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Party Talk

Posted on Fri Jan 7th, 2022 @ 10:06pm by Nalani Xaelah & Executive Officer Kyle Reece (Mirror) & Layil

Mission: Mirror Mirror
Location: Imperial Palace
Timeline: 2397
1874 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Nelania was intently watching the Fenris crew from her throne. None of them fit what she had assumed they would look like nor act like. It was a fun turn of events that had allowed her to cross paths again with people who had gotten her to the Imperial throne. She intently watched the butcher who she had sorely missed having around as he was a fun toy to have at her beck and call. He hated the Imperial Palace and refused any attempts to bring him into line but for now, Imperial Starfleet did not want to lose their war hero and she would let them have him.

She smirked watching him talk to Saa as the pair of them looked like they were cross with each other despite how he knew that it would not be the case. It was too devious to bring the Trill here and show her off to the Imperial Court as to how useful non Terrans could be and watch as she side-eyes any attempts of anyone coming close enough to talk. She had never been that testy before. What had changed in her life?

Her thoughts were interrupted as she noticed a pair standing close by her, neither in conversation. She rose from her chair, her dress flowing behind her as joined them.

“How are you enjoying the party Commander? Interrogator?” She wondered interested to see the executive officer of all people approaching. She glanced at Layil before back at the one who would be more inclined to talk.

Kyle had been quiet during the dinner, observing everyone around him. He knew there were those that wished him dead, Jake being one of them. He had survived all this time, however, by recognizing possible threats and getting ahead of them before they became a problem.

As he was in thought, he noticed the Empress approach him. Coming to attention, he bowed his head slightly. "Your Majesty. " He looked up into her eyes and sighed softly as he replied. "It is a very nice party, Your Majesty. I thank you for inviting us to visit your palace."

“You will have to thank your Captain for him being a good warrior for the invite. I would have him here all the time if I could.” Nelania just smiled cooly at the praise it was nothing new in her mind than what every other person said to her day in and day out. She turned her gaze to Layil expectantly as he stood close to the Executive Officer.

Layil's rhythmic gaze slid from one individual to the next. "I thank yourself and the captain for this honor," is what Layil said, unfailingly honest and acknowledging the empress's command-at least, his brain had interpreted it as such. He held no stake in the proceedings, existing only for a functional purpose, but he did watch raptly. Whether it was with independent thought could not be categorized, but Nalani was already well-familiar with those of his ilk.

Kyle realized that, while he was being honest and respectful to his Empress, he clearly had said or done something that had caused her to lose any interest, minor as it must have been, with him. He knew to try and get back into her favor again, would have caused the opposite outcome. So, he decided to remain quiet, unless she spoke to him first.

Nelania just looked at them both taking them both in. She really was intrigued by them both despite the looks on their faces one honest and the other guarded in her opinion and she was very good at reading people. "I had expected you both to not attend if I am honest." She knew that Reece was honest and loyal to Gregnol why she had put him there but she had expected him to stay on the ship to maintain in and she had not thought Layil cared enough to come even if ordered.

"It was an honor to attend," said Layil obediently. He simply did not have a choice in the matter, his level of care was not relevant.

"Your Majesty," Kyle began. "My Commanding Officer suggested that it would be the right thing to do, to accept your invitation to dinner. While, I would have come regardless, as the invitation came from you. I know, my grandfather and Your Grace do not always see eye-to-eye, I am a loyal officer in Your Starfleet, Ma'am."

“Your grandfather?” She paused before she laughed remembering who his grandfather was. “Mad Dogs bloodline I should have known. Your grandfather is lucky I do not cut his tongue out personally most days.” She said in the same tone as if she was telling him how she liked her tea.

Kyle nodded respectfully. "Your Grace is most patient with him. Thank you."

Nelania smirked at him. “So what caused you both together to stand here?” She wondered not sure what they both would be doing together. They were not really the type that would be together without a reason.

Layil looked to Kyle for that, taking his cues from the executive officer. "I was informing Commander Reece of the results of our latest round of interrogations," he said simply, his hands clasped behind his back in a formal at-ease posture. "We have identified several sympathetic resistance members and are in the process of transporting them to the camps."

"I am sure you had lots to do with those interrogations hmm?" It was unusual to have one of his kind doing that type of work but if she remembered who the interrogators were onboard they needed someone who could do the less telepathic work and more the forcing work. Gregnol was not the type to do it by force, he much preferred the gentleness of the Betazoid approach so she found it amusing that he had the male interrogator onboard.

"Layil has been instrumental in rooting out these rebel scum. I like to compare the interrogators if you'll pardon me, Your Grace, to a scalpel and a ball-peen hammer. The Betazoids are the scalpel. They can carefully cut and peel away layers using their telepathy. Layil is definitely the hammer. He can cause such actual physical pain, the prisoners wish they had cooperated in the first place."

"I participated in a majority of the interrogations, yes," Layil replied to the empress compliantly, with a nod of his head. "My training is conducive to the requirements of the task," was what he said, inevitably humble but this was unlikely a personality trait as it was, as all things with him appeared to be, a product of hishuri. "While I am not telepathic my success rate in obtaining necessary information is 87%."

Nelania smirked as she realised that both men had jumped to insist he was up to the job. She had found it unusual but she was in no doubt that her Butcher would not have had him on the ship if he thought he was not capable. "I am well aware Interrogator that if your success rate was not as high or accomplished you would not be on the Fenrir. Do you like being a... ball-peen hammer?"

"My preference is to be as effective at my work as possible," Layil answered with a nod.

"And thus far, he has been, Your Majesty." Kyle offered, supporting his crewmember. "Quite effective indeed. During the time he has been on the Fenrir, the amount of actionable Intel gathered has increased by fifteen percent. We have also saved an average of six percent of fuel, per month, with needing to use the agonizer booths less." He shrugged slightly as he continued. "Of course, medical has been about four percent busier, per month, in treating those that have been interrogated. However, this too could be seen as a plus, as it gives them free training on treating various injuries, thus making them sharper at their profession."

“Well, are you not just a big cheerleader Commander. Nothing like your grandfather. He would have walked all over Layil here to make a point and further his own ventures.” She did not have a high opinion of many people and less so people who had been under her father. They were archaic and unperturbed by the Will of the genera populations of the homeworlds.

Kyle dipped his head respectfully. "Your Majesty, I am not my grandfather. Also, if I know of a member of my crew who is performing their duties admirably, then I will support them. Those that do not, I will punish them just as quickly."

Nelania looked at him and smirked. This man was not someone who she expected to survive under Gregnol. Maybe it was why he had been put forward, someone did not want him to last. “How do you get through your day with that positivity?”

A serene look crossed Kyle's face. "Your Grace, rest assured, it takes a great deal of self-control to keep my demons at bay." He didn't want to bother her with the fact that every day, he wanted to explode and take everyone who had ever wronged him with him. Seeing one's wife and unborn child systematically taken apart, piece by piece, while they were both alive and aware, tended to have that effect of a man. It was through hard work, plus the love and support of Alexis, that kept him putting one foot in front of the other every day. "That, and a good deal of martial arts training."

The other human-if he could be called such did not interrupt but appeared to be raptly listening to the both of them. His efforts-which were the result of systematic conditioning and brainwashing rather than a product of his own ambition or impulse-made condemnation nor praise unnecessary. If he failed, it was because those around him had failed. Fortunately, that was not the case. Layil had been trained from birth to fulfil a very narrow purpose, and he filled it. The hyper spanner would not mourn if you cut its throat, and neither would Layil. He did not interject verbally, viewing his contributions as largely self-evident. They were a competent and effective crew, and they maintained as much loyalty toward one another as was necessary to ensure the success of their missions.

The Empress just nodded at Kyle and looked around as the regents and lords of her Empire started to move around and enjoy other luxuries of the evening. "What are your plans for after?" She had provided them all with rooms for the time they were on board if they wished it or they could go back to the ship.

"Well, Your Grace," Kyle spoke first. "This is my first time in the Imperial Palace. With your leave, I thought I'd walk around some, see its grandeur for myself. I haven't decided yet as to whether I'll sleep here, or return to my bed, Ma'am."

"I will return to my duties," Layil said super predictably. He was a fun guy. Geddit?

The woman nodded and moved on. She would come back another time to talk to them. It was not like they were going anywhere any time soon. They were on her ship and under her control.


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