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Change in Command

Posted on Sat Oct 7th, 2023 @ 8:05pm by Chief Engineer Jeassaho Kea (Mirror) & Executive Officer Laurier Cami (Mirror)

Mission: Mirror Mirror
Location: Tears of the Prophet
Timeline: 2398
952 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Jeassaho looked around the main engineering and laughed just a little at the fact it was running on so very few crew and even fewer supplies but it was all hers and she was ridiculously happy to be there doing anything engineer-y again. It had been far too long since she had been able to stand there getting dirty and enjoy every second of it. The Terran Empire had never offered the type of opportunities to test her skills like the Tears of the Prophets. She was relieved every second that she had spoken up that day on the bridge.

She glanced to her left and frowned as she saw the Executive Officer coming towards her via the ladder instead of the lift or deck entrance. It was never a good thing to see her at any point of the day let alone when she was just about to get off shift and finally clean up.

“Can I help you?” She wondered politely. It always paid to be polite to her when you never knew what her mood was going to be like at the moment.

Cami's eyes flicked across to the Betazoid as she strode, a faint smirk crossing her lips.

"Yes. In more ways than one." She turned to speak out loudly. "Our Captain has been recalled home on urgent business. That leaves a vacancy in the command of this vessel; one that I have been called upon to fill. You will now address me as Captain of the Tears of the Prophets."

Jeassaho bit her lip hard as she thought about the Captain having to return home. It was convenient to say the least but she had grew up in the Terran Empire where they had just announced the deaths instead of washing over it. “I bet it was a big calling Captain.” Jeassaho commented softly.

Cami eyed Jeassaho again. "Not so much. I was next in line, after all." She smiled. "I'll be needing a qualified engineer to lead my team. You're it until I find someone I trust more."

Jeassaho looked at her and laughed at the look on the woman’s face. “Captain… I am sure that will go down well with the authority that put me here in the first place to get this so-called flagship operating.”

"Then I shouldn't have any complaints to deal with," Cami shrugged.

“I am one of the best engineers in the rebellion, you are not going to get better than me in or out of the Terran Empire.” Jeassaho was proud of her Engineer skills and knew she was not just boasting. “It is unlikely that you will find someone better than me and if I leave you, you lose your chief medical officer as well.”

"Then don't lose my trust, or we both lose," the new commanding officer remarked. She leaned closer, enough that she could murmur without being overheard. "I can't show the rest of them I play favourites, after all." Her hand caressed Jeassaho's knee lightly. "The perks of command..."

"You play favourites Captain?" Jeassaho raised an eyebrow before laughing softly as the woman caressed her knee. She could feel it through her thick boiler suit. "We have some very different views on that from the way you speak to me when I do such a difficult job for you."

"I invite you to share those views with me later. In private." Cami winked. She brusquely stepped away so that the conversation was now much less private. "We are getting underway soon. To bring glory to the Tears of the Prophets and our brethren!"

Jeassaho arched an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued, and she had a feeling that the upcoming conversation with Mea was going to be quite intriguing and no at all sure it would end with her girlfriend happy. As she observed the unfolding situation, Jeassaho could not deny that there was an element of power, and that played to their advantage. "Certainly, this is going to bring tears to someone," Jeassaho remarked

"Now you really are teasing, Ms Kea," Cami retorted.

Jeassaho knew that sometimes a little flirting and play could be a powerful tool, especially in a place like Engineering where information tended to flow like a web of interconnected circuits. Jeassaho discreetly scanned the room, taking in the clueless expressions of her fellow crew members who were unwittingly caught up in this enigmatic exchange. "So is there anything else you need from me, Captain?"

"Just a ship that does what we require of it," Cami replied, touching a bulkhead with her hand. "Killing Terrans, mainly..."

"Then leave me to sweet talk her and get back to bullying other people," Jeassaho said sharply as she watched a crewman walking towards them and leaned over passing Jeassaho something.

"Well?" Cami asked, eyes flicking to what was being passed on. "Do share."

Jeassaho looked at the item being passed and laughed a little. She had requested the plans for the vessel weeks ago under the previous Captain but gotten nowhere. How was she meant to effectively organise and plan engineering repairs and upgrades if features were hidden and she was denied. “It is nothing more than the plans for this vessel Captain.” Jeassaho held out the plans to the woman. She had nothing to hide after all. "Cannot fit it if the Cardassian Govements do not share."

"Well then. Perhaps don't share." Cami flashed her a bemused look. "Prepare us for departure, Chief Engineer Kea."

"As you wish Captain," Jessaho answered shooting the crewman away as he levelled her with a surprised look. She would announce it all later on to her Engineers if the new Captain did not get there before her.


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