enough to sus her out.

Maxun entered the club, after hearing that they served the best cocktails on the station. As he scanned the scene of people enjoying the music and each other, he spotted the bar in the back. He started towards it, moving through the dancing throng. Several women tried to get him to dance with them as he passed through. He politely refused each one. He really wanted a real drink.

Finally making it to the bar, he asked for an old Earth cocktail, white sambuca on rocks. The bartender, an attractive young brunette, smiled and went to get his drink. When she came back, she placed a napkin, which had writing on it, down first. She then carefully put the drink down, insuring the writing didn't get marred. She then smiled again and moved off to help another customer.

Picking up the glass and the napkin, Maxun looked at what was written. He then shook his head with a smile and put the napkin in his pocket. He then leaned into the bar and started to enjoy his first drink of the night.

Ledeya grinned as she finally moved through the crowds to the bar and got a double-take from an ensign at the bar who instantly recognised her but got a look that said move on. The man instantly did so, disappearing into the crowd leaving Ledeya to get some water watching the interaction with napkin grinning. “Not interested or not your type.” She called over the music.

Hearing the voice over the cacophony of the bar, Maxun turned his eyes to its source. He instantly recognized his new commander, however, he got the 'no ranks here' vibe from her. So, he turned towards her fully and smiled s lopsided grin at her as he leaned against the bar and answered. "Not interested. She's a bit young for me. Name's Maxun, but you can call me Max."

The Commodore narrowed her eyes just a little as she wondered if the name Maxun was well used or if this was the man she was waiting to arrive before the Cosmos could leave to assist the USS Marie Curie to secure a scientific dig on a planet that was far close to the border with the Klingons for Starfleet to not send something to support the ship or to be happy that it was even happening. “How odd I’ve been waiting for a Maxun.” She teased just a little.

This made Maxun's smile grow a bit. "Oh? Well, as I am the only Maxun that I have ever met, and believe me, I've been around the universe a few times and never bumped into another, I must be the very lucky man that you've been looking for." He moved closer and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "I'm good with business or pleasure, Ledeya. Or can I call you Ed?" He leaned back and gave her a flirty wink.

The Commodore shook her head at the wink. How typical of an intelligence officer. She would have to watch him with the women on her ship. She did not have time for broken hearts. “Ledeya will do fine Commander.” The woman said with a grin wondering who he knew that had referred to her as Ed. Not many people called her that nowadays.

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied with a thick southern drawl. It was one of the things he had picked up from his many adventures on Earth of the past. "So, Ledeya," he flashed a perfect smile at her. "What brings an outstanding woman of your calibre to a place like this?"

“A little bit of freedom without an escort or security detail.” She answered as the barkeeper returned with her ice water. The woman offered the man a smile before indicating him. He was good looking but very much not her type. “What about you?”

Maxun gave the bartender a friendly grin and wink. Just because he had no interest in sleeping with her, didn't mean he couldn't make her night a little and flirt.

Looking back at Ledeya, he took a sip of his drink and replied. "Oh, just trying to find a way to unwind before I report for duty tomorrow. It's been a while since I enjoyed a bar as myself." He knew that she knew of some of the things he had done undercover over the years. It would surprise him if she hadn't looked into him before requesting his transfer to her command.

Suddenly, a nice song came on that made Maxun want to dance. "Care to dance?"

“What happens to Intelligence Officers after a while. Far too many hats even for your species.” She commented. It was not something that had ever appealed to her. She liked being Ledeya Ehestri. “Afraid not. Some of my crew are down there.” She said spotting a group of enlisted and marines. “Seems half of my ships science and the marine department is there.” She chuckled slightly watching the group mixing. It was a strange combination but she could see who was leading the mixer - Petty Officer Halla Dezom.

Maxun looked in the direction Ledeya was and froze. "Halla...?" He gasped. It was like seeing an angel come down from heaven. Then, he blinked and, seeming ashamed about something, turned back to the bar, attempting to hide his face in his drink.

She could not see Lake in the group and he had not sought her out via her comm badge that was hidden inside of her shirt so he must be staying late to star chart the area. Ledeya turned and glanced at him. “You alright?” She wondered quietly not having heard him speak.

He shook his head as he replied. "It figures, my luck, ya know? Of all the ships in the fleet that I could be assigned to, I end up on the one that is also carrying the woman who owns my heart and what soul I have left."

Ledeya frowned glancing back at the group not able to work out which one could be the mysterious woman who has sobered the man up. “You can back out if you want. Find another place for your new start.” She offered speaking over the music again settling her dark eyes on him. Just by looking at him, she could tell that it had not ended well.

"No," he said, shaking his head, then looking into her eyes. "Thank you. Clearly, Shanalla is testing me. Oh, Shanalla is the Goddess of Fate for my father's people. That is if there are any left. The Borg did a very good job of eliminating them." He shook his head again, getting his thoughts back on track. He sighed, then asked. "How long has Halla been a member of your crew?"

Halla Dezom? Ledeya glanced back at the science technician and smiled. The woman was not what she would have expected at all. She was stunning but not someone who she would have thought would have been the man's type. “The Petty Officer has been on board since the end of 95, so just over a year. I took on a lot of the Cassiopeia crew after the incident.” She mused. They were the best crew she could possibly have.

A pained look crossed Maxun's face. He had read the report of the incident and wished that he had been there to help. When he had been pulled away, he had left Halla a handwritten letter, in it, he had left the address of a secret message board with which she would be able to contact him. To this day, she had never sent a single message. His heart broke, seeing her again, however, he knew he had no right to interject himself back into her life. He was fairly certain that she never wanted anything to do with him, ever again. It was days like this that he wished he could get drunk. Unfortunately, his metabolism being what it is, he rarely even got a buzz.

“I’ve been there Commander.” The commodore said sadly watching the pain flicker across his face. It was easy to read it, she did not need to be telepathic even if she was. “Tell me will it affect your abilities to interact with the science department?”

"For my part, Ledeya, there will be no issue. However, I cannot speak for how Halla will react when she discovers that I'm on the Cosmos now."

Ledeya said nothing in response just nodded and patted his shoulder. She was sure that the woman had moved on with her Marine Commanding Officer but she was not 100% sure which suited her fine. "Good, then I will leave you to your night Commander. My... b... date had arrived." She said breaking into a bright smile seeing a man appearing at the door. He was handsome in the traditional sense and he was not her usual type but Lake was perfect for her and had seen her at her best and worst and that was all that mattered to her.

Looking in the direction she was, Maxun saw the man. He looked like a good guy. He, of course, would have covertly investigated each person on the Cosmos. "Enjoy your night, Ma'am. I look forward to serving with you. If you'd like, I can come down to your temporary office tomorrow and officially report in?"

"Please. Enjoy your night too." Ledeya said with a gentle smile as she disappeared through the crowd to Lake. She just had to hope that the man stayed out of trouble now he knew the woman was on board.


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