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‘Maras’ Part 1

Posted on Tue Dec 20th, 2022 @ 8:27am by Nollel Livaam (*) & Maras (*) & Chief Engineer Michael Burnstein

Mission: Mission 16: Hysperia
Location: Deck 4
Timeline: MD03 13:00
1553 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Nollel was sure that she possibly had too much stuff as she tugged on the last box to move it along the corridor to where it would now belong. It was bitter sweet to leave her quarters as it was the place she had first felt safe too but it was a waste if resources when they normally spent the nights together anyway. It would be a new adventure for the woman as she never lived with anyone other than her younger brother and sisters and her parents before, but it could not be that much different from what they were already doing.

Their clothes were already in each others wardrobes they had toiletries in each other’s bathrooms, so it would not be that much different so just would not be an option to escape if needed be. The blonde was just about to say something as she brought the last bag into her new quarters when she saw a young woman walking towards her looking a little bit confused. It would not of been a usual sight seeing they were in a dry dock and there were lots of people walking around who weren’t known , but this woman wore a style of clothing that was not the usual mediaeval garb that that were used to now.

“Hi… are you lost?” Nollel said loudly so both Burnie and the girl could hear her She knew she could have only come onboard with permission so she was a new crew member but there was always a little bit of doubt.

Hearing Nollel's question, and tone, Burnie poked his head out the door. The young woman in the hallway wasn't crew, or a local, but therewas something about her that seemed almost familiar ...the shape of her face... "Hey, hi there. Are you Cassie's granddaughter?"

“Granddaughter?” Nollel questioned in a quiet voice as she tried to connect it all but the girl nodded.

“I did not realise she had told anyone about our connection?” The woman was young but her voice had the same quirk than most Vulcans had even one who had a little human in.

"Don't worry, it's not widely known," he assured. "Just senior staff. I'm Michael Burnstein, Chief Engineer. Pleased to meet you."

Brown, perfectly groomed hair is pulled back to reveal a very young, tense face. Bright brown eyes, set delicately within their sockets, watch thoughtfully the pair before the young woman held out her hand first to Nollel who took it with a smile as her shock wore off. “Nollel… chief… dogsbody.” She introduced herself.

“Maras.” The woman said with a small nod.

"Welcome aboard, Maras," Burnie said jovially. "Are you staying with Cassie or do have other quarters assigned?"

"Oh, I have quarters assigned. I am thinking Cassie is still trying to wrap her whole head around everything that happened when she was on Earth despite her kindness in helping me get away from it all." She got the distinct impression that Cassie had been eager to have a break from it all once she had shown her around.

Burnie's brows lifted. He knew there was some sort of situation behind why Cassie had taken her granddaughter with her, but he hadn't heard the details. "I hope you'll find this a good place to get over ..whatever all that was about," he said, a bit awkwardly he realized a second after saying it. "Anyway, if you need help moving in, we can help out after we're done with our own moving."

The pair seemed nice enough to the young woman. The man had done most of the talking, but she could feel the blondes gaze on her trying to work her out. Not in an unkind way, but as if she was trying to think on the best way to help her which led her to think on if they could help out. “I do not know.” Now that she got a proper look at the pair after awkward introduction, she realised they were carrying stuff. “Oh yeah I can help. Do you have much more left?”

"Just what's in the hallway..." Burnie started.

At that moment a robotic dog trotted out of Burnie's quarters. "The bedroom boxes have been placed. I am ready for the next load," K-9 announced.

"Thanks, K-9. This is Maras. She's going to help us."

"I am pleased to meet you, Maras," K-9 said, offering a canine type bow.

Maras took a step back to look at the robotic dog. She hadn’t seen one like that since her childhood. She crouched a little to pat him on the head and say what a good dog it was before smiling at Burnie. “Your creation?” She asked picking up the last stray bag.

"Yes. Yes, he is," Burnie replied proudly. "Helper, guard dog, and all around great companion."

K-9 dipped his head, tail swishing lightly. "Thank you, Master. It is a pleasure to be part of your growing family."

My dad used to have something similar back when I was a child from his grandfather so it was a really old model that eventually was not able to be repaired but it was so helpful.” She said fondly as she tried to picture the scene of her childhood in her mind. Nollel smiled at Burnie before glancing at the teenager lost in her own thoughts.

“Great minds think alike?” Nollel prompted as she started to lead the way to her new quarters.

“Oh yeah. Definitely, great minds think alike. Cassie said you guys were brilliant I did not realise just how brilliant.” The young woman nodded at them.

"Nollel's brilliant. Me?" Burnie shrugged. "I'm just a nut who likes to tinker. Your grandmother, though, she is a brilliant scientist, so I'll take the compliment," he said with a grin. "How about you? What are you into?"

Nollel rolled her eyes and nudged him to argue against the just a nut comment but she just smiled proudly. “Thank you dear. And he is quite brilliant but does not believe it.” Nollel explained.

“Cassie is brilliant. I am surprised she never went back to Starfleet but my field of expertise is… was history. I am not really sure if it is something I am into anymore.” The young woman admitted with a bit of a shrug. She was really struggling to find something to cling on to.

"Nothing wrong with history," Burnie said, moving a box to the table. "My parents are both historians. Of course, that makes me the reverse of the old joke about how the kids of engineers rebel by growing up to be art history majors," he joked.

Maras could not see the joke but offered a quirk of her lips. “Not in the slightest but not sure it is my expertise anymore. I have a lot to think about.” The young woman admitted turning to help unload the rest of the boxes as Nollel watched Maras intrigued.

Bunie exchanged a glance with Nollel and gave a small helpless shrug. He wasn't the one who was good at people and felt at loose ends, unsure about how to proceed. Maras seemed to be going through something, and ignoring that seemed wrong, but she wasn't saying much and quite possibly didn't want to, so he didn't want pry. It was one of those awkward situations where the engineer wished that people were more like engines.

Nollel smiled at her boyfriend and decided to take the lead. “I think we are nearly done here but why don’t you come and have dinner tonight with us out in Hysperia we were planning to meet some of our friends you could come along and meet more crew members.” Nollel offered quickly trying to dispense the awkwardness in the room.

“I shouldn’t. I would be impo…” Maras started.

“Not in the slightest.” Nollel argued not letting the woman get the words out.

Burnie nodded in between casting a grateful look at Nollel. "Yep. The more the merrier."

Nollel smiled back. She was the one who could people whilst he could not but he was a lot more subtle in what he was good at and she adored him for his quirks. “Say 18 hundred?” Nollel advised.

“Works for me. I will contact Cassie. She rushed off to meet someone when we got back.” Maras admitted. Nollel grinned more not having any doubt who that might have been.

Burnie smiled, but also refrained from saying anything about who it likely was she was meeting. Besides, 'do you know about your new potential grandpa?' was subject that was all kinds of awkward. "Tell her she's welcome to bring them along too."

“Thank you for being kind. I’ll see you later.” Maras raised an eyebrow at the comment but said nothing around the smiles as she offered a wave leaving. Nollel turned to Michael with her own upraised eyebrow and questions.

Burnie shrugged and rolled his hands palm up. "I only know Cassie was bringing granddaughter aboard to get her away from some kind of trouble. It's up to them if they want to tell anyone more than that."

“Completely but still odd.” Was all Nollel said before returning to starting to organise what was now in the room. She would see what dinner brought.


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