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Road Leading To Trouble

Posted on Wed Jan 25th, 2023 @ 12:24pm by Alexis Agrax (Mirror) & Executive Officer Jake Ford (Mirror)

Mission: Mirror Mirror
Location: Imperial Palace
Timeline: 2397
2265 words - 4.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Alexis had no idea what she was doing there with the executive officer, but she stood there, looking as demure as she could, was wearing the long black dress and bright pink heels and accessories. She blended in for the most part, but if anyone wanted to find her she stood out thanks to the bright accessories. It was something she'd always done even before she lost her position in imperial Starfleet.

She glanced around the party for the fifth millionth time, but she took in everything from the way that Gregnol looked like he was about to kill someone over by the cheese table to the fact, the empress was giggling with Saa of all people. She really did need to think on what the possible connection could be between the Trill and the empress of the Empire.

"Enjoying yourself?" Jake asked, tossing a grape into his own mouth and giving an almost goading grin. He knew she was powerless in a place like this, her telepathy muzzled and her movements watched by the Empress' bodyguards. It was amusing for him to watch her prowl like a caged animal. "You should try the Kelpian ganglia. It's to die for."

Agrax glanced to where the ganglia was kept and wrinkled her nose. "I would rather not eat someone I could have known." She knew the Kelpian much like herself were bred for purposes whilst hers were for their telepathy to keep citizens in check, Kelpian's were bred for their ganglia and food. It almost made her think about who was the first person to ever discover that it provided substance but she put that thought firmly away not wanting to think about some Kelpian that had it happen to. "But you also know what they say about men who eat ganglia right?"

"Depends who you listen to. Some people say it makes a man more...vigorous." He smirked, sliding one into his mouth with a little flourish.

“I speak to many people Commander and know many men who live in a dream world where things make them more vigorous. Delusional to say the least and you do not seem like you have suffered fools.” She said quietly as she looked around and shook her head taking a bread stick from his plate.

"I suffer you, don't I?" His confidence was up, not least because he knew that she wouldn't be able to react to it. "Relax, Agrax. We both know neither of us is to be trifled with; certainly not by the 'fools' you mean. You should try to have some fun while you're here. It's not like anyone will care."

“You suffer me because I am the only one who is not going to kill you in this room. Well apart from the Empress, but I am sure you could mess up and make her stab you in the neck.” Alexis frowned. “Who says winding you up is not fun for me?” She demanded as she spotted a man watching them both.

"Ah, Agrax..." Jake sighed, still enjoying his moment in spite of her goading. Or perhaps because of her goading - he couldn't really tell. "A shame someone with your looks just doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut..." he moved a little closer, testing the limits of her self-control with a finger just over her collarbone. Her eye wasn't on him though; it was tracking something else. He didn't follow the gaze, but rather softly questioned it. "Someone has caught your attention. A threat?" His tone was more serious now, and not playful. If she was tensing over something, then that would draw his interest too.

“Oh, hush you know you like your witches teasing and testing you.” She commented as turned her gaze to him so the man watching them did not get suspicious. She leaned in close as if to kiss his neck but stayed just hovering by his ear. “Potentially. A man in a silver robe towards the port exit. He can’t take his eyes from you or me or us both.”

"Well, attractive although we may be, that does spark suspicion," he responded. "One of the Empress' men? I would have thought they would be far less obvious about their intentions. Besides, there are far graver threats to her than either of us in this room..." He continued to hold her close, playing for the impression that they were casually flirting. "So...perhaps we should continue our passions in private, hmm?" he eyed her suggestively, though he knew she would catch his intent: they could fake this enough to get close to him and ascertain this spy's true intentions.

"Does not seem to be one of hers. The Butcher did say he thought that there were other forces at work keeping us here." She was the best in her profession before Betazed fell so knew how to fake it until she made it with the best. It had been what she had been doing for years. She took his hand, nodded, and started to lead him through the crowd, not giving the man in the sliver robes any attention as she worked through the crowd taking charge of the situation.

Although less inclined to be led, particularly by a non-Terran, Jake allowed her to guide him. The scenario called for more subtlety, rather than belligerent action. Hand-in-hand, they moved to a point at the back of the large space. It was on the fringes of the party, away from too much attention, but closer to the individual that had been spying on them. Jake pushed Alexis against the wall and moved in close as if they were being intimate, but gave her enough room to watch. "I don't recognise him, or any of the insignia," he murmured.

The push against the wall surprised her when she had been the one firmly in charge but the jolt reminded her that he would always be a pain in her side. She stroked his cheek for a moment before glancing at the robed man. "A fringe colony," Alexis commented in his ear. "We used to operate in that area." She added as if that explained it all.

"Why watch us, then?" he wondered. "No doubt we both have enemies, but for them to be bold enough to appear here, in the presence of the Empress?" He paused to laugh, a little obviously, as though to keep up the charade that he was enjoying himself.

“Sometimes people are foolish and think they can persuade someone young to their cause. The empress is a reformer and some people will try and …” She paused to look up at him as he laughed a little. “You are very tall.” She pointed out as the man in question move closer to them stopping any conversation other than words of a personal nature.

"I suspect my being taller than you isn't as intimidating as most others would find," he murmured. To maintain the facade a moment longer, he lowered his head and put his lips to her neck gently. "He is..." he whispered between breaths, "Yours whenever you want to take him..."

“You do not scare me, Ford.” Alexis assured him as his lips pressed against her neck. She let him him touch her for a second before she ducked past him. It was going well for a second before an explosion sounded and she pushed Ford back against the wall covering him automatically.

The tables turned momentarily, he allowed a little smirk as she held him. Despite the sudden blast of an explosion, he still had to take the opportunity to lay on a little remark: "Now now, Agrax. This is starting to feel less like a cover and more like actual foreplay..."

“I am your bodyguard.” She said simply as she pushed away from him properly to look around the stunned team and saw Gregnol and Belyaev near where the explosion happened. Alexis could not see what was happening but it seemed that someone had set off inside of them.

"Small device..." he noted. "Behind the buffet. Might have injured us if we hadn't moved." His eyes scanned the room. "Where is-"

“Our suspect.” She said pointing to where the man in the silver robe was leaving the main area despite the chaos that was happening where a small explosion had happened.

"Hm. Let's see what he has to say to the Empress about how he spoiled her party, hmm?" he suggested, already heading in pursuit.

Alexis nodded and started to follow the man quickly in heels for a moment before she slipped them off and caught up. She hated how she was meant to be all grace and seduction but like Ford she was meant to be a warrior. "He is heading to recreational grounds." Alexis stated seeing the robed man turning left through the great doors.

"If you go right, you can circle around and take him," Jake grunted, motioning. Not waiting for her to argue or agree, he made his move, running to the left and around the concourse. Although the recreational grounds were somewhat open, they weren't occupied due to the Empress' event. That meant hiding wouldn't be so easy, and escape that much harder.

He was almost breathless as he pursued the suspect, who had by now spotted Jake chasing him. Not that Jake needed to catch him - that was Alexis' job. Instead, he could enjoy the knowledge that this individual would be exhausted by the time he was taken down. And easier to interrogate; something Jake would take a lot of pleasure in.

Alexis said nothing as her bare feet padded over the grass as she followed left and ran above on the recreational ground upper path. She looked down and took a leap landing in the man with a thump as he tumbled to the ground with her surprise attack. Alexis rolled over as the man made a slow move to get up and grinned as she rolled to her feet and placed her foot on his chest making her press down harder. “Do not move. Unlike him I have no morals and I am more likely to kill.” She said as the man grunted at her statement and tried to dislodge her foot.

"I'd listen to her if I were you," Jake noted, dropping to his haunches in front of the pinned individual. "I have an agony booth with your name on it. That is, of course, if the Empress doesn't have something deeply special and excruciating for you first..." he smiled sadistically at the thought. "Perhaps we can spare you the most painful treatment if you cooperate now." He paused, enough time to let that offer sink in. "I want to know everything; your name, your mission, who sent you."

"I will never cooperate with imperial scum. You destroyed the universe." The man screamed at Jake earning him a poke from Alexis.

"Ah, so we are dealing with a rebel." Alexis looked gleeful at the prospect as the man's gaze took in the nicely dressed woman properly for the first time.

"You should be letting me go. They destroyed your world... your people." He said laughing at the woman as if it was logical that every non-Terran should be on their side and laying down weapons in support.

"And yet she serves loyally, while you keep up the pretense that you can still fight back." Jake leaned down, amused. "Brave, perhaps. But stupid. I really should release her from the telepathic blocks and just let her go to work on you right now..." he smirked, glancing at Agrax. "I'm trying to decide which one of us would enjoy that more."

“Does she?” The man laughed as he tried to shift around a little but failed. For such a tiny thing she had him in just the right place to keep him pinned and struggling.

“I very much serve loyally.” Alexis said simply saying nothing on being released from her block. It was an all most release when imperial guards started to appear. “Oh looks like our foreplay is over.”

"A shame. I hear the Empress once kept a rebel assassin alive for twelve days before they broke. I wonder if you'll get close to that record..." Jake mused with a continued smirk. "Maybe she'll let me watch in the moment you actually crack."

Defiant though he was, the rebel was hauled up by a trio of Imperial Guards, who barely even acknowledged Jake and Alexis as they dragged him away, adding a few punches to the ribs to keep him softened up.

Jake turned to Alexis.

"Quite the evening's entertainment," he remarked. "Always a pleasure to watch you work."

“What happens when you watch someone who used to be you and was so much better at it.” Alexis teased and touched the medals on his shoulder with a smirk. “Need some more brass here.” She added turning to leave to go and retrieve her shoes.

He smiled as she walked away. Agrax was an enigma, even to someone as perceptive as he was. In any given moment she looked like she would murder him on the spot. But he found himself quietly attracted to that dangerous side of her: a true challenge, perhaps even an equal in spite of her inferior breeding. And their styles meshed well together; different to Ledeya, who was more sly and subtle, he found that Agrax would be more likely to speak her mind. The dance was different. And for now, he was enjoying where it might lead.


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