Mirror Mirror

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Rosie Mirror Universe/ Also known as the shattered universe as they tried to get back at the crew of SS Mary Rose for evading them without letting on to the Empire that they’ve had an incursion.

Start Date Wed Dec 31st, 1969 @ 8:00pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Down To The Snow World
by Alexis Agrax (Mirror) & Executive Officer Jake Ford (Mirror)
ISS Fenrir
Poisoning Of The Well
by Chief Medical Officer Maeliana Lehn & Chief Engineer Jeassaho Kea (Mirror)
2398 ISS Wrath Of The Prophets
Promotion and Playing With Fire
by Alexis Agrax (Mirror) & Captain Reuben Gregnol (Mirror) & Executive Officer Jake Ford (Mirror)
2398 ISS Fenrir
Change in Command
by Chief Engineer Jeassaho Kea (Mirror) & Executive Officer Laurier Cami (Mirror)
2398 Tears of the Prophet
Our Little Secret
by Captain Reuben Gregnol (Mirror) & Evanna Belyaev
2398 Captain's Quarters
The Fools Done It
by Alexis Agrax (Mirror) & Ledeya Ehestri (Mirror) & Executive Officer Jake Ford (Mirror)
2398 ISS Fenrir
Alice in Wonderland
by Executive Officer Laurier Cami (Mirror) & Chief Engineer Jeassaho Kea (Mirror)
2398 ISS Wrath Of The Prophets
Road Leading To Trouble
by Alexis Agrax (Mirror) & Executive Officer Jake Ford (Mirror)
2397 Imperial Palace
Calculated Risk
by Evanna Belyaev & Captain Reuben Gregnol (Mirror)
2397 Executive Suite, Imperial Palace
Between the Lines
by Captain Reuben Gregnol (Mirror) & Evanna Belyaev
2397 Imperial Palace
Game Plan
by Captain Reuben Gregnol (Mirror) & Nalani Xaelah & Executive Officer Jake Ford (Mirror) & Evanna Belyaev
2397 Imperial Palace
Discussing the Party
by Captain Reuben Gregnol (Mirror) & Executive Officer Jake Ford (Mirror)
2397 ISS Fenris
Will You Survive Being XO?
by Ledeya Ehestri (Mirror) & Executive Officer Jake Ford (Mirror)
2397 Mess
Vengeance is Mine
by Chief Engineer Jeassaho Kea (Mirror) & Executive Officer Laurier Cami (Mirror) & Captain Adamya Ryon (Mirror)
??? Bridge, CNV Wrath of the Prophets
Work This Out… Please… Now
by Captain Reuben Gregnol (Mirror) & Evanna Belyaev
2396 ISS Fenrir
Definitely Stalking
by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Evanna Belyaev
2397 Imperial Palace
As The Empress Wishes
by Nalani Xaelah & Executive Officer Jake Ford (Mirror)
2397 Imperial Palace
After Party
by Chief Helmsman Dixoho Saa (Mirror)
2397 Imperial Palace
Party Talk
by Nalani Xaelah & Executive Officer Kyle Reece (Mirror) & Layil
2397 Imperial Palace
Nalani Yessenia Xaelah
by Captain Reuben Gregnol (Mirror) & Nalani Xaelah & Chief Helmsman Dixoho Saa (Mirror) & Executive Officer Kyle Reece (Mirror) & Evanna Belyaev & Layil & Executive Officer Jake Ford (Mirror)
2397 Imperial Palace
I won't follow you, they didn't want me to
by Layil & Selina Fenruse (Mirror)
2396 Brig
Favours of the Empress
by Executive Officer Jake Ford (Mirror) & Ledeya Ehestri (Mirror)
2396 ISS Fenris
Time Together...
by Alexis Agrax (Mirror) & Executive Officer Kyle Reece (Mirror)
2396 ISS Fenrir, Commander Kyle Reece's private quarters
I've Missed You...
by Chief Helmsman Dixoho Saa (Mirror) & Micheal Robinson (Mirror)
2396 ISS Fenrir, Dixoho's quarters
Every single strike will be averted
by Evanna Belyaev & Layil
Following Russian Science Chief Science Officer's Office, ISS Fenrir

Mission Summary