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Nalani Yessenia Xaelah

Posted on Sat Jan 1st, 2022 @ 9:37am by Captain Reuben Gregnol (Mirror) & Nalani Xaelah & Chief Helmsman Dixoho Saa (Mirror) & Executive Officer Kyle Reece (Mirror) & Evanna Belyaev & Layil & Executive Officer Jake Ford (Mirror)
Edited on on Sat Jan 1st, 2022 @ 9:38am

Mission: Mirror Mirror
Location: Imperial Palace
Timeline: 2397
1970 words - 3.9 OF Standard Post Measure

The senior officers of the ISS Fenrir appeared in the throne room of the new imperial palace without comment as the transporter deposited them there. It had often been described as "city-sized", but to Gregnol it was nothing more than the Empress deserved, her father had kept her far away from anyone who could harm or help. The throne room was beautiful in low lighting and golden hues; he could only imagine that the other on-board facilities would be just as luxurious.

The Captain looked up from looking over his crew to check they were suitable again to see the Empress sat on the throne surrounded by the Captains of the Imperial Starfleet, nobles and Lords of the worlds that were conquered. The man smiled as he took her in - she was glorious in her armour.

Long brown well groomed hair slightly covered a strong, tense face as she stared back smirking. Fair skin gracefully compliments her eyes and cheekbones and left a pleasurable memory of her luck in battles home and afar. Gregnol had been in the presence of the Empress many times from when she was heir to the moment she had taken the empire by force from her father but this moment of success beat them all. There was something seductive about her, perhaps it was a feeling of coldness or perhaps it's simply her status.

Gregnol instantly stood straighter and prouder as he wanted to introduce his crew to the woman who would change their lives. “Senior Officers of ISS Fenrir meet Nalani Yessenia Xaelah, Her Most Imperial Majesty…”

“Mother of the Fatherland, Overlord of Vulcan, Dominus of Qo'noS, Regina Andor, Empress of the Terran Empire…” The woman cut across amused at him as she stepped from the throne down to the crew. “They know who I am or at least I should hope they know.” She looked them over. “Name. Rank.” She asked as she took Gregnol’s arm to look the crew of the Butcher Of Betazed over properly.

Kyle snapped his closed right fist up to cover his heart, as he remained at rigid attention, not looking into the Empress's eyes without permission. "Kyle Reece, Commander, Executive Officer of ISS Fenrir, Your Majesty!" He then dipped his head down and dropped to his left knee. There he waited.

The woman looked the man over and looked at Gregnol sharing a look before she smiled. The lines around her face told people she was quick to laughter and smile as much as she was to pain and anger. She might be young but she had grown up to be Empress. "Pleasure to meet you, Reece." She mused before turning to the next person.

"Your Majesty," he replied respectfully. He then stood and stood at attention again, until he was told to do so otherwise.

Standing to Reece's immediate left, Belyaev's expression didn't flinch and yet she still somehow managed to project an air of slight disgust at the man's groveling. An intangible quality, since the rigid steel of her mind betrayed no stray emotions either. "Belyaev, Evanna. Lieutenant." And that was all she offered, strict adherence to what was asked without embellishment. Her docile features extended a cooperative intent but her pale eyes found no hesitation in meeting the other woman’s eyes directly.

Nalani smiled at the woman. She loved a woman who could meet her eyes without fear. “Simple.” She commented without anything more as she moved to the man next to her.

"Jake Ford. Lieutenant Commander. Chief Tactical Officer." Although towering over the Empress, he felt smaller in her presence. Simply by the power she commanded, the aura she wielded; everything about her was to be honoured and respected. "Long live the Empire!" he added, combining it with the traditional salute.

Nalani looked up at the man and then at Gregnol taking in the crew that she had met so far. She could see why the man kept them all around, they all seemed deeply loyal. “A military man through and through then. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on tactics much later then Commander.” She grinned.

"It would be my greatest honour," he acknowledged, tipping his head.

Offering nothing more than a nod to the man she moved to look at the last two people in the line. Both unusual by the looks of them.

Hardly a senior officer, Layil was afforded the privilege of beaming down with them because of the unique capacity with which he served the Fenrir, like taking a phaser with you on a boarding party. He was a tool, and little more. He waited until everyone else had introduced themselves and only spoke when the Empress's eyes fell onto him expectantly as well. His chin lifted and he mimicked the actions of the others, tapping his fist against his heart and bowing. "Layil. Interrogator, ISS Fenrir." He held no rank.

"An Interrogator? You do not look Betazoid?" The Empress demanded looking the man over. She glanced at Gregnol as to why he would bring an Interrogator with him. There would be a reason, maybe he was a gift or maybe he was there to seek out something that the Butcher wanted.

"I am Terran," he confirmed, lifting his vivid blue eyes to her. It was not his place to question why he was here, so he had not done so. His role was to do exactly as he was told, when he was told it, without hesitation. And that is what he did-less the obedience of a loyal footsoldier, something that could be trained or tainted-and instead because of hishuri, the tropane alkaloid drug that gave his eyes their signature vivid color-and one known to remove the free will of its users, rendering them exceptionally suggestible.

“Oh I can see that.” The Empress said with a smirk as she realised why he was there. The eyes were a dead give away, she had chambers full of people with matching eye colours and the same look in their eyes.

Layil did not respond for several moments, and it was likely because he was uncertain how to do so-less out of fear and more out of lacking the appropriate orders. He simply inclined his head and blinked his acknowledgment of her statement. It wasn't the same as the others' simpering loyalty; it wasn't out of felt emotion at all. It was simply what he was made to do.

The young woman simply smiled at him, they were all the same and moved on to the last woman. “Hello, Lieutenant Saa.” The Empress said as Dixoho just stared at her for a moment before she saluted. Nelani smirked at the obvious annoyance on the woman’s face.

“Your majesty.” She answered looking away, her gaze just staring straight ahead as she tried not to let on just how annoyed she was or the other confused gazes on her. Why did the Empress of the Terran Empire know a Trill? The Empress looked at everyone staring intrigued.

"Anyone want to guess how I know Lieutentant Saa?" She wondered in a singsong voice as the Trill just stared straight ahead.

Kyle decided to reply. "Your Majesty, it could be that Lieutenant Saa is not only the only Trill flying one of your starship, but also that she is the only person possessing the required knowledge to properly helm the starship of your most powerful Captain and crew."

Nelani looked at Kyle and shook her head. It was a sound theory but not the reason why she knew Saa at all. “Afraid not. Logical theory Commander. Commendable but incorrect. Anyone else brave enough to hazard a guess?” She wondered looking around at the crew. She knew they were not statues and she knew they were as devious as they come due to being the Butchers crew. She was almost disappointed that no one spoke up.

Layil was the best potted plant and said nothing!

"Saa tell them how I know you," Nelani instructed finally growing bored with the crew not playing. She squeezed Gregnol's arm to indicate they could carry on towards where the door led to another room.

Dixoho pursed her lips. She did not want to reveal how she knew the Emperess. She liked the anonymity that being on the Fenrir offered, it was not much but it was something compared to how it had been at court surrounded by Terran's who wanted nothing more than to kill her. It was why Nelani had chosen her, a Trill could never inherit the throne and it was not worth her life to try anything. Stupidity was not what had gotten her to 25 years of age at all. "Her Majesty knows me as I was her personal pilot and bodyguard when she was the Crown Princess." Saa finally said aloud revealing just how deadly and well connected she was compared to the vast majority of them. How she had survived other than being one of the few people onboard able to pilot the Fenrir.

Though he kept it to himself, Kyle was impressed. He had observed Dixoho's skills on the Fenrir, but had no idea as to just how impressive those skills went. He knew there was something about the young woman that he liked. Though there was little he could do for her, with her sponsor being the Empress herself, however, he would still do what he could, should she ever require assistance.

Layil's expression didn't change because he had no thoughts, but fortunately for him, no one expected that he would. He was, truthfully, the most boring person there-but again, no one really expected that he wouldn't be. Destroying him would be akin to destroying a computer terminal. Meaningless, and that was a useful terminal. Maybe Evanna would finally lose her patience and have him do the macarena for shits and giggles.

Nelania did not look back to even notice what the reaction were. They were below her and Saa was a big girl and could cope. It was not like she could die as it would leave the ship in dire need of a pilot they did not have so she was safe enough from the spite.

“So now you know my dirty little secret.” The Trill said with a roll of her eyes at the senior officer as she moved to follow Gregnol and the Empress into the dining chamber. They could think or do what they wanted but she wanted food especially room as good as it the Imperial Palace. They were in for a treat if they held their own peace.

Layil followed behind last, his hands clasped behind his back in a formal at ease posture next to the spear that he always wore in plain sight. He didn't appear to be taking in any of the sights and sounds around them, his eerie blue eyes empty and reflecting only hollowness.

Stoic and unmoved, having spent the entirety of the exchange in a cocoon of mental and actual silence, Evanna also peeled off and followed, a pace slightly to the left of Layil's shoulder.

Jake kept his position, making sure that protocol was maintained while ensuring his status was clear compared to the junior officers.

Kyle followed behind the Empress and Dixoho, as they entered the main dining area. The extravagant setting and food choices were, of course, beyond any he gad ever experienced before. His life was that of a warrior. He survived on what he earned from his superiors, and what he could take from others. Here, in the Imperial Palace, he knew that he was expendable, should the Empress so choose to. So, he would remain on his best behavior. For now.


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