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Wake Up and Sleep

Posted on Tue Dec 28th, 2021 @ 2:46pm by Commander Christopher Mitchell & Commander Alexis Agrax (*)

Mission: Cosmos
Location: USS Cosmos - Sickbay
Timeline: 2397
1334 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Alexis sat by Christopher’s bed annoyed at him and everyone else over the cube event and what had happened. A nurse came in to check her vitals again as she, like everyone else, was being checked. Alexis responded to her well-intended but useless attempt at reassuring her that he'd wake up soon by questioning why he hadn't yet, which only resulted in an update that pretty much amounted to...give him some more time.

Ordinarily, she was a woman with a seemingly boundless amount of patience with her job, but not today. Today she was climbing the walls even waiting what was supposedly an average amount of time waiting for a croaky voice to mutter a single word.

"Alexis Agrax, are you worried about me?" His voice broke the silence, almost startling her. He rolled over to look at her with a little grin on his face. "Bedside vigil...I never would have thought you capable of caring quite so much." It was at that point she noticed that his eyes, now opened, looked a little different; where previously they were a warm brown, there were tiny flecks of glittering purple mixed in with them that made his gaze literally shine.

The woman nearly moved to hug him tightly before she stopped taking in his eyes. It made her pause and looked at him just as intently as he was looking at her. “Well… I’m… I am meant to care about a senior officer who wandered off and disappeared.” She countered.

"Disappeared?" he frowned, glancing around. "I'm back on the ship..." he slid the covers off, pulling himself easily upright. "Something happened, didn't it?"

"We responded to a scream and found Petty Officer Dezom blind and alone. You were nowhere to be seen, no footprints, drags marks, no energy readings just that cube. As we investigated and fixed her up a burst of energy threw everyone and then out pops you unconscious." Alexis explained as she sat on the edge of the bio bed. She was not even going into the strange colour in his eyes yet.

"Yes. Exotic matter." His eyes went distant for a moment. "I remember. You were worried." He looked over at her, straight and unblinking. The tone of his voice dropped a little as he added, "You value and enjoy my company."

Alexis nodded once. “You are my senior officer and my friend. You are a good friend and of course I worry.” She said simply not wanting to let on just how deep those feelings went. She was never going to react to it other than being a friend. “You should rest Christopher. You do not sound quite right.”

Blinking back to his normal relaxed posture, Christopher grinned. "Well, I feel fine now. Fresher than I've felt in weeks, actually. The doctors must have used some pretty powerful meds to get me to sleep so well..."

Alexis shrugged and looked around. She should get a doctor or something. “I am going to get a doctor. I should have done that already.” She whispered to herself backing up a little to go to search for some one to check the man over.

"No need. I'm fine." He pushed himself up from the bed, stretching his arms as he landed on his feet.

Alexis nodded. “That is all well and good Sir but I have to inform them. The others were not so well when they woke up L…” Alexis started heading towards the door with an intent look.

"It's fine," he repeated, a little more sternly. At a wave of his hand, the sickbay door closed tight, shutting the medical team out and the two of them inside. "You seem worried, Commander. Is everything all right?"

As the door shut on the little ward Alexis turned and frowned at the man. “Computer unlock the door.” She instructed but the door nor the computer responded. “I am fine Commander. I am concerned that I need to get you help after such an adventure.” The woman answered quietly.

"Then it would seem neither of us need any help," he said with a genuine smile. "Where's Chief Dezom? I should make sure she was okay."

“As you wish Sir.” She said feeling like what he said had been an order. She bite her tongue and said nothing more as she looked at the man wishing she could understand him. He was acting strange but she was sure that she would be to after disappearing and returning again.

Slowly Alexis moved over and looked him in the eyes taking in the fact his eyes seemed to be sparkling more than they had seconds ago. “She is fine. There is something wrong with her eyes after whatever took you and then brought you back but she is fine.” She confirmed wondering if the cube affected eyes as his eyes were odd as well.

"I'll see that she is." Christopher nodded. He paused, glancing at her. "You look tired. Staying up all night isn't healthy, perhaps you're the one that should have a rest?"

Alexis stared back wondering why she had the sudden impression that his gaze was that of a predator. "Of course I am tired. I spent the night watching over you and worrying what trouble you have gotten into without me but sleep will not do any of us any good. We have things to investigate." Alexis commented on quietly as she moved to try the door again.

"Always working," he chuckled. After a fraction his expression hardened oddly, the purple flecks in his eyes glowing slightly. "You should take a break. It'd be good for you."

“I am fine.” She said quickly backing up a few steps as she saw his eyes. She had not been imagining the purple at all.

In a flash of purple, Alexis' uniform was replaced by something akin to beachwear, her modestly mostly covered with a minimal outfit. Christopher smirked. "That's better. Take some time off."

Alexis let out a scream at the flash of purple and looked down at her lack of clothing. Where she had been wearing her uniform minus jacket she down had a bikini on. “What… what is going on?” She demanded moving to where the communication console was.

"I gave you an order, Commander. I know you're a rule-breaker, but you could listen to a friend every so often," Christopher chuckled lightly, acting as though the whole thing was perfectly normal. "Here, let me help." The communications console dissolved in purple light and was replaced by a tiny drinks cart, with a mojito already chilled and waiting in a small glass with a paper umbrella poking out.

Alexis let out a surprised sound as she looked around feeling trapped suddenly, she was alone with someone who had powers that he had not previously. She was not scared so much but she was concerned. “You did give me an order but you are acting like a… a… Q. By the deities are you a Q?” She demanded.

"Am I a...?" He stopped and laughed out loud. "What are you talking about? Honestly, I'm not sure I get your sense of humour sometimes." With a shake of his head, Christopher made for the door. "You relax here. I need to report in to the Commodore."

"Strange things are happening with you Christopher. I need you to st..." Alexis shook her head as she reached out for the man to make him pause for a moment. She needed to work out what was going on with him and why strange things happened. But as she touched his shoulder, she felt a strange sensation creep from where they connected and found herself falling towards the floor unconscious.

He caught her easily before she hit the ground, easing her down the last few inches so she didn't hurt herself. "At ease, Commander," he smirked to himself, leaving her there on the deck before leaving the room and heading off to report in to Ehestri.


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