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Come down to the public sphere, come down to the forum to whom do the bones belong that linger 'neath decorum?

Posted on Sun Mar 6th, 2022 @ 11:50am by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Ships Doctor Hiram Maitland M.D.

Mission: Mission 14: Holoworld
Location: Ship's Galley
Timeline: Following That's what they always say and when I swore it's down MD06 1200
1474 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Hiram wasn't in the habit of leaving his commanding officer in the lurch when it came to emergencies, but due to the nature of Eva's surgical intervention and the time it took her to wake up, combined with the necessity of retrieving his Synapse pair module and fitting himself with a cortical monitor while it was being fixed-and briefing Beya on first aid for MDS-talking to Gregnol had taken the back seat.

Now he sought to rectify this and he found Gregnol in the galley and approached with a smile and a wave, having changed out of his scrubs and into a light blue button-down and dress slacks, along with polished shoes-all of which was typical of the ship's somewhat unusual doctor. In one hand was a tray, and under his opposing arm a PADD with the sector's latest news. Formal and composed were his main staples. The cortical monitor pulsed steadily but so far the Synapse implant was doing its job, absent the pair.

"Good afternoon," he said, sitting across from the man unceremoniously and setting down his single bowl of soup. "Ms. Kohl has just awoken from her ordeal. Her prognosis looks to be good," he said, dipping his spoon into the broth. "She suffered a significant liver injury and her heart stopped during surgery due an electrolyte imbalance. We were concerned about that, but so far her cognitive tests are showing normal."

Gregnol did not react to the man dumping himself in front of him as he obstructed his view of the SS Holoworld. “Go…” he started but the man did not even give him a chance she acknowledge any more his appearance as he went into what had been going on in sickbay. The Captain had, had only brief explanations of what had occurred in different parts of the ship from Anderson and Robertson deaths to the holograms nearly killing Eva and Cassie. He was not looking forward to having those type of discussions with people.

Reuben took a bite of his sandwich before he eventually spoke up. “I am sure she will appreciate being called normal.” He said with only a hint of humour before sitting up. “And what about your ordeal?”

"The vessel's holographic buffer began malfunctioning and reproduced aspects of a cinematic program we had been watching. This would have been abnormal, but not dangerous, had holodeck the safeties been engaged. Regrettably they were not, and a violent hologram attacked her with a serrated weapon." Hiram gave him a rundown of the series of events, belying his prior Starfleet training as it was delivered more or less as a situation report.

It was somewhat well-known that Hiram and Eva were close; they'd spent a majority of the past month together, but Hiram seemed unmoved by it. Nevertheless, his next statements were clear, and very likely a product of the preceding situation. "I must confess I fail to understand why we are still here. There is a shuttlecraft expedition now underway to the Holoworld as well. We do not have the medical facilities to take on many more injured, Captain. My recommendation is that we leave, immediately."

Gregnol listened carefully to what had happened. It followed the small number of stories he had heard from elsewhere including his Executive Officer and Chief Engineer. “The holoemitters are off. Burnie’s blowing up of things put heed to that system. We are still here but something else came to light whilst over there that needs investigation.” Gregnol explain trying to not go into too much detail until it was fully worked out especially out in the open like they were. If Sons of Cheron were involved he wanted all the information that he could especially after the last run-in with them.

"Needs investigation for what purpose?" Hiram's eyebrows arched.

Gregnol looked at the man and wrote something on his padd before passing it over - BIO VIRUS.

Hiram didn't have a reaction to the PADD other than to slide it back. Hiram had read this vessel's hiring line and its dossier before joining the crew. He understood that they often undertook missions in the interest of protecting others, however-"a credible threat not withstanding, we are not a military vessel, Captain. This could well exceed our abilities. Given Starfleet has a presence here it may be prudent to leave this in their hands. I had to perform an emergency hepatic resection today because I lacked the proper equipment to treat Evahnae. Be very certain you want to risk our lives over this."

Gregnol looked at the man and shook his head. He was going to forgive his tone for the fact he was worried about a friend and the frustration over lack of equipment. “If the Sons of Cheron are able to get a foot hold with fear with this virus then none of us are safe especially species that the Federation has brought in recently. While viewed by most as reactionaries and extremists, the group is becoming frustrated by the lack of attention that their voices is creating in the Federation. They’ve been stealing ships all over this sector but this is completely out of character. Who ever Nyx is she’s a threat and as Fenris Rangers we have a duty to get information for Kaylin and the others to look into better.”

Gregnol let his words settle in the air for a long moment before he sighed. “If you need medical equipment. I need to know as far as I was aware we had enough stuff to deal with pretty much anything coming our way. No one has let me know. I do not want you out in that position again. I know you might not want to but does that ship have anything medical wise that we need?”

His voice had not deviated from its typical quiet cadence, but he would be remiss if he didn't make himself clear. "I comprehend that this is significant and that you feel obligated. The reality is, this ship is not capable of supporting the equipment we would need to have a reasonable chance at conducting ourselves against a terrorist organization with far superior capacity. They have a hundred years of technological development on us. Our employers have a duty to ensure our wellbeing also. We should not be undertaking assignments with a high probability of combat. We cannot handle anything that comes our way. This vessel is simply unequipped, and all the requisition requests I place cannot make up for that fact."

Gregnol looked at the man and put his coffee mug down. He could understand the man was worried but he was saying what he did to someone who was fully aware of his limitations for himself and for his ship. “You are acting like that is something that I do not know. None of this has anything with our alternative roles we have happenstanced on a tragedy that has killed every crew member and passenger on that ship apart from two passengers who just by chance survived. We responded as any ship should do on the right side of grey in this new world. We are still here because I want the information to make sure it does not happen again. I have no power to stop anything but I can gather information for the people who can whether it’s the rangers or Starfleet as can you. You want to help then finish up we are going to look at everything in the daylight.”

Hiram merely blinked at him. His eyes, eerie in their vividness, flicked upward to the ceiling in deep, pensive contemplation. He wasn't frustrated and he didn't seem worried-Hiram presented with more emotional fortitude than a Vulcan for his immovability, but he did decide on his response. "Then I trust my objection is noted," is what he said, declining to participate in a debate over the subject.

"It's noted but this was nothing to do with the rangers but we have a duty to ourselves, families and homeworlds or anything else you believe in to look at this. I need your help. So eat up and follow." Gregnol said simply downing the rest of his coffee. He had no issue with objections but the fact was this whole event was something they had stumbled across and nothing they could have done could change it when the crew had wanted to look around and have some fun after rescuing the two passengers.

Hiram valued linear scales, and this had tipped them. Whether that was positive or negative could not be deduced. For now, he did not comment. He tipped the broth in his bowl back and consumed the remaining portion before inclining his head with a gesture of his palm upwards. "After you, Captain," he said. A simple deference.


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