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End of the search

Posted on Mon Nov 21st, 2016 @ 2:57am by Captain Rueben Gregnol

Mission: Mission 2 - Contagion
Location: Deck 7- Sickbay
Timeline: MD 04 02:00
778 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Rueben frowned as he looked down at the blanket covered form of his dead Doctor. He couldn’t actually believe he was dead, it was only yesterday that they had shared war stories of there women. He pulled back the blanket to look at Talon one last time, the man was pale but didn’t have a scratch on him. What did this say for his command that he lost a crewmember after less than a month in charge. Starfleet Intelligence and Security were going to laugh themselves silly at his failure.

“I never thought we would be using the morgue so soon.” He said sobering as he glanced up at the Bolian who called him down when the Engineers had found the body and brought it there in an attempt to save him.

"I'm surprised we haven't had to use it sooner. Just yesterday I passed some young lady digging around next to an exposed EPS junction without wearing any protective gear at all," Olsam said matter-of-factly as if they weren't standing over a dead body but rather enjoying a cup of coffee in a lounge. It wasn't that he was necessarily callous about the loss, just that dead bodies were old hat to the Bolian. "Where did you say they found them?"

He put the blanket back over body and looked back up at the Bolian listening to his words. Rueben rolled his eyes, he knew which young lady would be, it was bound to be Jeassaho. She was the only Engineer who would be so fearless, he would have to talk to Bradon about reining her in as he couldn’t directly talk to her. “They found him in the Jeffrey tubes heading towards the environmental control relay. Looks like he was going to investigate how the sickness is spreading.”

"Hmm, I thought I heard the engineer saying something about that section," Olsam said, mostly to himself. He moved over to a console to attempt to access the ship's systems; it refused to power up, much less actually connect him to any sort of internal sensor grid. "Well. So much for that... Anyway, he was saying something about the EPS conduits in that area leaking. It was causing radiation bursts. I don't know if they fixed it." Olsam paused again, rubbed at the non-existent beard on his chin. "Maybe it accelerated the growth of whatever this illness is? I'd have to run some tests before saying anything conclusively. If that theory pans out, we'll at least know what the last stage of the illness is..."

Without saying 'death' outright, he slowly turned his big blue head to look at Dixoho Saa laid out on one of the biobeds. She'd been one of the first patients to be brought into Sickbay and had been steadily worsening.

"I am trying to not think about the last stage considering..." Rueben indicated Dixoho who had slipped into a coma since coming into sickbay barely breathing and the Engineer who had been found in his quarters already in a coma. "You run tests on them i will deal with the search for the source. Do you now have more equipment?"

"Yes," Olsam said, but he did so tersely. "Are you sure that Finn is even a scientist? I have serious doubts. He's unlike any scientist I've ever met. Did you check his credentials before he came aboard? I think we should break into his quarters to investigate."

"Mott..." Rueben pinced the bridge of his nose in a 'please don't bring this up... again' gesture before he let out a huge sneeze. "I am not breaking into his quarters." He had already pretty much broke in already once tonight. "He is Starfleet like me... like you. What else do you need?" Rueben quickly ignored the sneeze and the obvious signs that he was slowly coming down with the virus.

"What else do I need for what?"

Rueben would have let out a bark of laughter at the man in front of him if it wasn't such a deadly situation. He pointed to the body and then the people already in comas.

"Oh! The illness. Right. I'd almost forgotten I was working on that," Olsam said, despite having referenced it less than five minutes ago himself. "I don't need anything else. With this equipment I should be able to run sufficient analyses to determine its origin and the most effective means of treating it. Hopefully before you all die." He lifted both eyebrows and then shrugged. "There's no guarantee, just being realistic."


Rueben Gregnol
SS Mary Rose

Olsam Mott, M.D.
Ship's Doctor
SS Mary Rose


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