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So you can see we have an issue

Posted on Sun Oct 16th, 2016 @ 10:42am by Alika Mahone & Captain Rueben Gregnol

Mission: Mission 2 - Contagion
Location: Deck 2 - Captains Study
Timeline: MD 04 09:23
965 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

“So you can see we have a little bit of an issue.” Rueben sighed softly and pinched his nose in a gesture that indicated his growing frustration over the ship and the ongoing sickness. He looked at Alika as he finally stopped explaining to her about the sickness and let the silence reign to let her digest what was happening.

Sniffling and rubbing her nose into a handkerchief, Alika slumped further into the chair. "It's not that bad Boss. The cold stuff is easy to fix... and we've got a bunch of doctors working on it, right? Docs work miracles. We'll just have to make sure no one goes completely loco. Right?"

"Dixoho was rushed in yesterday, An Engineer was found in a coma and Talon is dead!" Rueben run off the last few items of information rubbing his stubbled face in frustration. "We have two medics and a Bolian Doctor I have commandeered into being our new Doctor. If this was a Starfleet vessel this wouldn't have gotten so far the computer would have warned us of a bio hazard in the air but this old thing she's barely able to clean the air. I don't know what to do to stop people going loco." He had options like locking people in there quarters if they weren't important but even then it wasn't manageable.

'Everyone's gotta be a drama queen,' Alika mused to herself, sitting upright to appear more serious. It was a medical nightmare, one that her dual-training could not have adapted to. She moved latinum for Ferengi and piloted starships. But that was something she wouldn't have to worry about.

"Maybe stop thinking about it like Starfleet?" she suggested innocently, "The more you think about it like that, then you're gonna end up worrying yourself gray like every other Starfleet captain I've run into. People are gonna go loco, but if we plan around that then planning around stopping the people, we might have an upper hand?"

"I know!" He said back ignoring the innocent tone in her voice. He didn't want to lose anyone else under his very new command. "How would you deal if you were in my seat?" He asked honestly. He had called her here to get her advice, it as why he had chosen her as his Executive Officer.

She crossed her arms against her chest, lips pursing in frustration. "Quarantine it. Someone has to be immune, right? Find them and find out what's causing it. We have that doctor you mentioned, get him to clunk heads together with another science mind. They can figure it out. Then lock everyone hallucinating in their rooms and leave a pilot on duty."

Her suggestion sounded very official, but it was what she knew to give. She had heard many an officer or higher up sounding as if they knew exactly what was about to happen. If she was going to take the job seriously, she would have to sound the same. "It's not ideal, but it's something."

"So you agree with quarantine then. Do you have any pilots that aren't sick?" Rueben commented on. He hadn't been in a command position for a while he just wanted to check that his thoughts weren't going to steer him wrong on this new ship.

"For now. I mean, it shouldn't take that long to figure out what's going on, right?" Alika tucked a leg under her knee, frowning. "I don't. Havelock's having issues, and I'm what's left right now. I'm still fit and with it. Maybe it's youth? But I can keep myself up and running for a bit if we need it."

"And you are okay with that. I don't want you breaking first week on the job," The man said kindly. He didn't want her exhausting herself. "I don't think it is youth if i am honest Dixoho is the same as you and got it," Rueben reminded hoping the navigator pulled through. She was annoying but he did miss her lightness and optimism.

"Yeah. I gotta be. Short of training someone else to fly the rustbucket, I have to be able to fly the thing. You wanted me to be your first officer, right?" She didn't like how much she had to grow up simply by pushing herself. At least she could still pretend to be a child. "I'm just sitting in a chair and doing my job. It's not like I'm one of the engineers."

Rueben rolled his eyes at the statement that she came out with and he quickly had to remind himself that she was a lot younger than he was asking her to be at that moment.

"Da... That's the spirit and you were my only choice." He reminded softly. "I am holding a meeting with all the senior crew members on-board in an hour. Will you be there?" Did she have enough time to come to the meeting or was her department in such dire straits that she had to return admittedly.

"You're kidding, right? Of course I will." Alika pulled herself upright in her seat. "I don't think Havelock is so out of it that he'd be incapable to help for an hour. Worst case, we're running on auto-pilot and I sit someone in the seat to warn me if we're about to run into an asteroid."

The man just nodded and indicated that she could leave if she wanted to with a nod of his head. He didn't want to know who she would put in the seat but he was starting to think they needed some more crew urgently once this sickness was over with.

Rueben Gregnol
SS Mary Rose

Alika Mahone
First Officer
SS Mary Rose


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